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赵崴 王利锋 牛生丽 吕航 宋舒娴 焦俊男 宋庆君 陆应诚

赵崴,王利锋,牛生丽,等. 基于多源遥感数据的“交响乐”轮溢油污染监测[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–11
引用本文: 赵崴,王利锋,牛生丽,等. 基于多源遥感数据的“交响乐”轮溢油污染监测[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–11
Zhao Wei,Wang Lifeng,Niu Shengli, et al. Multi-remote sensing of spilled oils from A Symphony tanker collision in the Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–11
Citation: Zhao Wei,Wang Lifeng,Niu Shengli, et al. Multi-remote sensing of spilled oils from A Symphony tanker collision in the Yellow Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–11


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42371380;42071387;42176183)。




  • 中图分类号: X834

Multi-remote sensing of spilled oils from A Symphony tanker collision in the Yellow Sea

  • 摘要: 溢油是海洋生态环境监测的重点对象。合成孔径雷达、光学遥感与热红外遥感等卫星技术开展海洋溢油监测的机理已得到阐明,发挥多源遥感的技术特点和应用优势,实现海洋溢油的精准监测与量化评估,为海洋环境保护提供重要的技术支撑。2021年4月27日巴拿马籍“义海”轮与利比里亚籍“交响乐”油轮在青岛外海发生碰撞,导致约9400吨船载货油泄漏入海。本文利用多源卫星遥感数据,监测并分析了该事故海域的溢油污染覆盖状况及其乳化溢油分布特征。基于溢油多源遥感响应机理与响应特征,优化了多源卫星遥感数据的处理流程,实现了溢油覆盖区域的识别与多种溢油污染类型的分类。结果表明:2021年5月1日至5月22日,“交响乐”轮溢油污染事件累积溢油像元覆盖面积为2368.7 km2,其中乳化溢油像元覆盖面积为1019.3 km2,乳化油面积占比达43.0%,单日最大溢油像元面积达734 km2;多源遥感监测结果可以互为验证,光学遥感更具备识别不同溢油污染的能力,其中乳化溢油代表了污染危害的关键所在,从而提高了海洋溢油污染的监测评估精度,为溢油污染事件的危害评估与精细化监测提供可靠的技术与方法参考。
  • 图  1  “交响乐”轮溢油事件研究区域(a)“交响乐”轮碰撞点及溢油污染最大覆盖范围;(b)5月1日13时18分研究区域内HY-1D CZI传感器观测结果, 研究区域内首次发现溢油痕迹;(c)5月25日10时41分研究区域内HY-1 C CZI传感器观测结果, 研究区域内已无明显溢油;(d),(e)分别对应图(b)和(c)中白色虚线区域,(d)为海面低风速区,(e)可观察到“交响乐”轮及明显的海面溢油

    Fig.  1  Study area for A Symphony tanker collision event: (a) Collision point of A Symphony tanker and maximum coverage of oil spill pollution; (b) the HY-1 D CZI image at 13:18 on 1 May, and oil spill traces were first discovered in the study area; (c) the HY-1 C CZI image at 10:41 on 25 May, and no apparent oil spill was observed in the study area; (d) and (e) correspond to the white dashed areas in (b) and (c), respectively; (d) is a low-wind zone on the sea surface; (e) shows A Symphony tanker and the obvious oil spill traces.

    图  2  2021年4月27日-5月22日“交响乐”轮碰撞事件时间线及多源卫星遥感数据

    Fig.  2  Timeline of A Symphony tanker collision event from April 27 to May 22, 2021 with corresponding multi- remote sensing data

    图  3  多源遥感数据溢油定量监测处理流程

    Fig.  3  Flow chart for quantitative oil spill monitoring of multi-source remote sensing data

    图  4  光学遥感数据在不同耀光条件下的溢油响应特征(a1)-(c1):5月21日准同步Sentinel-2 MSI(R:655 nm G:560 nm B:492 nm),HJ-2(R:660 nm G:560 nm B:470 nm),HY-1 C(R:650 nm G:560 nm B:460 nm)光学真彩色合成数据;(a2)-(c3):不同传感器油膜反射率特征差异;(a3)-(c3):溢油光学识别分类结果

    Fig.  4  Oil spill response characteristics of optical remote sensing under different sunglint conditions (a1)-(c1): Quasi-synchronous Sentinel-2 MSI (R: 655 nm G: 560 nm B: 492 nm), HJ-2 (R: 660 nm G: 560 nm B: 470 nm) and HY-1 C (R: 650 nm G: 560 nm B: 460 nm) optical true-color composite data from May 21; (a2)-(c2): Differences in reflectance characteristics of oil films for different sensors; (a3)-(c3): optical identification and classification of oil spill

    图  5  多源遥感数据的光学与SAR溢油响应特征(a1)-(d1):5月2日准同步HY-1 D(R:650 nm G:560 nm B:460 nm),HJ-2(R:660 nm G:560 nm B:470nm),GF-1(R:660 nm G:555 nm B:485 nm)光学真彩色合成数据及GF-3 SAR数据;(a2)-(d2):溢油识别分类结果

    Fig.  5  Oil spill response characteristics of optical remote sensing and SAR (a1)-(d1): Quasi-simultaneous HY-1D (R: 650 nm G: 560 nm B: 460 nm), HJ-2 (R: 660 nm G: 560 nm B: 470 nm) and GF-1 (R: 660 nm G: 555 nm B: 485 nm) optical true-color composites and GF-3 on May 2 SAR data; (a2)-(d2): identification and classification of oil spill in (a1)-(d1)

    图  6  Landsat 8 光学数据及热红外数据的溢油响应特征(a1)5月13日Landsat 8 OLI(R:655 nm G:563 nm B:483 nm)光学真彩色合成数据;(b1)5月22日Landsat 8 OLI光学真彩色合成数据;(c1)5月13日Landsat 8 TIRS热红外数据(d1)5月22日Landsat8 TIRS热红外数据;(a2)-(d2):溢油识别分类结果

    Fig.  6  Oil spill response characteristics of Landsat 8 optical and thermal infrared data (a1) Landsat 8 OLI (R: 655 nm G: 563 nm B: 483 nm) optical true-color composite data on 13 May; (b1) Landsat 8 OLI optical true-color composite data on 22 May; (c1) Landsat 8 TIRS thermal infrared data on 13 May; (d1) Landsat 8 TIRS thermal infrared data on 22 May; (a2)-(d2): identification and classification of oil spill in (a1)-(d1)

    图  7  基于多源遥感数据的识别分类结果

    Fig.  7  Identification and classification of oil spill based on multi- remote sensing data

    图  8  “交响乐”轮溢油像元面积统计结果

    Fig.  8  Statistical results of pixel area of oil spill for A Symphony tanker

    图  9  (a)Sentinel-2 MSI光学真彩色合成数据;(b)光谱响应特征;(c)溢油识别提取结果;(d)乳化油归一化浓度估算结果

    Fig.  9  (a) optical true-color composite of Sentinel-2 MSI; (b) spectral response characteristics; (c) Identification and classification of oil spill; (d) the estimation of emulsified normalized oil concentration

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