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Ren Chunyan, Chen Min, Gao Zhongyong, Guo Laodong, Jia Renming, Liu Xiao, Qiu Yusheng, Zheng Minfang. Stable carbon isotopic composition of suspended particulate organic matter in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(12): 74-84. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.12.008
Citation: Ren Chunyan, Chen Min, Gao Zhongyong, Guo Laodong, Jia Renming, Liu Xiao, Qiu Yusheng, Zheng Minfang. Stable carbon isotopic composition of suspended particulate organic matter in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(12): 74-84. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.12.008

Stable carbon isotopic composition of suspended particulate organic matter in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.12.008
  • Received Date: 2015-09-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-10-18
  • To better understand carbon and particle dynamics in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas,stable carbon isotopic composition in suspended particulate organic matter(POM) along with aqueous CO2,nutrients and hydrographic data were measured to examine the spatial and vertical distributions of δ13CPOC and their controlling factors during the 29th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition. Furthermore,carbon isotope fractionation factor during the assimilation of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) by phytoplankton in the mixed layer was estimated. Our results showed that δ13CPOC ranged from-28.5‰ to-21.1‰ with an average of-24.6‰,showing an increase trend from the inner bay to open waters outside the Bay. Carbon isotope fractionation factor during phytoplankton DIC assimilation in the mixed layer was estimated to be 23.4‰ based on the relationship between δ13CPOC and 1/[CO2(aq)],and was the major controlling factor for δ13CPOC values in the mixed layer in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas. Values of δ13CPOC increased in general with increasing depth in the study areas,ascribing to the isotope fractionation during POM remineralization.
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