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宋广增 李明 张帅 严德天 刘恩涛 陈思

宋广增,李明,张帅,等. 珠三坳陷西北部浅海陆架砂体时空演化及成因机制[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(2):62–73 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023017
引用本文: 宋广增,李明,张帅,等. 珠三坳陷西北部浅海陆架砂体时空演化及成因机制[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(2):62–73 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023017
Song Guangzeng,Li Ming,Zhang Shuai, et al. Temporal and spatial evolution and genetic mechanism of shallow continental shelf sandbodies in the northwestern Zhusan Depression[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(2):62–73 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023017
Citation: Song Guangzeng,Li Ming,Zhang Shuai, et al. Temporal and spatial evolution and genetic mechanism of shallow continental shelf sandbodies in the northwestern Zhusan Depression[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(2):62–73 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023017


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023017
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42002127, 41702114);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2019QD008)。


  • 中图分类号: P736.21+2

Temporal and spatial evolution and genetic mechanism of shallow continental shelf sandbodies in the northwestern Zhusan Depression

  • 摘要: 为阐明珠三坳陷西北部珠江组一段上亚段浅海陆架砂体成因机制,综合地质与地球物理数据,首先搭建了五级层序地层格架,并以此为约束,开展浅海陆架砂体识别与定量描述,剖析其时空演化规律,进而讨论其成因机制。结果表明:(1)研究区珠江组一段上亚段可划分为4个五级层序,自下向上编号为FS4、FS3、FS2与FS1;(2)研究区发育潮流沙脊与滨外沙坝两种类型陆架砂体,两者整体呈NW−SE向展布,潮流沙脊主要分布于研究区西部,滨外沙坝则集中于东部;(3)FS4、FS3与FS2 3个五级层序中,潮流沙脊与滨外沙坝均呈现较大规模与较多数量,最上部FS1五级层序中,规模与数量达到最小;(4)沉积基准面(水动力)、同沉积地貌、沉积物碎屑供给等因素共同影响了潮流沙脊与滨外沙坝的发育规模、展布特征与时空演化规律等,综合构成了珠三坳陷西北部浅海陆架砂体的成因机制。
  • 图  1  珠江口盆地珠三坳陷构造格局与研究区位置

    a. 珠三坳陷位置;b. 研究区位置

    Fig.  1  Tectonic framework of the Zhusan Depression in the Zhujiangkou Basin and the location of the interested area

    a. The location of Zhusan Depression; b. the location of the interested area

    图  2  珠江组一段上部高频层序界面测井响应特征(钻井W10,井位置见图1与图7)

    Fig.  2  Logging response characteristics of high frequency sequence boundary in the upper sub-member of the first member of Zhujiang Formation (well W10, see Figures 1 and 7 for the location)

    图  3  珠江组一段高频层序界面T40a地震相响应特征(地震剖面过钻井W10)

    Fig.  3  The response characteristics of the seismic facies of high frequency sequence boundary T40a in the first member of Zhujiang Formation (the seismic profile passes through well W10)

    图  4  珠江组一段高频层序沉积持续时间

    Fig.  4  Duration of high frequency sequence deposition in the first member of Zhujiang Formation

    图  5  井震结合下的五级层序界面识别与层序格架搭建

    Fig.  5  Identification of five-order sequence interface and sequence framework construction under well seismic combination

    图  6  潮流沙脊与滨外沙坝测井相与地震相特征

    Fig.  6  Characteristics of the logging facies and seismic facies of the tidal sand ridge and offshore sand bar

    图  7  珠江组一段上亚段浅海陆架砂体连井对比图

    Fig.  7  Shallow continental shelf sandbody inter-well correlation diagram of the upper submember of the first member of Zhujiang Formation

    图  8  高频层序约束下的浅海陆架砂体平面展布特征

    Fig.  8  Plane distribution characteristics of shallow continental shelf sandbodies constrained by high frequency sequences

    图  9  浅海陆架砂体时空演化规律

    Fig.  9  The temporal and spatial evolution of the shallow continental shelf sandbodies

    图  10  珠三坳陷西北部珠江组一段沉积期构造古地貌特征

    Fig.  10  The paleogeomorphology characteristics during the depositon of Zhujiang Formation in the northwestern Zhusan Depression

    图  11  珠江组一段上亚段与下亚段连井对比图

    Fig.  11  Comparison diagram of connecting wells between upper and lower submembers of the first member of Zhujiang Formation

    图  12  浅海陆架砂体成因机制模式图

    Fig.  12  Model of genetic mechanism of the shallow continental shelf sand body

    表  1  珠江组一段上亚段浅海陆架砂体沉积特征及演化

    Tab.  1  Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of shallow-sea shelf sandbodies in the upper submember of the first member of Zhujiang Formation

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