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2023 Vol. 45, No. 1

2023, 45(1)
2023, 45(1)
Marine Chemistry
The spatial distribution characteristics of dissolved rare earth elements in seawater of REY-enriched region in South Pacific Ocean
Liu Hongna, Li Li, Ren Yijun, Wang Xiaojing, Liu Jihua, Shi Xuefa
2023, 45(1): 1-12. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023030
As potential mineral resources, rare earth elements and yttrium (REY)-rich sediments in deep-sea, have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. It is generally believed that the main source of REY should come from overlying seawater, but studies are in general lacking on the REY in overlying seawater in REY-enriched areas. In this paper, the dissolved concentrations and vertical distributions of 15 REY were studied in three stations located in the South Pacific Ocean, where enriched REY concentrations were found in sediments. Data obtained from this study were compared with data reported in adjacent waters and other ocean basins. The REY concentration in surface water of the study area was mainly controlled by wind-driven dust input, while the middle and deep waters were controlled by water masses. After the normalization of Post Achaean Australian Shale (PAAS) and North Pacific deep water (NPDW), the fractionation characteristics of REY can be clearly identified, and different water mass characteristics can be distinguished. When compared to data reported in other ocean basins and adjacent waters, more differences are found in surface waters due to dust and terrestrial inputs, while the REY concentrations in Indian Ocean are similar to the study region; the REY concentrations in deep water show a positive correlation with the age of water mass, i.e. the concentrations of REY from small to large are Atlantic, Indian Ocean, South Pacific, North Pacific.
Marine Biology
Seasonal and spatial changes in functional diversity of fish communities in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands
Zou Jianyu, Liu Shude, Zhang Chongliang, Xue Ying, Ji Yupeng, Xu Binduo
2023, 45(1): 13-24. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023008
In order to identify the functional diversity of the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands in the ecotone between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, based on the quarterly survey of fish biological resources and environment factors from October 2016 to August 2017, combined with 13 functional traits such as feeding habit, trophic level, migration type, thermophily, resilience and fish eggs type, the spatio-temporal pattern of functional diversity and its relationship with environmental factors were studied by using community weighted mean index (CWM), functional diversity index and Spearman rank correlation analysis. The results showed that the dominant species of fish community in spring and winter were depressiform, warm temperate and demersal species with the characteristics of anterior or upper mouth, low growth coefficient, high vulnerability, low resilience and non-migration or short distance migration. The dominant species in summer and autumn showed more functional traits, such as long distance migration, pelagic, fusiform and compressiform. FRic in summer and autumn was significantly higher than that in spring and winter, FEve was the highest in spring, and FDiv was the lowest in autumn and was significantly lower than other seasons. FEve in spring and season and FDiv in spring and autumn showed a trend of high in the west and low in the east, while FRic in summer and winter and FEve in autumn showed a trend of high in the east and low in the west. There was a certain correlation between environmental factors and functional diversity index. As an ecotone between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, the functional traits of the dominant species and functional diversity show seasonal variations made by the fish migration, and the spatial pattern of functional diversity shows complexity and heterogeneity made by environment changing in the adjacent waters of the Changshan Islands.
Preliminary study on the food web and potential carbon sources of main consumers in Zhongjieshan Islands sea area in Zhoushan, Zhejiang
Yang Fan, Yin Rui, Fan Jiangtao, Jiang Rijin, Xiao Yi, Wang Jing, Xu Hanxiang, Liu Mingzhi
2023, 45(1): 25-37. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023056
In order to understand the characteristics of food web structure in Zhongjieshan Islands, consumer samples of fish, shrimp and crabs, cephalopods, shellfish and zooplankton were collected from Zhongjieshan Islands in July 2020. Based on the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope techniques, the contributions of the four potential carbon sources (macroalgae, phytoplankton, suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and substrate organic matter (SOM)) to consumers, as well as the food web structure and nutritional relationship of the Zhongjieshan Islands were analyzed. The results revealed that the δ13C values of carbon sources ranged from −22.93‰ to −9.73‰, and the δ15N values ranged from 1.72‰ to 7.68‰. The δ13C values of consumers ranged from −21.95‰ to −12.55‰, and the δ15N values of consumers ranged from 4.13‰ to 12.92‰. One-way analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences in carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes among different carbon sources and different groups of consumers (p<0.01). SIBER model was used to analyze the trophic structure indexes of the regional ecosystem of Zhongjieshan Islands. Compared with the research results of other sea areas, it was found that the level of food source diversity (CR), trophic level length (NR) and total niche area (TA) were relatively high. SIAR model was used to calculate the carbon source contribution rate. The results showed that phytoplankton and POM were important carbon sources, with an average contribution rate of 29.63% and 28.72%. The maximum contribution rate of phytoplankton to zooplankton was 80.58%, and the maximum contribution rate of POM to fish was 79.74%; the maximum contribution rate of SOM to shrimp and crab was 49.94%; the carbon source contribution of macroalgae to consumers was the lowest, with an average of 18.37%. The mean trophic level range of the main consumers in Zhongjieshan Islands was 1.58 to 3.63, and the trophic level was 3. The average trophic level from big to small was as follows of cephalopods (3.09), fish (3.00), shrimps and crabs (2.70), shellfish (1.82). The consumers in the waters of Zhongjieshan Islands were mainly low and intermediate carnivores, and there were few omnivores and high carnivores. This study initially constructed the ecosystem food web of Zhongjieshan Islands, which provided reference data for understanding the trophic structure in this area, and also provided theoretical information for further study of the ecosystem.
Spatial distribution patterns of meiofauna and the influencing environmental factors in the southern Yellow Sea in summer and autumn
Song Yuanliu, Liu Xiaoshou
2023, 45(1): 38-52. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023020
To study the spatial distribution patterns of meiofauna in the southern Yellow Sea and the influencing environmental factors, two cruises were conducted in the southern Yellow Sea in August (summer) and November (autumn) 2020 to analyze the taxa composition, abundance, biomass, vertical distribution, community structure of meiofauna and their relationship with environmental factors. The results showed that a total of 15 taxa of meiofauna were identified, among which free-living marine nematode was the most dominant group, accounting for 75.6% and 84.6% of the total abundance of meiofauna in the two cruises, respectively. Other important groups were benthic copepods, rotifers and cladocerans. The average abundance of meiofauna in summer and autumn was (514.9±32.1) ind./(10 cm2) and (350.8±30.7) ind./(10 cm2), and the average biomass (dry weight) was (651.7±98.0) μg/(10 cm2) and (589.2±37.1) μg/(10 cm2), respectively. There were differences both in the spatial and temporal distribution of meiofauna. In terms of seasonal distribution, highly significant differences were found in the abundance and taxa composition of meiofauna. Combined with the analysis results of environmental factors, the sediment median diameter was the main environmental factor causing the differences. In terms of spatial distribution, the abundance of meiofauna and community structure differed significantly along the water depth gradient in summer, while no significant differences were found along the water depth gradient in autumn. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass was supposed to be the main factor affecting the spatial distribution of meiofauna in summer. The abundance and taxa diversity of meiofauna in this study were lower compared with other studies on meiofauna in the southern Yellow Sea. The sediment chlorophyll a and organic matter contents were the important factors causing the change in abundance of meiofauna in the southern Yellow Sea. The assessment of the abundance ratio of marine nematodes to copepods (N/C ratio) showed the presence of organic pollution in the area in autumn, while this result was not consistent with that of the macrofaunal assemblages in the environmental quality evaluation of the same area, and further studies are needed for the application of N/C ratio to evaluate the environmental quality.
Growth dynamics of Pholis fangi in Haizhou Bay and influencing factors explored by mixed-effect models
Zhao Tianya, Yang Xiaogai, Li Xun, Xue Ying, Xu Binduo, Ji Yupeng, Ren Yiping, Zhang Chongliang
2023, 45(1): 53-61. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023028
According to the Pholis fangi otoliths collected from bottom-trawl surveys in Haizhou Bay during from 2015 to 2019, linear mixed-effects model (LMEM) was used to study the interannual variation of growth rate of P. fangi from 2013 to 2018 and assess the response of the growth of P. fangi at different ages to external environmental factors such as bottom temperature, chlorophyll content and population density. The results showed that the otolith increment of P. fangi differed significantly between ages, with the mean otolith increment of 0.327 mm at 0 year old, significantly higher than that at another ages. The random-effects showed that the growth rate of P. fangi showed an increasing trend from 2013 to 2015, with a fluctuating trend from 2016 to 2018. The main factors affecting the growth of P. fangi at 0 year old were bottom temperature and population density. The growth rate increased and then decreased with the increase of bottom temperature, and decreased with the increase of population density. The effect of environmental factors on the growth rate of P. fangi at 1 year old were not significant, reflecting the ability of adults to adapt to the environment. This study provided insight into the growth dynamics of fish in response to biotic and abiotic factors, which will help to cope with the impact of climate change on fishery ecosystems.
Effects of sulfide stress on blood ${{\bf {SO}} _4^{2-}} $ concentration and SULT1B1-12 gene expression in Sinonovacula constricta
Sun Huimiao, Shen Weiliang, Chen Caifang, Lin Zhihua, Han Qingxi
2023, 45(1): 62-70. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023004
As a typical dwelled tidal shellfish, Sinonovacula constricta is often exposed to sulfide-rich environment and shows strong sulfide tolerance. The cytosolic sulfotransferase 1B1 (SULT1B1) is located at downstream of the sulfur metabolism pathway, while it is a key enzyme catalyzing the sulfation reaction and plays an important role in the biotransformation of endogenous substances such as thyroid hormones (THs). In order to study the role of ScSULT1B1-12 in sulfur resistance, the sequence characteristics were analyzed by bioinformatics method. Combined with the changes of blood \begin{document}${\rm {SO}} _4^{2-} $\end{document} concentration, the spatial expression and temporal expression profiles during 72 h sulfide stress (50 μmol/L, 150 μmol/L, 300 μmol/L) were studied. The full-length cDNA of ScSULT1B1-12 gene was 1 100 bp, containing an open reading frame of 897 bp, and encoding 298 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that ScSULT1B1-12 contains four catalytic active sites (56K, 104N, 106H, and 134A), one PAPS binding domain (YPKSGTXW) at N terminal, and one PAPS binding and dimerization domain (RKGXXGDWKNXFTVXXE) at C terminal, indicating that it was structurally able to catalyze the sulfation reaction. Spatial expression showed that ScSULT1B1-12 was highly expressed in gills, followed by the adductor muscle and hepatopancreas. Blood \begin{document}${\rm {SO}} _4^{2-} $\end{document} concentration decreased, and the expression patterns of ScSULT1B1-12 also declined with fluctuation after sulfide stress, indicating that sulfate can be further transformed to sulfated donors, and ScSULT1B1-12-mediated sulfation may be inhibited to keep THs at a certain level in S. constricta, in order to strengthen the metabolic and immune functions, and make the organism adapt the adverse environment of high sulfide.
Coral lipids are an important energy source when their symbiotic zooxanthellae density decreases
Men Zheng, Chen Hanji, Xu Shendong, Yu Kefu, Mo Hongyan
2023, 45(1): 71-79. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023022
Coral bleaching has become increasingly severe in recent years. Bleaching means a decrease in the symbiotic zooxanthellae density in corals. However, the significance of lipids in corals to maintain the stability of energy supply when the zooxanthellae density decreases remains unclear. Favia palauensis and Porites lutea samples collected in the Xisha Islands in March and June 2020 as materials were used in this study. By combining physiological parameters (zooxanthellae density and lipid content) with geochemical indexes (stable nitrogen isotope δ15Nz value of zooxanthellae), the response of coral lipids to the changes in zooxanthellae density and photosynthetic intensity was investigated. The results showed that the zooxanthellae density and δ15Nz value of two genera of corals decreased significantly in summer, implying that the decrease in zooxanthellae density in summer resulted in a decrease in their photosynthetic intensity. At the same time, the lipid content of the two genera of corals also decreased significantly, and the lipid content was positively correlated with zooxanthellae density and δ15Nz value, indicating that there was a coupling relationship between the coral lipid content and the changes of the photosynthetic intensity of zooxanthellae. When photosynthesis intensity decreases, coral can better maintain the stability of energy supply by consuming their own stored lipids, which is of great significance to improve their adaptability to environmental stress and bleaching resilience.
Composition and distribution of methane metabolic archaea in oceanic surface sediments
Liu Hao, Xu Qiutong, Wang Chunsheng, Jing Hongmei
2023, 45(1): 80-88. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023010
The microorganisms that generate and utilize methane are recognized as the key parts of global methane cycle, and their metabolic process has significant effects on global climate change. The knowledge upon composition and distribution characteristics of these methane metabolic microorganisms in global ocean sediments is the basis to understand the participation of methane metabolizing microorganisms in marine sediments in methane cycle. Pyrosequencing based on functional gene mcrA (methyl coenzyme-M reductase A) was applied to study the community composition and abundance of methane metabolic microbes in global ocean sediments, and their abundance together with those of archaea were estimated with fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR. Compared with other marine habitats, the methane metabolic archaeal communities in the deep ocean sediments had a much lower diversity and simpler community structure. The α-diversity in Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean was significantly higher than that in the Pacific Ocean (p<0.05). Methanogens revealed from this study belong to three orders, Methanobacteriales, Methanosarcinales, and Methanomicrobiales. Methanomicrobiales as the dominant one was predominated by an unknown OSD group. The average abundance (wet weight, the same below) of archaeal 16S rRNA gene in all sediments was 8.81×106 copies/g. Those in Atlantic Ocean was lower than the other two oceans; while those in the Mariana Trench was lower than in the northern part of the South China Sea, and tended to decrease with the increase of sediment depth. The abundance of mcrA gene in all sediment samples was 1.38×103–8.25×104 copies/g. Those in Atlantic Ocean was the highest. It revealed that low abundance and diversity of methane metabolic archaea in the deep-sea sediments, and the high similarities among different communities among samples in different oceans. In addition, the OSD group recovered as the predominant group in this study had no close relationship with any other known genotypes in the GenBank, therefore, its taxonomic status was unknown and deserve further study.
Relative contributions of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms to nitrification potential in sediments from Bohai Sea and South Yellow Sea
Li Mingyue, Zhen Yu, Li Siqi, Mi Tiezhu, He Hui
2023, 45(1): 89-101. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023018
Nitrification is a pivotal process in the marine nitrogen cycle. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) drive the ammonia oxidation, which is the first and rate-limiting step in nitrification, and their relative contributions to nitrification are ones of the most important topics related to the nitrogen cycle in ocean. In this study, surface sediment samples at 20 sites from Bohai Sea and South Yellow Sea were collected in April and May, 2019. The relative contributions of AOA and AOB to nitrification potential were studied in the microcosmic experiment. The results showed that the potential nitrification rates (PNRs, in terms of nitrogen) ranged from 0.004 6 μmol/(g·d) to 0.283 1 μmol/(g·d), in which potential nitrification rate of AOA and AOB ranged from 0.004 3 μmol/(g·d) to 0.274 3 μmol/(g·d) and 0.000 4 μmol/(g·d) to 0.056 0 μmol/(g·d), respectively. AOA was the main contributor to the nitrification therein, whose contribution rate was 59.79%−97.95% in Bohai Sea and 18.47%−94.26% in South Yellow Sea, respectively. The potential nitrification rates in surface sediments from Bohai Sea were significantly higher than those from South Yellow Sea. Besides, salinity was a key environmental factor for potential nitrification rates, and high \begin{document}${{\rm {NO}}_3^-} $\end{document} concentration might indicated high nitrification potential. It was speculated that AOA played a more vital role than AOB in estuarine and coastal areas, and nitrification potential decreased from estuarine and near-shore region to the open sea. This study provides evidences for further evaluation of nitrogen cycle in coastal areas.
Distribution and environmental impact factors of ultraplankton abundance in the surface water of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cruise routes
Luo Guangfu, He Jianfeng, Shao Hebin, Cao Shu’nan, Lan Musheng, Zhang Di
2023, 45(1): 102-113. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023014
The Antarctic cruise routes across different regions of the global oceans, it is of great significance to understand the global distribution of ultraplankton. During 33rd Chinese Antarctic Expedition, we used flow cytometry to investigate large-scale latitudinal distribution of ultraplankton abundance and its effect factors in the surface water along the cruise routes. The results showed that picoplankton accounted for 60% of total chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in the tropic and temperate zones and the contribution of picoplankton to total Chl a concentration varied from 15% to 40% in the Southern Ocean. Prochlorococcus (Pro) were mainly distributed in the north of 40°S, Synechococcus (Syn) were distributed in the north of 50°S, while pico-eukaryotes (PEuk) and heterotrophic bacteria (HBac) were detected and distributed in the Southern Ocean and along the cruise routes. The average abundance of Pro, Syn, PEuk and HBac were (5.50±9.09)×103 cells/mL, (13.56±20.33)×103 cells/mL, (3.87± 3.08)×103 cells/mL and (6.39±4.78)×105 cells/mL respectively on the latitudinal routes. The average abundance of PEuk and HBac were (3.31±1.46)×103 cells/mL and (4.68±4.39)×105 cells/mL in the Southern Ocean. Syn cells were detected in a few stations of the Antarctic waters, the average abundance was (0.38±0.39)×103 cells/mL. The results of environmental factor correlation analysis showed that there was a distinct negative correlation between PEuk abundance and temperature, and a distinct positive correlation between Pro abundance and temperature. Salinity and nutrients did not have obvious influence on the distribution of ultraplankton along the latitudinal. There was a close negative correlation between ultraplankton abundance and nutrients in the Southern Ocean. Nitrate, phosphate and silicate were important factors in the Antarctic Peninsula. Nitrate and phosphate were main environmental factors in the Ross Sea.
Regulation of phytoplankton distribution by characteristic water masses in the northern Chukchi Sea, Arctic
Fei Shuyi, Li Ji, Gao Yuan, Ge Yuehao, Guo Zhengdong, Gao Yonghui
2023, 45(1): 114-124. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023016
Based on ecological observations of the northern Chukchi Sea and the western Canada Basin junction zore, We found that within the upper 150 m, the phytoplankton distribution was complicated by dominant water masses: the Melting Water (MW), the Alaskan Coastal Water (ACW) transported with the Beaufort Gyre (BG), and summer Bering Sea Water (sBSW). The changes of temperature and nutrients were closely related to water mass, and the physical-biochemical coupling effect further affects the distribution and community structure of phytoplankton. The Chl a maximum concentration layer often existed in the dim water of about 50 m depth. In the nutrient-rich sBSW and ACW dominant water-mass, phytoplankton were dominant by netplankton (74% of the total Chl a concentration) and picoplankton (65% of the total Chl a concentration). In the early stage of bloom, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was relative limited to phosphate, while bioavailable nitrogen was still above the absolute limit threshold. The DIN-Salinity conservative mixing model showed that phytoplankton significantly removed nitrogen, and the nitrogen-uptake was positively related to Chl a concentration. The amount of nitrogen uptake in ACW water mass with slightly higher temperature was higher than that in sBSW water mass. In response to Arctic warming, the enhanced Beaufort Gyre, and nutrient supply from ACW and sBSW, Chl a concentration of phytoplankton in this region (ranged from 0.04−0.69 mg/m3 with an average of (0.327±0.163) mg/m3) were higher than the historical observations. This will increase the carbon absorption flux in the Arctic sea area, which is conducive to its development as a carbon sink area.
Marine Technology
Shallow water bathymetry using remote sensing based on spectral stratification
Chu Sensen, Cheng Liang, Cheng Jian, Zhang Xuedong, Liu Jinming
2023, 45(1): 125-137. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023024
Shallow water bathymetry using remote sensing is an important technology in marine geodesy. The Stumpf ratio and Lyzenga polynomial methods, as classic representative algorithms, are widely used and many improved algorithms have been developed. However, these methods do not take into account the bathymetry ability of different spectra. In this study, we propose a bathymetry method based on spectral stratification. Firstly, according to the difference in the penetration ability of red, green and blue spectra to the waterbody, an image-based nonparametric spectral layering strategy is proposed to extract the red, green and blue layers. Then, based on the band bathymetric performance of different spectral layers, we constructed a bathymetric inversion optimization model by spectral layers and further obtained the shallow water bathymetry. The Changxian Reef in the Nansha sea area and Buck Island Reef in U.S. Virgin Islands are selected as test cases to validate the proposed method. Compared with the classical Stumpf ratio and Lyzenga polynomial methods, the root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean relative error (MRE) of the proposed method have decreased by 0.41−0.89 m, 0.35−0.65 m, and 4%−19% respectively. Particularly, the accuracy of the red light layer (i.e., the shallow water depth) is significantly improved, and the MRE is reduced by 58%−149%. Our findings suggest that the proposed bathymetry method based on spectral stratification is feasible and effective in improving the accuracy of the shallow water depth estimation and has good potential for future applications.
In-situ monitoring of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in seawater by fiber-coupled micro-channel reaction system
Jiang Shuangcheng, Du Hong, Zheng Huidong, Tang Xinhua, Pan Wentao, Gao Jun, Fan Danyang, Lin Qi, Lü Haixia, Lin Xucong
2023, 45(1): 138-146. doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023006
In-situ monitoring of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and nitrite (\begin{document}${\rm{NO}}_2^- $\end{document}) in seawater is important for evaluating water eutrophication. To date, it is difficult to achieve fluorescence and spectrophotometric analysis of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in a single detection module, and the efficient integration and utilization of instruments are limited. Herein, in view of this problem, a fiber-coupled micro-channel reaction system was proposed based on technologies such as optical wavelength cutting, optical fiber waveguide and micro-channel reaction Z-cell detection, and realized the fluorescence detection of ammonia nitrogen and the in-situ determination of nitrite by spectrophotometry in the same detection system. The results showed that the mode switching of fluorescence and visible photometry could be realized and NH3-N and \begin{document}${\rm{NO}}_2^- $\end{document} was accomplished by this technique, respectively. Under the constant temperature condition, the drift value of fluorescence signal in NH3-N measurement was less than −2.0%, and the absorbance intensity of \begin{document}${\rm{NO}}_2^- $\end{document} measurement was stable. Little effect on the determination of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite was provided by different salinity. The acceptable measurement error of ammonia nitrogen under different turbidity ranged in −6.6% to 2.5%, and the measurement error of \begin{document}${\rm{NO}}_2^- $\end{document} after turbidity compensation correction was less than 0.1%. The instrument was applied to the in-situ analysis of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in aquaculture seawater, and the detection value achieve by this method was consistent with the standard method. This method realized in-situ automatic detection of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in a same module, and provided a new idea for the better integration of in-situ monitoring instruments for real-time monitoring of NH3-N and \begin{document}${\rm{NO}}_2^- $\end{document} in seawater.