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王宗灵 傅明珠 周健 沈颂东 邵魁双 胡伟 肖洁 范士亮 张学雷

王宗灵,傅明珠,周健,等. 黄海浒苔绿潮防灾减灾现状与早期防控展望[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(8):1–11 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.001
引用本文: 王宗灵,傅明珠,周健,等. 黄海浒苔绿潮防灾减灾现状与早期防控展望[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(8):1–11 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.001
Wang Zongling,Fu Mingzhu,Zhou Jian, et al. Current situation of prevention and mitigation of the Yellow Sea green tide and proposing control measurements in the early stage[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(8):1–11 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.001
Citation: Wang Zongling,Fu Mingzhu,Zhou Jian, et al. Current situation of prevention and mitigation of the Yellow Sea green tide and proposing control measurements in the early stage[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(8):1–11 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.001


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2020.08.001
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1402100);国家自然科学基金(41876137,41876140,41876199);山东省支持青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室重大科技专项(2018SDKJ0505-4)。


  • 中图分类号: X55;Q178.53;P76

Current situation of prevention and mitigation of the Yellow Sea green tide and proposing control measurements in the early stage

  • 摘要: 截至2019年,浒苔绿潮连续12年大规模暴发,对近海生态系统、沿岸环境与社会经济造成严重影响,已经成为黄海最严重的生态环境问题。本文总结了黄海浒苔绿潮防灾减灾现状与成效,分析了存在的问题,然后基于对该绿潮起源与成因的认识,将其早期分为3个关键过程,即浒苔微观繁殖体在养殖设施上的着生与生长过程,定生浒苔脱离附着基形成漂浮浒苔过程,浅滩漂浮浒苔进入深水区形成大面积绿潮过程。最后分别从加强新材料与技术研发防控绿藻着生、强化养殖设施回收管理严控定生绿藻落滩、浅滩汇聚通道拦截打捞等3种途径提出了早期防控措施建议,以期为黄海浒苔绿潮的源头防控提供科学依据。
  • 图  1  黄海浒苔绿潮关键发展过程及防控途径示意图(防控途径I:养殖设施上大型绿藻着生与生长过程防控;防控途径II:养殖设施定生绿藻脱离附着基过程防控;防控途径III:浒苔绿潮源地汇聚通道拦截打捞)

    Fig.  1  Schematic diagram of key development processes and the corresponding prevention approaches of the Yellow Sea green tide (prevention approach I: preventing the attachment and growth of the green algae; prevention approach II: preventing the disposal of attached green algae from the aquaculture facilities; prevention approach III: the interception and collection of floating green algae in the major waterways)

    图  2  黄海浒苔绿潮规模与空间分布

    a. 浒苔绿潮规模(数据来源于文献[28]);b. 2016年6月23日浒苔绿潮空间分布;绿潮分布面积包络线的北边界距青岛岸线距离为10 km

    Fig.  2  Interannual variation of the Yellow Sea green tide and its distribution

    a. The blooming scales of Ulva prolifera green tide in the Yellow Sea (data are from reference [28]); b. distribution of U. prolifera green tide in the Yellow Sea on 23 June 2016; the distance between the north boundary of the floating green algae and the Qingdao coast is 10 km

    图  3  梗绳原地落滩自然掩埋试验

    a. 原地落滩;b. 自然掩埋的定生绿藻;c. 掩埋腐烂的定生绿藻

    Fig.  3  In situ experiment of the natural bury effects of sands on the green algae attached on the aquaculture ropes

    a. The aquaculture ropes settled on the mud flat; b. green algae buried in the sands; c. the green algae rotted after burried

    图  4  黄海浒苔绿潮发生早期空间分布

    a. 2012年5月;b. 2018年5−6月;c. 演化图;a、b中线条长短代表漂浮浒苔条带长度,圆圈代表漂浮绿藻斑块大小

    Fig.  4  Distributions and evolution of the floating bands at the early stage of the Yellow Sea green tide

    a. May 2012; b. May−June 2018; c. the evolution of the floating green algae; red line: the length of the floating U. prolifera bands, red circle: the patch size of the floating green algae

    图  5  漂浮浒苔浅滩汇聚通道


    Fig.  5  The major waterways transporting the floating U. prolifera

    No. 1−12 indicate the locations of the 12 major waterways

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