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Peng Quancai, Song Jinming, Li Ning. Compositions,sources and ecological risk of 6 antibacterial agents in surface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(10): 71-83. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.10.008
Citation: Peng Quancai, Song Jinming, Li Ning. Compositions,sources and ecological risk of 6 antibacterial agents in surface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(10): 71-83. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.10.008

Compositions,sources and ecological risk of 6 antibacterial agents in surface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.10.008
  • Received Date: 2018-05-03
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-06-26
  • Antimicrobial agents, which are widely used by humans and animals, could enter the marine environment with runoff and point source discharge. The characteristics of distribution, migration and the risk of ecological environment of antimicrobial agents have attracted much attention. Studying the marine biogeochemical behavior of antibiotics is significant for the sustainable utilization of marine resources and environment. The solid phase extraction-high efficiency liquid chromatography-multireaction monitoring scanning mode-mass spectrometry (SPE-HPLC-MRM-MSMS) method was used to analyze the concentration and distribution characteristics of typical antibiotics (6 categories, 20 types) in the surface water of the Jiaozhou Bay. The results showed that the total concentration of the antibiotic pollutions ranged from 12.59 ng/L to 147.69 ng/L. The pollution of Tetracycline in the surface water was the most prominent with the highest average concentration of 41.32 ng/L, followed by Lincomycin (8.56 ng/L), Quinolones (2.62 ng/L), Sulfonamides (1.15 ng/L), Macrolides (0.82 ng/L), and Cephalosporins (0.35 ng/L). Cephalosporins and Lincomycin were firstly detected in marine environment of China and the highest concentration of lincomycin reached to 96.40 ng/L. The concentation of antibiotics in the surface water decreased from inshore area to the offshore area. Within the bay, the eastern district showed higher concentrations of antibiotics compared with the western district. The inshore area in east inner bay (station S5) showed the highest average concentration. The proportions of antibiotics for human use, veterinary use and human and animal sharing use were 52.0%, 30.2% and 17.8%,respectively, while antibiotics for human use were the main source of antibiotic contamination in the Jiaozhou Bay. The results of ecological risk assessment showed that the residual Ofloxacin and Lincomycin in the surface water of the Jiaozhou Bay have high ecological risk to the sensitive species. Station S5 was in high risk and monitoring should be emphasized to reduce the damag/>
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