Comparison of extreme wind speeds predicted by Monte-Carlo simulation and empirical track model
摘要: 台风是我国东南沿海区域每年发生的严重自然灾害之一。本文分别采用传统的Monte-Carlo模拟方法以及较为先进的经验路径模拟方法预测中国东南沿海区域台风的极值风速(10 m高度处10 min平均值),并对两种方法的预测结果进行了对比。本文将东南海岸线向内陆扩展约200 km的区域划分为0.25°×0.25°的网格,以每个网格点作为研究点。首先采用Monte-Carlo模拟方法产生每个研究点1 000年间的虚拟台风事件。然后采用经验路径模型方法构建了西北太平洋1 000年的热带气旋事件集,采用模拟圆方法从中提取对各个研究站点有影响的台风事件。接着采用Yan Meng风场模型计算每个研究点台风的最大风速,构成极值风速序列。最后采用极值分布模型预测每个研究点不同重现期的极值风速,并对两种不同方法预测的结果进行了对比。研究发现在研究区域的内陆侧经验路径方法预测的风速略高于Monte-Carlo模拟方法预测的结果,而在海岸沿线一带经验路径方法预测的结果略低,这主要是由两种方法构造的虚拟台风的中心压强存在差异以及模型本身的不确定性造成的。本文的研究结果可以为防灾减灾系统提供有益的参考。
- 台风 /
- Monte-Carlo模拟 /
- 经验路径模型 /
- 风场模型 /
- 极值风速
Abstract: Typhoon is one of the most serious natural disasters in southeast coastal region of China. In this paper, the traditional Monte-Carlo simulation and the advanced empirical track model are respectively used to predict the extreme wind speed (10-min mean at 10 m height) of typhoons in the southeast coastal region of China, and the prediction results of two methods are compared. An area extending 200 km inland from the coastline is divided into 0.25°×0.25° grid cells and each grid is taken as the research point. Firstly, the Monte-Carlo method is used to generate virtual typhoons of 1 000-year for each research point. Then, we use the empirical track model to construct virtual typhoons of 1 000-year in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, from which typhoon events affecting each research site are extracted by using the simulation circle method. Next, the Yan Meng wind field model is used to calculate the wind speed of the extracted typhoons, from which samples of maximum wind speed can be derived. Finally, the extreme wind speed of different return periods for each research point is predicted by the extreme value distribution. Through comparison, we find that in some inland areas, the predicted wind speeds by empirical track model are slightly higher than those by Monte-Carlo method, and in most coastal areas the opposite is true. This is mainly caused by the difference of the central pressure of the virtual typhoons constructed by two methods and the uncertainty of the model itself. The research results of this paper can provide useful reference for the disaster prevention and mitigation system.-
Key words:
- typhoon /
- Monte-Carlo simulation /
- empirical track model /
- wind field model /
- extreme wind speed
图 13 采用Monte-Carlo方法以及经验路径方法得到的579个研究站点的中心压差的平均值的差值(a)以及图13a与 图9b正负号一致的站点(红点)与不一致的站点(蓝点)(b)
Fig. 13 The difference of the mean value of the central pressure difference for 579 research stations between Monte-Carlo simulation and empirical track method (a), and stations with the same (red dots) and different (blue dots) signs in Fig.13a and Fig.9b (b)
表 1 不同地形地貌的粗糙度
Tab. 1 Roughness length of different geomorphology
地形等级 下垫面特征 粗糙度/m I 海面、泥滩、冰雪覆盖的平原,
无障碍海岸地区等0.000 5~0.003 II 平坦开阔的田野、乡村及丛林等
(气象学标准)0.003~0.2 III 丘陵和房屋比较稀疏的
乡镇及城市郊区0.2~1.0 IV 密集建筑群的城市 1.0~2.0 V 密集建筑群且房屋较高的城市 2.0~4.0 表 2 公式(2)的衰减常数a
Tab. 2 Decay constant a in Eq. (2)
区域 N $a = {a_0} + {a_1}\Delta {p_0} + \varepsilon $ a0 a1 R2 σε 区域1 36 0.0078 0.00075 0.0928 0.0198 区域2 66 0.0161 0.00055 0.0946 0.0203 区域3 159 0.0137 0.0012 0.2139 0.0247 区域4 82 −0.0035 0.0019 0.4768 0.0216 区域5 40 −0.0026 0.00052 0.5321 0.0116 注:N代表各个区域中用于回归分析的样本个数,R2是回归分析的相关系数,σε是误差项的标准差。 -
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