The communities of meiofauna in the northern East China Sea and their responses to runoff and the intrusion of Kuroshio Current
摘要: 为探究小型底栖动物群落在东海北部及其临近海域的分布规律,及其对环境因子的响应,于2016年9月和12月,对研究海域共计20个站位的小型底栖动物和环境因子进行了取样调查。调查结果显示,研究海域内共鉴定出小型底栖动物类群16个,其中海洋线虫为绝对优势类群,其他优势类群主要包括桡足类、动吻类和多毛类。9月航次小型底栖动物平均丰度为(1 758±759)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 216.4±464.7) μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占55.26%。12月航次平均丰度为(2 011±1 471)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 143.0±755.0)μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占67.28%。聚类分析结果显示,小型底栖动物群落主要可以划分为近岸和外海两个组,其中近岸组小型底栖动物丰度显著高于外海站位。但在各断面分布上,绝大多数站位小型底栖动物丰度最高值均出现在60 m等深线附近,并且该水深处站位的温度和盐度数值均表现出黑潮水的特征。黑潮近岸分支对东海陆架入侵是导致小型底栖动物分布差异的重要原因,小型底栖动物在60 m等深线附近具有的高丰度值可作为其对黑潮入侵的响应。推测,黑潮入侵所导致的水体初级生产力增加以及黑潮水所携带的溶氧可能是导致该深度处小型底栖动物丰度增加的主要原因。Abstract: Meiofaunal communities and the relationships with environmental variables in the northern East China Sea and its adjacent area were studied in the present paper based on the material collected from 20 sites in September and December, 2016. About 16 meiofaunal groups were identified with nematodes being the most dominant group, followed by copepods, kinorhynchs and polychaetas. The average abundances of meiofauna were (1 758±759) ind./(10 cm2), and (2 011±1 471) ind./(10 cm2) in September and December, respectively. The average biomasses of meiofauna were (1 216.4±464.7) μg/(10 cm2) and (1 143.0±755.0) μg/(10 cm2) in September and December, respectively. Results of CLUSTER analysis show that meiofaunal communities can be divided into two main groups, one was the offshore group, composed of stations in the offshore area, another group was the coastal group, composed of stations in the coastal area. However, the highest value of abundance always occurred in the depth about 60 m isobath where the salinity and temperature showed the characters of Kuroshio Current implying the intrusion of Kuroshio. We suggest that the intrusion of Kuroshio Current is the main cause of the increase of meiofaunal abundance, which can be treated as a response of meiofauna to the intrusion of Kuroshio, around the 60 m isobath. The high abundance of meiofauna may be explained by dissolved oxygen brought by the Kuroshio waters, and high primary production of water column benefitted from the supplying of phosphorus of the Kuroshio waters.
Key words:
- meiofauna /
- ecology /
- bio-indicators /
- Changjiang River Estuary /
- Kuroshio Current
表 1 各站位水深、底层和表层水温和盐度
Tab. 1 Depth, temperature and salinity of the surface and bottom water of each site
2016年9月 2016年12月 站位 D/m TB/℃ SB TS/℃ SS 站位 D/m TB/℃ SB TS/℃ SS C1 28 24.3 32.2 25.3 31.5 B1 30 17.2 31.5 15.7 28.8 C3 42 24.7 32.5 25.7 32.5 B2 52 18.9 33.7 17.0 31.9 C5 44 22.0 31.1 25.4 29.7 B3 61 19.4 34.2 19.7 33.9 C6 58 14.2 32.2 25.4 29.7 B4 66 19.5 34.3 21.0 33.8 D1 21 23.5 31.5 26.2 17.5 B5 68 20.2 34.1 21.0 33.9 D4 54 19.7 34.5 25.9 29.4 BS 79 19.9 34.3 20.6 34.1 D6 59 21.4 34.4 27.4 31.7 A1 25 16.2 28.8 15.7 26.6 D8 66 23.2 34.3 27.6 33.1 A5 54 20.0 33.9 20.0 33.9 A6 61 20.3 34.3 20.3 34.3 A8 64 20.3 34.3 20.3 34.3 A9 71 20.2 34.3 20.2 34.3 AS 68 20.3 34.3 20.5 34.3 注:D代表水深;TB代表底层水温;SB代表底层盐度;TS代表表层水温;SS代表表层盐度。 表 2 沉积物有机质和部分重金属含量
Tab. 2 Organic matter and heavy metal contents of the sediment
站位 TOC/% Pb Cr Cu Zn Cd As 站位 TOC/% Pb Cr Cu Zn Cd As D1 0.56 32.3 91.4 32.1 103.2 0.2 11.6 A8 0.54 24.8 78.2 17.3 83.0 2.1 5.2 D4 0.27 19.7 61.3 10.1 56.4 2.1 4.3 A9 0.39 25.0 76.9 16.9 81.8 1.2 4.3 D6 0.34 19.1 63.1 10.1 57.1 1.4 3.9 AS 0.40 17.3 57.6 10.4 57.2 1.3 3.6 D8 0.36 22.6 67.7 14.2 68.7 0 5.0 B1 0.69 36.4 95.8 39.4 115.1 2.0 12.7 C1 0.37 18.7 66.4 17.2 65.6 1.6 7.2 B2 0.70 34.1 92.1 35.9 108.5 1.5 9.3 C5 0.42 27.6 89.7 21.1 83.5 1.5 8.6 B3 0.70 30.9 90.7 25.4 104.7 1.5 7.0 C6 0.40 24.3 72.0 17.4 70.9 1.6 5.7 B4 0.57 24.8 77.1 17.2 82.7 2.4 5.4 A1 0.55 31.0 90.3 35.6 103.7 3.8 12.0 B5 0.32 16.3 56.2 8.9 53.2 2.1 4.9 A5 0.79 35.6 95.6 35.5 111.8 0 10.4 BS 0.29 19.5 59.8 10.3 59.0 0 2.9 A6 0.45 24.7 75.9 17.6 81.5 0.2 6.0 注:重金属含量单位为mg/kg。 表 3 研究海域环境因子间相关性
Tab. 3 Correlation between environmental variables of the study area
TOC Pb Cr Cu Zn Cd As D T S 黏土 粉砂 砂 Pb 0.89** Cr 0.86** 0.97** Cu 0.86** 0.96** 0.93** Zn 0.92** 0.98** 0.97** 0.96** Cd 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.12 0.06 As 0.72** 0.85** 0.85** 0.94** 0.85** 0.18 D −0.33 −0.50* −0.55* −0.66** −0.51* −0.28 −0.84** T −0.24 −0.28 −0.20 −0.27 −0.25 −0.48* −0.16 −0.06 S −0.21 −0.44 −0.50* −0.59** −0.44 −0.44 −0.75** 0.83** 0.25 黏土 0.77** 0.86** 0.89** 0.78** 0.84** −0.20 0.70** −0.39 −0.03 −0.36 粉砂 0.65** 0.80** 0.84** 0.87** 0.81** 0.03 0.86** −0.73** 0.00 −0.67** 0.85** 砂 −0.69** −0.84** −0.87** −0.87** −0.84** 0.01 −0.85** 0.69** 0.01 0.63** −0.89** −0.99** Mz −0.65** −0.80** −0.83** −0.82** −0.80** 0.08 −0.79** 0.64** −0.07 0.55* −0.88** −0.98** 0.99** 注:*表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关;**表示在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;TOC代表有机质含量;D代表水深;T代表温度;S代表盐度。 表 4 小型底栖动物丰度和环境因子相关性
Tab. 4 Relative coefficient between meiofaunal abundance and environmental variables
总丰度 线虫类 桡足类 动吻类 多毛类 双壳类 介形类 TOC 0.418 0.408 0.414 0.674** −0.131 −0.270 −0.325 Pb 0.510* 0.504* 0.340 0.689** −0.100 −0.238 −0.175 Cr 0.476* 0.473* 0.244 0.589** −0.074 −0.257 −0.161 Cu 0.534* 0.532* 0.278 0.667** −0.239 −0.283 −0.206 Zn 0.500* 0.498* 0.280 0.638** −0.149 −0.292 −0.265 Cd −0.094 −0.075 −0.414 −0.321 −0.266 −0.138 0.239 As 0.537* 0.543* 0.127 0.541* −0.265 −0.302 −0.142 深度 −0.378 −0.396 0.220 −0.202 0.290 0.228 −0.046 温度 −0.233 −0.224 −0.278 −0.261 −0.163 −0.395 −0.040 盐度 −0.337 −0.355 0.197 −0.065 0.212 0.030 −0.005 黏土 0.325 0.315 0.338 0.541* −0.020 −0.191 −0.213 粉砂 0.366 0.369 0.096 0.452 −0.270 −0.344 −0.121 砂 −0.367 −0.367 −0.143 −0.479* 0.230 0.324 0.141 注:*表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关;**表示在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关。 表 5 与同海域其他研究比较
Tab. 5 Comparison with other studies in the same area
个·10−1 cm−2最高丰度/
个·10−1 cm−2最高丰度
海域平均生物量/μg·10−1 cm−2 线虫丰度
/μm采样时间 参考文献 1 758±759 2 970 31.0°N,122.6°E 1 216±464 95.6 55.3 桡足、动吻 8 31 2016年9月 本研究 2 011±1471 4 837 28.8°N,122.7°E 1 143±755 95.6 67.3 桡足、动吻 8 31 2016年12月 本研究 654±441 1 626 27.8°N,122.0°E 807±517 87.0 28.0 桡足、多毛 10 50 2000年10月 张志南等[51] 342±252 / / 285±173 91.0 44.0 桡足、多毛 10 50 2001年4月 张志南等[51] 1 971±583 5 500 31.0°N,122.6°E 1 393±516 91.0 51.0 桡足、多毛、动吻、双壳 8 31 2003年6月 华尔等[20] 2 220±478 3 699 30.0°N,123.0°E 1 529±546 87.5 50.2 桡足、动吻 8 31 2003年6月 Hua等[47] 1 081±700 3 573 31.0°N,123.5°E 754±546 95.4 55.4 桡足、多毛、动吻、双壳 10 32 2007年4月 王小谷等[22] 1 140±675 2 515 30.5°N,123°E 1 058±627 85.7 36.9 桡足、动吻、多毛 8 31 2009年6月 吴秀琴[56] 1 081±700 2 739 31.0°N,122.5°E 600±374 94.4 68.1 涡虫、桡足、动吻、多毛 8 31 2009年11月 于婷婷和
徐奎栋[23]1 947±849 3 831 31.0°N,123.5°E / 90.0 37.0 桡足、多毛、动吻 8 31 2011年4月 孟昭翠[55] 1 203±191 1 501 32.0°N,124.0°E 723±171 94.1 62.1 桡足、动吻、多毛 8 31 2012年7月 史本泽等[24] -
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