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Tian Feng, Ou Suying, Yang Hao, Liu Feng. Study on the flocs characteristic and dynamics effects in the Lingdingyang Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 55-67.
Citation: Tian Feng, Ou Suying, Yang Hao, Liu Feng. Study on the flocs characteristic and dynamics effects in the Lingdingyang Estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 55-67.

Study on the flocs characteristic and dynamics effects in the Lingdingyang Estuary

  • Received Date: 2016-06-18
  • Flocculation plays an important role at the behavior of fine sediment in estuary. During 22-29 of July, 2013, the suspended sediment concentration, size of floc, tidal current, salinity and wave were observed in Lingdingyang Estuary by LISST-100 together with other instruments. Based on these situ data and laboratory analysis of dispersed suspended sediment, the characteristics of sediment flocculation and the influences of dynamic factors on flocculation were studied. The results show that there were obvious flocculation at observed filed of Lingdingyang Estuary, which the mean situ floc size is 148.53 μm, larger than the mean size of laboratory dispersed sediment particles (36.74 μm). The settling velocity was positively correlated with effective density and floc size, while the effective density of floc in Lingdingyang Estuary was about 153.49 kg/m3, and the average settling velocity reached 1.13 mm/s; floc size in flood and neap tide was larger than ebb and spring tide, the flocculation in middle water column was greater than upper water and bottom water. The effects of turbulent shear, suspended sediment concentration, salinity stratification and wave on flocculation in Lingdingyang Estuary were considered. The in situ data shows that under low turbulent shear (<5 s-1), low suspended sediment concentration (<50 mg/L) and high volume concentration, promoted the flocculation, and floc would break-up when strength of turbulent shear and particles collision were greater than strength floc can withstand. Salinity stratification result in volume concentration increased rapidly in the middle water column due to sediment trapping, which promote flocculation. The increase of short wind wave also help the flocculation at upper water during in observation period.
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