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XU Zhi-wei, WANG Ya-ping, LI Yan, MA Fei, ZHANG Fan, YE Chang-jiang. Sediment transport patterns in the eastern Beibu Gulf based on grain-size multivariate statistics and provenance analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(3): 67-78.
Citation: XU Zhi-wei, WANG Ya-ping, LI Yan, MA Fei, ZHANG Fan, YE Chang-jiang. Sediment transport patterns in the eastern Beibu Gulf based on grain-size multivariate statistics and provenance analysis[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2010, 32(3): 67-78.

Sediment transport patterns in the eastern Beibu Gulf based on grain-size multivariate statistics and provenance analysis

  • Received Date: 2009-04-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2009-11-25
  • Sediment samples collected from the eastern Beibu Gulf were analyzed in the laboratory to obtain grain-size distributions and mineral components. Four main control factors are obtained using a factor analysis. Factor 1 is contributed by 2.5Φ-3.75Φ and 5.75Φ-7.75Φ. Factor 2 respects fine suspended load component, indicating that the provenance contribution from the Qiongzhou Strait and the high score area is consistent with the weak circulation. Factor 3 is a indicator of terrigenous coarse bedload component from the west and northwest coast of the Beibu Gulf. Factor 4 can reflect the transportation by the coastal current along the east coast off Hainan Island and the west of Guangdong Province. The study area can be separated into four subareas of the sediment sources on the basis of heavy mineral analysis. A grain-size trend analysis model is separately used for the four subareas to estimate the net sediment transport pathways, which can remove the affects induced by the sediment mixing from different sources. A converge center of grain-size trend vectors in the area of the west of Hainan Island might result from the mixing of different sources of sediments, instead of sediment transport. Actually, the northward transport dominates this area of the west of Hainan Island. Another converge center in the northern area is well agreement with the local geomorphology and large-scale ocean circulation pattern. Thus, the application of grain-size trend should consider the effect of sediment sources and spatial scales in order to derive the reasonable net sediment transport pathways.
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