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QIAO Ran, WANG Zhang-gui, CHEN Zhi, LI Shi-ming, YU Yan-hong, LÜ hong-gang. Distribution of marine carbon dioxide and its relationship with other marine parameters and air-sea anomalies[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2005, 27(6): 30-37.
QIAO Ran, WANG Zhang-gui, CHEN Zhi, LI Shi-ming, YU Yan-hong, LÜ hong-gang. Distribution of marine carbon dioxide and its relationship with other marine parameters and air-sea anomalies[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2005, 27(6): 30-37.
QIAO Ran, WANG Zhang-gui, CHEN Zhi, LI Shi-ming, YU Yan-hong, LÜ hong-gang. Distribution of marine carbon dioxide and its relationship with other marine parameters and air-sea anomalies[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2005, 27(6): 30-37.
QIAO Ran, WANG Zhang-gui, CHEN Zhi, LI Shi-ming, YU Yan-hong, LÜ hong-gang. Distribution of marine carbon dioxide and its relationship with other marine parameters and air-sea anomalies[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2005, 27(6): 30-37.
During "TOGA" and "China-Japan joint investigation of the subtropical circulation",the total dissolved carbon dioxide in surface and deep water and sea-air partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface and deep water were measured in November 1986 and June 1996 with the coulometer and gas chromatography systems.The distribution and variation of the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide on the basis of the data of carbon dioxide partial pressure value in air (A) and carbon dioxide partial pressure value in the surface water were measured during the 14 cruises "TOGA" and "China-Japan joint investigation of the subtropical circulation".The carbon dioxide partial pressure value in the surface water observed over the equatorial area,5°N~5°S and 130°~165°E,exceed the carbon dioxide partial pressure value in air by 1.5 to 4.5 Pa,indicating that in this area there is a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide.These values are much smaller than those of up to +9.1 Pa observed in the central equatorial Pacific and those of up to +15 Pa observed in the eastern equatorial Pacific.It appears,therefore,that the intensity of the oceanic carbon dioxide source decreases westward.In autumnt here is a stronger source and in spring there is a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide,in the subtropical circulation.On the basis of nine cruises of carbon dioxide data in surface and deep water measured,major factors temperature and salinity influencing carbon dioxide in seaw ater were discussed,the distribution and variation of carbon dioxide may berelated to the current,wAter mass,Kuroshio and ENSO.
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