The net-phytoplankton community structure in the Bohai Sea in autumn 2014
摘要: 基于2014年秋季在渤海进行的水文、化学和生物方面的综合大面调查,研究了渤海网采浮游植物群落的结构特征,并结合文献资料,分析影响浮游植物群落结构形成的原因。结果显示:2014年渤海秋季共鉴定浮游植物3个门42属96种,其中以硅藻为主,为34属79种,占总物种的82%;甲藻门7属16种,占总物种的17%;金藻门1属1种。其中,角毛藻属的种类最多,共17种;其次为圆筛藻属,共13种。浮游植物总细胞丰度介于(0.71~72.15)×104 cells/m3,平均为13.88×104 cells/m3,硅藻与甲藻细胞丰度比值为2∶1,硅藻在莱州湾的细胞丰度极显著高于其他海区,甲藻在渤海中部海区的细胞丰度显著高于其他海区。浮游植物优势种主要为星脐圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus asteromphalus)、威氏圆筛藻(C. wailesii)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、梭状角藻(Ceratium fusus)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)。渤海秋季浮游植物群落多样性水平分布不均,局部海域由于单一优势种过量繁殖多样性降低,低值区分布于辽东湾和渤海海峡海域。与历史同期资料对比,渤海海域浮游植物群落出现明显的物种演替现象,甲藻中的角藻逐渐兴起,其在渤海中部及辽东湾的优势地位已经超过角毛藻属和圆筛藻属,渤海秋季局部海区浮游植物群落结构已经由硅藻控制转为硅藻和甲藻共同控制。Abstract: In the autumn of 2014, a comprehensive survey of hydrology, chemistry and biology in the Bohai Sea was carried out. The structure characteristics of phytoplankton community in the Bohai Sea were studied. The historical data were combined to analyze the formation of phytoplankton community structure. Three classes, including 42 genera, 96 species were found in the survey. Among of them, diatoms are the main species, with 34 genera and 79 species, accounting for 82% of the total species; 16 species of 7 genera of the dinoflagellates account for 17% of the total species; and 1 species of 1 genera of the Chrysophyta. Among them, the genera of Chaetoceros has the most species, a total of 17 species, followed by the genera of Coscinodiscus, a total of 13 species. The total cell abundance of phytoplankton is between 0.71×104 cells/m3 to 72.15×104 cells/m3, with an average of 13.88×104 cells/m3. The cell abundance ratio of diatom to dinoflagellate is 2∶1. The abundance of diatoms in the Laizhou Bay is significantly higher than that in other sea areas. The cell abundance of dinoflagellates in the central Bohai Sea is significantly higher than that in other sea areas. The dominant species of phytoplankton are mainly Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, C. wailesii, Paralia sulcata, Ceratium fusus and Noctiluca. Scintillans. Horizontal distribution of phytoplankton community diversity in the Bohai Sea is uneven in autumn, and the diversity of local sea area is reduced due to the overproduction of single dominant species, the low value areas in autumn are distributed in the Liaodong Bay and the Bohai Strait. Compared with the historical data, the phytoplankton community in the Bohai Sea have obvious species succession. The genara of Ceratium has gradually emerged, its dominance in the central Bohai Sea and Liaodong Bay have surpassed the genara of Chaetoceros and Coscinodiscus. The phytoplankton community structure transforms from dominating by diatoms to dominating by diatoms and dinoflagellates.
Key words:
- Bohai Sea /
- autumn /
- net-phytoplankton /
- community structure /
- red tide
图 5 渤海浮游植物细胞丰度的长期变化(a),硅藻和甲藻细胞丰度所占浮游植物总细胞丰度的百分比的长期变化(b),角毛藻属、圆筛藻属和角藻属的细胞丰度所占浮游植物总细胞丰度的百分比的长期变化(c)
Fig. 5 Long-term changes on phytoplankton cell abundances in the Bohai Sea (a); long-term changes in the percentage of diatom and dinoflagellate cell abundances to phytoplankton total cell abundance (b); long-term changes in the percentage of Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus and Ceratium cell abundances to phytoplankton total cell abundance (c)
表 1 调查海域浮游植物种名录
Tab. 1 List of phytoplankton in the surveyed area
中文学名 拉丁文学名 中文学名 拉丁文学名 硅藻 Bacillariophyta 丹麦细柱藻 Leptocylindrus danicus 八幅辐环藻* Actinocyclus octonarius 地中海细柱藻 Leptocylindrus mediterraneus 六幅辐裥藻 Actinoptychus senarius 短纹楔形藻 Licmophora abbreviata 冰河拟星杆藻 Asterionellopsis glacialis 膜状缪氏藻* Meuniera membranacea 派格棍形藻 Bacillaria paxillifera 新月菱形藻 Nitzschia closterium 优美辐杆藻 Bacteriastrum delicatulum 菱形藻 Nitzschia sp. 透明辐杆藻 Bacteriastrum hyalium 高齿状藻* Odontella regia 双角角管藻 Cerataulina bicornis 中华齿状藻* Odontella sinensis 窄隙角毛藻 Chaetoceros affinis var. affinis 具槽帕拉藻* Paralia sulcata 卡氏角毛藻 Chaetoceros castracanei 羽纹藻 Pinnularia sp. 环深沟角毛藻 Chaetoceros constrictus 端尖曲舟藻 Pleurosigma acutum 旋链角毛藻 Chaetoceros curvisetus 曲舟藻 Pleurosigma sp. 并基角毛藻 Chaetoceros decipiens f. decipiens 翼鼻状藻* Proboscia alata 密联角毛藻 Chaetoceros densus 柔弱伪菱形藻* Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima 齿角毛藻 Chaetoceros denticulatus f. denticulatus 尖刺伪菱形藻* Pseudo-nitzschia pungens 齿角毛藻瘦胞变型 Chaetoceros denticulatus f. angusta 翼鼻根管藻纤细变型 Rhizosolenia alata f. gracillima 冕孢角毛藻 Chaetoceros diadema 翼鼻根管藻印度变型 Rhizosolenia alata f. indica 双孢角毛藻 Chaetoceros didymus var. didymus 刚毛根管藻 Rhizosolenia setigera 爱氏角毛藻 Chaetoceros eibenii 笔尖型根管藻* Rhizosolenia styliformis var. styliformis 劳氏角毛藻 Chaetoceros lorenzianus 优美旭氏藻矮小变型 Schroederella delicatula f. schroederi 拟旋链角毛藻 Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus 掌状冠盖藻 Stephanopyxis palmeriana 嘴状角毛藻 Chaetoceros rostratus var. rostratus 塔形冠盖藻 Stephanopyxis turris var. turris 暹罗角毛藻 Chaetoceros siamense 伏氏海线藻* Thalassionema frauenfeldii 角毛藻 Chaetoceros sp. 菱形海线藻 Thalassionema nitzschioides 圆柱角毛藻 Chaetoceros teres 离心列海链藻 Thalassiosira eccentrica 豪猪棘冠藻 Corethrom hystrix 细长列海链藻 Thalassiosira leptopus 蛇目圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus argus 圆海链藻 Thalassiosira rotula 星脐圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus asteromphalus 海链藻 Thalassiosira sp. 中心圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus centralis 细弱海链藻 Thalassiosira subtilis 弓束圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus curvatulus 长海毛藻 Thalassiothrix longissima 巨圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus gigas 甲藻 Pyrrophyta 格氏圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus granii 血红哈卡藻* Akashiwo sanguinea 琼氏圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus jonesianus 塔玛亚历山大藻 Alexandrium tamarense 高圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus nobilis 叉状角藻 Ceratium furca 虹彩圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis 梭状角藻 Ceratium fusus 表 2 2014年秋季渤海不同海区浮游植物平均细胞丰度
Tab. 2 Phytoplankton cell abundance in different sea areas of the Bohai Sea in autumn 2014
海区 总丰度
/104 cells·m−3硅藻
/104 cells·m−3甲藻
/104 cells·m−3角毛藻
/104 cells·m−3圆筛藻
/104 cells·m−3根管藻
/104 cells·m−3角藻
/104 cells·m−3原多甲藻
/104 cells·m−3莱州湾 29.51 25.72 3.77 4.51 9.85 0.24 1.65 0.62 渤海湾 9.19 7.93 1.26 0.18 3.98 2.34 0.64 0.09 辽东湾 7.65 6.05 1.60 0.91 0.78 0.07 1.14 0.13 渤海中部 15.75 6.21 9.53 0.82 2.66 0.19 7.44 0.63 渤海 13.88 9.07 4.80 1.27 3.17 0.45 3.49 0.38 表 3 2014年秋季渤海优势种组成
Tab. 3 Phytoplankton dominant species composition in the Bohai Sea in autumn 2014
种类 占总细胞丰度的比例/% 出现频率fi/% 优势度Y 星脐圆筛藻 3.88 69 0.03 威氏圆筛藻 12.72 76 0.10 具槽帕拉藻 12.98 57 0.07 梭状角藻 22.48 90 0.20 夜光藻 4.51 92 0.04 表 4 2014年秋季渤海浮游植物优势种细胞丰度(单位:104 cells·m−3)
Tab. 4 Phytoplankton dominant species cell abundance in the Bohai Sea in autumn 2014 (unit: 104 cells·m−3)
海区 威氏圆筛藻 星脐圆筛藻 具槽帕拉藻 梭状角藻 夜光藻 莱州湾 7.32 0.58 0.08 0.78 1.40 渤海湾 1.18 2.56 0.00 0.34 0.52 辽东湾 0.65 0.04 3.57 1.05 0.29 渤海中部 0.99 0.25 1.42 6.97 0.69 渤海 1.77 0.54 1.80 3.12 0.63 表 5 2014年秋季渤海不同海区浮游植物群落多样性水平
Tab. 5 Levels of phytoplankton community diversity in different sea areas of the Bohai Sea in autumn 2014
海区 丰富度(D) 多样性指数(H´) 均匀度(J) 莱州湾 1.76 3.14 0.71 渤海湾 1.13 2.12 0.58 辽东湾 1.22 1.71 0.45 渤海中部 1.51 2.64 0.64 渤海 1.39 2.31 0.57 表 6 渤海浮游植物历史资料的比较
Tab. 6 Comparision of historic data of phytoplankton in the Bohai Sea
调查时间 采样方法 调查海域 细胞高值区分布 主要优势种 细胞丰度
/104cells·m−3参考文献 1958年秋季 网采 渤海 圆筛藻和菱形海线藻 — [27-28] 1982年10月 网采 渤海 海河口,莱州湾和39°00′N以北部分海区 圆筛藻、扁面角毛藻和窄隙角毛藻 179 [29] 1984年10月 网采 渤海 辽东湾南部及莱州湾 骨条藻、菱形海线藻、具槽帕拉藻、日本星杆藻、爱氏辐环藻、窄隙角毛藻和奇异菱形藻 86,低谷期 [30] 1992年10月 网采 渤海 莱州湾西南部和渤海中部西侧,秦皇岛至锦州沿岸 圆筛藻、角毛藻、诺氏海链藻和浮动弯角藻 90左右,高值区大于100,大部分低于10 [28,31] 2000年9月 网采 渤海 渤海中北部、渤海湾南部 偏心圆筛藻、三角角藻、浮动弯角藻、圆海链藻、梭状角藻和劳氏角毛藻、布氏双尾藻、佛氏海线藻和叉状角藻 1.19~872.85,平均118.61 [32] 2014年10月 网采 渤海 莱州湾的东北部和渤海中南部 星脐圆筛藻、威氏圆筛藻、具槽帕拉藻、梭状角藻和夜光藻 0.71~72.15,平均为13.88 本文 -
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