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孙蓓蓓 任建华 张嘉伟 孙文轩 李铁 朱茂旭

孙蓓蓓,任建华,张嘉伟,等. 渤海莱州湾沉积物中锰、铁、硫成岩循环及铁和锰扩散通量研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–13
引用本文: 孙蓓蓓,任建华,张嘉伟,等. 渤海莱州湾沉积物中锰、铁、硫成岩循环及铁和锰扩散通量研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–13
Sun Beibei,Ren Jianhua,Zhang Jiawei, et al. Manganese, iron and sulfur diagenesis and diffusive fluxes of porewater iron and manganese in sediments of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–13
Citation: Sun Beibei,Ren Jianhua,Zhang Jiawei, et al. Manganese, iron and sulfur diagenesis and diffusive fluxes of porewater iron and manganese in sediments of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–13


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42176041);崂山实验室“十四五”重大项目:海洋环境新污染物防治与水环境安全(2022QNLM040002)。



    朱茂旭(1967—),男,湖南省澧县人,教授,从事海洋化学研究。E-mail: zhumaoxu@ouc.edu.cn

Manganese, iron and sulfur diagenesis and diffusive fluxes of porewater iron and manganese in sediments of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea

  • 摘要: 通过莱州湾四个站点沉积物柱样固相和孔隙水化学分析,揭示了Mn、Fe、S的成岩循环及其对陆源输入和人为扰动的响应。结果表明,水体富营养化未导致沉积物中有机碳富集,陆源低活性有机碳输入以及自然过程和人为扰动导致的沉积物强烈再悬浮致使沉积物有机碳含量和活性低,不利于硫酸盐还原,沉积物中总还原无机硫含量低(0.28~88 μmol/g)。孔隙水Mn2+主要来源于无定形或弱晶型锰氧化物的还原溶解,而MnCO3沉淀则是深部(> 10 cm)孔隙水Mn2+消耗的主要机制。有机碳低活性以及沉积物强烈再悬浮有利于铁异化还原,该路径对有机碳厌氧矿化的平均贡献约为51%。在受黄河输入影响显著的站点(S6),动态的沉积环境促进了锰氧化还原,但抑制了铁和硫酸盐还原。莱州湾沉积物孔隙水Mn2+和Fe2+扩散通量位于其它受河流输入影响海域的低值端,这可归因于有机碳的低活性。
  • 图  1  莱州湾采样站点图

    Fig.  1  Sampling sites in laizhou bay

    图  2  四个沉积物柱样中粒度的垂直分布

    Fig.  2  Vertical profiles of grain-size distributions in four sediment cores

    图  3  四个沉积物柱样中TOC、TN和δ13C的垂直分布

    Fig.  3  Vertical profiles of TOC, TN, and δ13C in four sediment cores

    图  4  四个沉积物柱样中固相锰形态垂直分布

    Fig.  4  Vertical profiles of solid-phase mn forms in four sediment cores

    图  5  四个沉积物柱样中铁形态的垂直分布

    Fig.  5  Vertical profiles of fe forms in four sediment cores

    图  6  四个沉积物柱样中固相还原硫形态垂直分布

    Fig.  6  Vertical profiles of solid-phase reduced sulfur forms in four sediment cores

    图  7  沉积物柱样中孔隙水Mn2+和Fe2+浓度剖面(圆圈)、拟合浓度剖面(实线)以及拟合生成速率(虚线)

    Fig.  7  Vertical profiles of porewater Mn2+ and Fe2+ (circle), model-fitted concentration (solid line), and production rate (dashed line)

    图  8  沉积物柱样中TN与TOC相关性

    Fig.  8  Correlation between TN and TOC in sediment cores

    图  9  孔隙水Mn2+和Fe2+扩散通量与表层沉积物活性锰和活性铁的相关性

    Fig.  9  Correlations of diffusive flux of porewater Mn2+ and Fe2+ with extractable Mn and Fe contents in surface sediments

    图  10  沉积物中TRIS与TOC的含量关系(虚线为正常海洋沉积物TOC/TRIS质量比平均值2.8[63]

    Fig.  10  Relationship between TRIS and TOC in sediment cores (the dashed line shows the mean TOC/TRIS mass ratio of 2.8 for normal marine sediments)

    表  1  PROFILE拟合得到的孔隙水Mn2+和Fe2+深度积分生成速率和扩散通量

    Tab.  1  Depth-integrated rates of porewater Mn2+ and Fe2+ production, and diffusive fluxes fitted by PROFILE

    站点 12 cm深度的深度积分速率/
    nmol cm−2 d−1
    μmol m−2 d−1
    Fe2+ Mn2+ Fe2+ Mn2+
    S6 0.5 6.0 −1.0 −62.1
    R4 1.3 2.6 −12.6 −14.2
    N6 6.9 4.4 −38.9 −39.8
    S5 1.9 5.7 −17.8 −53.7
    下载: 导出CSV
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