On the ocean observing methodology
摘要: 本文讨论了海洋观测技术的定义,厘清了其与海洋探测技术和海洋监测技术的关系,并在认识海洋观测数据本质的基础上,从技术性、实时性、经济性和适用性等4个方面,来讨论海洋观测方法。本文研究表明,抓着观测数据的本质保障观测数据的质量;观测手段特别是平台技术决定观测技术的实时性;实时性反映海洋观测任务的需要及观测技术的水平;经济性决定观测技术的选用;适用性进一步决定海洋观测技术的最佳形式,甚至衍生出新的观测技术。Abstract: Ocean observation is to observe unknown ocean by acquiring time serial data from the ocean which is the must for ocean science research and attracts more and more interests recently. The paper defines and classifies the ocean observation and discusses how to tell the differences between ocean observing and ocean monitoring. Based on the understanding of ocean observation, ocean observing methodology are discussed in detail, differently in the aspects of observing technology, real-time performance, cost effectiveness and applicability. The author’s research work shows that the better understanding of observing data secures the ocean observation quality; the observing measure especially its platform is critical for the real-time observating performance , which meets the requirement of ocean observation; the cost effectiveness determines the selection of observing methods, and its applicability defines the best form of observation and even creates brand-new kinds of observing technology.
Key words:
- ocean observing /
- methodology /
- real-time performance /
- applicability
表 1 海洋观测技术分类
Tab. 1 Classification of ocean observing technology
维度 分类 观测平台举例 数据采集形式 间接观测 直接观测 间接:采样+分析 直接:传感器链 观测平台形式 固定式 移动式 固定式:浮标 移动式:AUV 观测区域 海面观测 水下观测 海底观测 海面:卫星 水下:Argo 海底:海底观测网 表 2 间接观测技术与直接观测技术之比较
Tab. 2 Comparison of in-direct observing and direct observing
间接观测技术 直接观测技术 技术特征 样品+分析 数据自容 在线直输 基本单元 采样器 传感器 传感器 平台技术 铰车、ROV、载人深潜器等 浮标、AUV、水下滑翔机、载人深潜器等 观测拖体、卫星、载人深潜器、海底观测网络等 -
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