Study on denitrification process of sediment in the Liaohe EstuaryAnalysis of the abundance of denitrification functional genes and the community structure of nirK-type bacteria
摘要: 近年来,辽河口沿岸人类活动频繁,工农业活动发达,大量的氮、磷等营养物质输入至感潮河段继而排放入海,导致辽河口水体富营养化程度加剧。沉积物区域是反硝化作用的重要发生地和微生物富集地。微生物能够将沉积物中的硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐还原为N2O和N2释放到大气中,进而减轻河口生态系统氮负荷。本文中的实验采用定量PCR技术测定辽河口表层沉积物反硝化过程功能基因narG、nirK、norB、nosZ的基因丰度,结果表明,主导硝酸盐还原的narG功能基因丰度最高。使用高通量测序技术对nirK型功能基因进行测序,结果显示,在辽河口反硝化细菌中Devosia、Phaeobacter、Alcaligenes、Pseudomonas菌属丰度较高。反硝化功能基因的丰度主要受到沉积物粒径的影响,norB基因丰度与多个环境因子显著相关。nirK型反硝化细菌的群落结构和多样性主要受盐度、pH、溶解氧以及NO2−的影响。研究分析了反硝化功能基因丰度和细菌群落结构及其主要影响因子,其结果为辽河口水体富营养化中氮元素归趋的认知提供理论依据。Abstract: In recent years, the water quality of the Liaohe Estuary has been declining, and a large input of nitrogen has increased the burden on the environment. The denitrification process releases nitrogen from sediments into the atmosphere in the form of N2O and N2, which reduces the nitrogen load in the estuarine ecosystem. In this study, quantitative PCR was used to determine the levels of four denitrification functional genes narG, nirK, norB and nosZ present in the surface sediments of the Liaohe Estuary. The narG gene, which dominates nitrate reduction, was found to be the most abundant. The nirK-type denitrification functional gene was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing. The results showed that the genus of denitrifying bacteria in the Liaohe Estuary was mainly Devosia, Phaeobacter, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas. The abundance of denitrification function genes is mainly affected by sediment properties, except that norB gene is significantly related to many environmental factors. The community structure and diversity of nirK type denitrifying bacteria are mainly affected by salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and
${\rm {NO}}_2^- $ contents. The effects of environmental factors on the abundance and community structure of denitrifying bacteria were studied. The results provided a theoretical basis for alleviating the fate of nitrogen elements in the eutrophication of Liaohe Estuary. -
图 6 基于LEfSe分析的辽河口沉积物中nirK型反硝化细菌的丰度柱状图(a)和进化分支图(b)
LDA SCORE是指用线性判别分析(LDA)对数据进行降维和评估差异显著的物种的影响力
Fig. 6 Abundance histogram (a) and evolutionary branch map (b) of nir K-type denitrifying bacteria in the sediments of the Liaohe Estuary based on LEfSe analysis
LDA SCORE means using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to reduce the dimension of data and evaluate the influence of species with significant differences
图 7 nirK型反硝化细菌群落与环境因子变量的冗余分析图
Fig. 7 Redundancy analysis of nirK-type denitrifying bacteria community and environmental factor variables
The horizontal axils and the vertical axils explained the variation of nirK gene in microbial community composition in two main dimensions
表 1 辽河口底层水中环境因子理化参数[11]
Tab. 1 Physical and chemical parameters of environmental factors in bottom water of the Liaohe Estuary[11]
站位 温度/℃ 盐度 电导率/mS·cm−1 pH DO浓度/mg·L−1 $ {{\rm {NH}}_4^+} $浓度/μmol·L−1 $ {{\rm {NO}}_2^-} $浓度/μmol·L−1 $ {{\rm {NO}}_3^- }$浓度/μmol·L−1 $ {{\rm {PO}}_4^{3-}} $浓度/μmol·L−1 A1 26.2 31.5 47.3 8.00 6.3 1.08 0.24 0.80 0.11 A2 27.0 28.7 44.6 7.99 6.3 1.11 0.32 7.27 0.13 A3 26.9 27.7 43.2 7.98 6.4 1.18 0.39 8.95 0.18 A4 26.7 25.5 40.0 7.94 6.1 1.49 0.48 12.32 0.01 B1 26.5 19.6 31.5 7.86 6.3 5.89 0.37 17.02 0.29 B2 27.0 20.7 33.1 7.92 6.1 5.61 0.35 15.27 0.20 B3 26.8 19.8 32.0 7.88 5.0 5.94 0.40 15.95 0.28 B4 26.5 13.1 21.8 7.72 3.3 9.50 0.61 15.23 0.27 C1 25.9 7.0 13.3 7.62 4.0 9.22 0.60 18.63 0.34 C2 26.0 5.5 9.7 7.57 3.1 14.28 1.02 22.06 0.40 C3 25.9 2.4 4.5 7.54 6.2 13.61 0.94 21.98 0.31 C4 25.7 0.8 15.8 7.54 6.9 11.83 0.93 5.08 0.23 表 2 辽河口表层沉积物中环境因子理化参数[11]
Tab. 2 Physical and chemical parameters of environmental factors in surface sediments of the Liaohe Estuary[11]
站位 TOC含量/% TP浓度/μg·g−1 TN浓度/μg·g−1 黏土含量/% 粉砂含量/% 砂含量/% A1 0.82 185.0 34.7 31.18 58.48 10.34 A2 0.43 57.2 40.2 23.53 51.55 24.92 A3 0.53 94.4 65.3 26.24 61.35 12.41 A4 0.56 90.3 60.5 31.01 60.13 8.85 B1 0.49 97.1 131.0 37.00 62.97 0.03 B2 0.70 99.6 298.0 14.57 56.67 28.76 B3 0.60 102.0 136.0 21.46 61.57 16.97 B4 0.14 117.0 76.5 12.60 59.54 27.87 C1 0.34 109.0 87.9 18.01 66.96 15.04 C2 0.34 47.8 38.3 4.64 47.36 47.99 C3 0.46 84.4 90.5 18.47 53.82 27.71 C4 0.34 26.6 30.1 2.67 12.45 84.88 表 3 反硝化功能基因的引物
Tab. 3 Primers for denitrification genes
基因 引物 5′-3′ 序列 参考文献 nirK FlaCu ATC ATG GTS CTG CCG CG [12] R3Cu GCC TCG ATC AGR TTG TGG TT nosZ nosZ1126F GGG CTB GGG CCR TTG CA [13] nosZ1138R GAA GCG RTC CTT SGA RAA CTTG narG narG571F CCG ATY CCG GCV ATG TCS AT [13] narG773R GGN ACG TTN GAD CCC CA norB norB1F CGN GAR TTY CTS GAR CAR CC [14] norB3R CCY TCV ACC CAG ASA TGC AC 表 4 辽河口nirK型反硝化细菌丰度及多样性
Tab. 4 Abundance and diversity of nirK
-type denitrifying bacteria in the Liaohe Estuary 采样点 OTUs
指数A1 112 37071 99.96 138.25 127.22 2.66 0.146 A2 96 36947 99.99 97.00 97.99 2.28 0.230 A3 121 36164 99.99 121.27 122.16 2.71 0.151 A4 132 30487 99.95 140.67 139.96 2.54 0.201 B1 126 30315 99.94 146.00 135.69 2.52 0.188 B2 136 32816 99.97 138.80 139.67 2.59 0.169 B3 237 37310 99.96 244.09 242.59 3.25 0.122 B4 162 31673 99.94 183.86 172.69 2.78 0.144 C1 236 37745 99.97 245.43 240.57 3.32 0.103 C2 305 37274 99.94 319.62 313.62 3.62 0.077 C3 291 36136 99.97 293.77 293.63 3.60 0.088 C4 160 33334 99.89 248.00 267.54 2.82 0.140 -
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