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Volume 42 Issue 12
Jan.  2021
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Article Contents
Qian Mengting,Gong Jingwen,Fan Jiangtao, et al. Variations in the abundance and spatial distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean based on photosynthetic active radiation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(12):44–53 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.12.005
Citation: Qian Mengting,Gong Jingwen,Fan Jiangtao, et al. Variations in the abundance and spatial distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean based on photosynthetic active radiation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(12):44–53 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.12.005

Variations in the abundance and spatial distribution of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean based on photosynthetic active radiation

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.12.005
  • Received Date: 2019-08-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-11-07
  • Available Online: 2020-12-24
  • Publish Date: 2020-12-25
  • The photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) plays a significant role in regulating ocean primary productivity, so it may indirectly affect the abundance and spatial distribution of cephalopods. In this study, we examined the relationship between photosynthetic active radiation and Ommastrephes bartramii stocks in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, and evaluated the impacts of the anomalous climatic environments on the squid stocks, based on the fishery data during 2006−2015 obtained from the squid-jigging Science and Technology Group of Shanghai Ocean University and the remotely satellite data of PAR. The results indicated that catch per unit effort (CPUE), latitudinal gravity center (LATG), PAR and its spatial distribution exhibited significant monthly variation. From July to November, the suitable range of PAR was 36−39 E/(m2·d) in July, 33−36 E/(m2·d) in August, 24−27 E/(m2·d) in September, 18 E/(m2·d) in October and 12 E/(m2·d) in November. The most favorable PAR was 36 E/(m2·d), 33 E/(m2·d), 27 E/(m2·d), 18 E/(m2·d), 12 E/(m2·d), respectively, from July to November. The results showed that a significant positive relationship (p<0.05) was found between CPUE and PAR, and further a significantly positive correlation (p<0.05) was found between CPUE and the monthly percentages of suitable PAR accounting for the whole fishing ground. Meanwhile, the LATG varied with the mean latitude of the most preferred PAR in each month. Finally, under the anomalous climatic environments, the CPUE in the La Niña years is higher than that in the El Niño years, which may be caused by the higher PAR in the La Niña years. Our findings indicated that the PAR strongly affected the abundance and spatial distribution of O.bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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