The research progress of microorganisms in seagrass meadows
摘要: 海草是一类生长于海洋环境中的单子叶植物。细菌、真菌、微藻、古生菌和病毒等微生物栖息在海草器官及其周围环境中,对海草生长、营养和健康以及海草床物质循环起着重要作用。本文通过分析与总结国内外参考文献,简要介绍了海草床微生物的一些新的研究进展,并讨论了将来可能进行的研究方向。海草微生物组与沉积物和海水中的微生物群落存在较大差异,其分布在离散且高度异质性的生态位,且该模式在广泛的地理尺度上保持不变,不是受海草种类和沉积物类型控制,而是主要取决于环境驱动与海草代谢。大部分海草核心微生物群落都参与硫循环。今后可采用模拟实验、生态模型、基因组、宏基因组、转录组与代谢组等技术方法研究海草床微生物的多样性、组成、功能、定植与病害等。此外,揭示海草床中微生物、海草和环境之间的相互关系,对保护受威胁的海草床具有重要意义。Abstract: Seagrass are a kind of monocotyledonous plants growing in marine environments. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, microalgae, archaea and viruses inhabiting seagrass organs and environment play an important role in controlling growth, nutrition and health of seagrass, and maintaining material cycling in seagrass meadows. In this paper, we briefly summarized some recent progresses in studying of microorganisms in seagrass meadows, and discussed the possible directions for future research in this area. Seagrasses microbiome is significantly different from the microbial community in sediment and seawater, which is distributed in discrete and highly heterogeneous ecological niches, and the model remains consistent on a wide geographical scale. It is not controlled by the seagrasses species and sediment types, but mainly depended on the environment and the metabolism of seagrasses. Most seagrass core microbial communities are associated with the sulfur cycle. In the future, methods such as simulation experiment, the ecological model, genome, metagenome, metatranscriptome and metabolome can be used to study diversity, composition, function, colonization and diseases of microorganisms in seagrass meadows. Additionally, it is of great significance to reveal the interrelationships among microorganisms, seagrasses and the environment for the protection of threatened seagrass meadows.
Key words:
- seagrass meadows /
- holobiont /
- core microbiome /
- diversity /
- environment
表 1 已知的海草病原体和宿主
Tab. 1 Known seagrass pathogens and hosts
海草宿主 病原体 症状 参考文献 Zostera marina Oomycetes, Heterokonta 抑制和降低海草种子萌发,抑制
幼苗发育[47−48] Zostera marina, Zostera muelleri, Zostera caulescens,
Zostera japonica, Zostera noltii, Zostera pacifica, Cymodocea nodosa, Posidonia oceanica
Ruppia cirrhosa, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia testudinum,Labyrinthulomycetes,Heterokonta 海草叶子损伤 [51] Halophila ovalis Phytomyxea, Rhizaria, Plasmodiophora 枝瘿 [45] Ruppia brachypus, Ruppia rostellata, Ruppia spiralis, Ruppia maritimus Phytomyxea, Rhizaria 枝瘿 [45] -
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