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Volume 45 Issue 1
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Luo Guangfu,He Jianfeng,Shao Hebin, et al. Distribution and environmental impact factors of ultraplankton abundance in the surface water of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cruise routes[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(1):102–113 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023014
Citation: Luo Guangfu,He Jianfeng,Shao Hebin, et al. Distribution and environmental impact factors of ultraplankton abundance in the surface water of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cruise routes[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(1):102–113 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023014

Distribution and environmental impact factors of ultraplankton abundance in the surface water of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cruise routes

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023014
  • Received Date: 2022-06-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-07-26
  • Available Online: 2022-08-05
  • Publish Date: 2023-01-09
  • The Antarctic cruise routes across different regions of the global oceans, it is of great significance to understand the global distribution of ultraplankton. During 33rd Chinese Antarctic Expedition, we used flow cytometry to investigate large-scale latitudinal distribution of ultraplankton abundance and its effect factors in the surface water along the cruise routes. The results showed that picoplankton accounted for 60% of total chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in the tropic and temperate zones and the contribution of picoplankton to total Chl a concentration varied from 15% to 40% in the Southern Ocean. Prochlorococcus (Pro) were mainly distributed in the north of 40°S, Synechococcus (Syn) were distributed in the north of 50°S, while pico-eukaryotes (PEuk) and heterotrophic bacteria (HBac) were detected and distributed in the Southern Ocean and along the cruise routes. The average abundance of Pro, Syn, PEuk and HBac were (5.50±9.09)×103 cells/mL, (13.56±20.33)×103 cells/mL, (3.87± 3.08)×103 cells/mL and (6.39±4.78)×105 cells/mL respectively on the latitudinal routes. The average abundance of PEuk and HBac were (3.31±1.46)×103 cells/mL and (4.68±4.39)×105 cells/mL in the Southern Ocean. Syn cells were detected in a few stations of the Antarctic waters, the average abundance was (0.38±0.39)×103 cells/mL. The results of environmental factor correlation analysis showed that there was a distinct negative correlation between PEuk abundance and temperature, and a distinct positive correlation between Pro abundance and temperature. Salinity and nutrients did not have obvious influence on the distribution of ultraplankton along the latitudinal. There was a close negative correlation between ultraplankton abundance and nutrients in the Southern Ocean. Nitrate, phosphate and silicate were important factors in the Antarctic Peninsula. Nitrate and phosphate were main environmental factors in the Ross Sea.
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