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Ma Xiaochuan, Luan Zhendong, Zhang Xin, Zheng Cuie, Yan Jun, Sun Dajun. Near-bottom topography measurement using ROV and its application in a deep-sea hydrothermal field in the Manus Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 76-84.
Citation: Ma Xiaochuan, Luan Zhendong, Zhang Xin, Zheng Cuie, Yan Jun, Sun Dajun. Near-bottom topography measurement using ROV and its application in a deep-sea hydrothermal field in the Manus Basin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 76-84.

Near-bottom topography measurement using ROV and its application in a deep-sea hydrothermal field in the Manus Basin

  • Received Date: 2016-06-08
  • It is necessary to deploy high-resolution topographic surveys in a typical small target in deep-sea areas (e. g. hydrothermal seep, ridge area) to support the future further studies, after the full-covered topography data acquisition of the large study area using a shipborne mutli-beam system. Here, we select PACMANUS hydrothermal area as target area in the Manus Basin and deploy a near-bottom full-covered survey to obtain topography data basing on "FAXIAN" ROV. Results show that Long Baseline provide a reliable high-precision positioning relying on the ship dynamic positioning system and a differential GPS. The resolution of seabed topography which is near-bottom measured by ROV is tens of times better than that obtained by an onboard multi-beam system. High-resolution terrain clearly shows the detailed characters of the terrain in the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, and some cones are corresponding to the locations of the discovered hydrothermal points and volcanic area. Further analysis show that hydrothermal points mainly developed on the steep slopes whose gradients exceed 30°, and the causes are still unknown and need a further study. It is a reliable mean for obtaining high-resolution topography data by deploying near-bottom measurements using ROV, which will promote the development of deep-sea scientific research.
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