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Volume 45 Issue 12
Dec.  2023
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Article Contents
Lin Wuhui,Du Yunfeng,Yu Kefu, et al. Exploring and optimizing characterization of radionuclide fingerprint for tracking sediment source: Comparison of mangrove, seagrass,and coral reef ecosystems[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):58–66 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023175
Citation: Lin Wuhui,Du Yunfeng,Yu Kefu, et al. Exploring and optimizing characterization of radionuclide fingerprint for tracking sediment source: Comparison of mangrove, seagrass,and coral reef ecosystems[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):58–66 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023175

Exploring and optimizing characterization of radionuclide fingerprint for tracking sediment source: Comparison of mangrove, seagrass,and coral reef ecosystems

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023175
  • Received Date: 2023-02-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-06-30
  • Available Online: 2024-01-03
  • Publish Date: 2023-12-01
  • Sediment source is a key issue in sedimentology. Although sediment geochemistry is an important tool in sedimentology, the explorations and applications of radionuclides in sediment geochemistry are still limited. In this study, naturally occurring radionuclides (238U, 226Ra, 228Ra, and 40K) in sediments were simultaneously measured using a high-purity germanium γ-spectrometer in three typical ecosystems of mangrove, seagrass, and coral reefs. The distribution characteristics of radionuclides in sediments from the these ecosystems were discussed in one-dimensional view of activity level, two-dimensional view of radionuclide pairs and activity ratio, and three-dimensional view of ternary diagram of radionuclides to identify distinct sources of sediments. Ternary diagram of 238U-232Th(228Ra)-40K/10 in sediments was applied in the China different seas for tracking distinct sediment sources. This study emphasized that the three-dimensional view of ternary diagram of 238U-232Th(228Ra)-40K/10 comprehensively exhibited the information of activity level, composition, and spatial distribution area of radionuclides. In conclusion, ternary diagram of 238U-232Th(228Ra)-40K/10 may be an optimized method for source identification in sediments and provide a supplement to the existing tools of geochemical proxies.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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