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Zhou Liang, Gao Shu, Yang Yang, Zhao Yanggang, Han Zhuochen, Wang Dandan, Jia Peihong, Yin Yong. Comparison of paleostorm events between sedimentary and historical archives: A 350 year record from southeastern Hainan Island coastal embayments[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(9): 84-94.
Citation: Zhou Liang, Gao Shu, Yang Yang, Zhao Yanggang, Han Zhuochen, Wang Dandan, Jia Peihong, Yin Yong. Comparison of paleostorm events between sedimentary and historical archives: A 350 year record from southeastern Hainan Island coastal embayments[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(9): 84-94.

Comparison of paleostorm events between sedimentary and historical archives: A 350 year record from southeastern Hainan Island coastal embayments

  • Received Date: 2014-12-02
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-01-23
  • Coastal lagoon deposits may provide evidence for the history of past intense tropical cyclones activities. In the present study, sediment cores from two coastal lagoons (Li'an Lagoon and Xincun Lagoon) of southeastern Hainan Island have been analyzed to address this issue. Storm-induced deposits were identified on the basis of detailed core descriptions, loss-on-ignition (LOI) and grain size analysis. Storm layers associated with 35 typhoon events have been identified from two short cores. The age of storm events calculated using 210Pb dating method with the CRS model is in agreement with historical documents. On such a basis, a 350 year history of local typhoon activities is reconstructed by incorporating the 210Pb dating results, typhoon-induced sediment records and the historical documents. A comparison of the frequency of typhoon occurrence with the regional climate records indicates that storm activity patterns may be related to EI Niño, Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), sunspot, and other potential climate drivers that affect the tropical cyclone variability. Thus, our study shows that storm events can be obtained from coastal lagoon deposits, which would provide meaningful information on past storm activities in long-term scales.
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