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Sha Hongjie,Zhang Dong,Cui Dandan, et al. Remote sensing prediction method of coastline based on self-adaptive profile morphology[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2019, 41(9):170–180,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2019.09.016
Citation: Sha Hongjie,Zhang Dong,Cui Dandan, et al. Remote sensing prediction method of coastline based on self-adaptive profile morphology[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2019, 41(9):170–180,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193. 2019.09.016

Remote sensing prediction method of coastline based on self-adaptive profile morphology

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.09.016
  • Received Date: 2018-09-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-12-06
  • Available Online: 2021-04-21
  • Publish Date: 2019-09-25
  • The muddy coast has a large change in scouring and silting, and the beach profile is diverse. Firstly, according to the tidal range relationship between muti-temporal remote sensing watelines, the shape of the shoreline is automatically judged, and then the different functions are used to fit the profile. A new method of coastline remote sensing prediction based on self-adaptive profile morphology is constructed. The central muddy coast in Jiangsu has been empirically applied. The research shows that the concave-shaped erosion shore section, the slope-shaped gentle bank section and the upper convex-shaped siltation section use a three-exponential decay function, a linear function and a second-order polynomial function respectively to have a good profile fitting effect, using three waterlines. The absolute slope error of the profile obtained by data fitting is 0.20‰, –0.17‰, and 0.13‰, respectively, which is less than an order of magnitude than the measured average slope. When using the five waterlines data fitting to calculate the coastline, the error of the coastline plane position of the erosion shore section and gentle shore section are 6.5 m and –91.96 m, respectively, and the error is reduced by about 82.4% compared with the average slope method. Further consideration of seasonal changes in the beach, using the waterline data of the winter to calculate the coastline, has little effect on the erosion of the shore and the long section of the silt, but for the slope-shaped smooth section, the error is reduced by about 63.65%, so the use of winter waterline data has a higher shoreline projection accuracy than the season without distinction.
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