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王庆凯 徐正宏 陈世杰 李志军 卢鹏

王庆凯,徐正宏,陈世杰,等. 基于CT观测的融化海冰孔隙结构特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024103
引用本文: 王庆凯,徐正宏,陈世杰,等. 基于CT观测的融化海冰孔隙结构特征研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024103
Wang Qingkai,Xu Zhenghong,Chen Shijie, et al. Study on pore structure characteristics of sea ice based on CT observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024103
Citation: Wang Qingkai,Xu Zhenghong,Chen Shijie, et al. Study on pore structure characteristics of sea ice based on CT observation[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024103


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024103
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(42276242,42320104004,52192692)。


  • 中图分类号: P731.15

Study on pore structure characteristics of sea ice based on CT observation

  • 摘要: 孔隙结构是影响海冰力学性质的重要细观物理特征。为探究融化海冰的细观结构,在渤海盛冰期采集平整冰,并置于低温恒温环境(−1.0℃)内恒温48 h,进行CT扫描观测。确定气体−冰体−卤水的CT值阈值为−310 HU和−30 HU,对冰样CT图像进行三值化分割,识别气体和卤水孔隙,分析孔隙的二维形态特征;在此基础上进行冰样孔隙的三维重构,分析孔隙的三维形态特征。观测发现沿冰厚方向,冰样扫描断面气体面积分数为5.00%~35.93%,卤水分布不连续,面积分数最大为0.06%。气体和卤水孔隙平行冰面方向的截面形状近似圆形,圆度大于0.60。扫描断面内气体孔隙等效圆直径为1.1~3.2 mm,卤水孔隙等效圆直径为0.2~2.0 mm,且发现孔隙等效圆直径与面积分数呈正相关,与圆度呈负相关。三维结构上,根据孔隙球度(Rsph)将气体孔隙分为4种典型形态:冠状孔隙(Rsph ≤ 0.25)、不规则孔隙(0.25 < Rsph ≤ 0.45)、条状孔隙(0.45 < Rsph ≤ 0.60)和球形孔隙(0.60 < Rsph ≤ 1.00)。其中,冠状孔隙单体体积最大[平均体积(11522.8 ± 5610.2 mm3)]且数量最少,球形孔隙尺寸最小(平均直径2.0 ± 1.1 mm)且数量最多。卤水孔隙分为卤水通道(0.45 < Rsph ≤ 0.60)和卤水胞(0.60 < Rsph ≤ 1.00)。卤水通道平均长度17.1 ± 12.1 mm,卤水胞平均直径1.5 ± 0.9 mm;卤水通道数量较少,但体积占比与卤水胞相当。
  • 图  1  海冰采集现场(a)与所采集的冰坯(b)

    Fig.  1  Ice sampling site (a) and the extracted ice block (b)

    图  2  海冰晶体结构(D表示深度)

    Fig.  2  Sea ice crystal structure (D indicates depth)

    图  3  CT扫描

    Fig.  3  The CT scanning

    图  4  CT图像处理

    Fig.  4  CT image processing

    图  5  不同深度位置冰样断面CT图像(左)、阈值分割图像(中)和CT值分布(右)

    Fig.  5  CT images of ice sections at different depth (left), corresponding images after segmentation (middle) and the distributions of CT values (right)

    图  6  海冰扫描断面各组分CT值沿冰厚的变化,误差线为标准差

    Fig.  6  Profile of CT values of air, ice, and brine in the scanning sections along ice thickness. The error bar represents the standard deviation.

    图  7  气体面积分数沿冰厚的变化

    Fig.  7  Profile of air fraction along ice thickness

    图  8  冰样扫描断面CT均值与面孔隙率的关系(a);粒状冰层(b)和柱状冰层扫描断面CT均值与面孔隙率的关系(c)

    Fig.  8  The relationships between mean CT values and porosities of scanning sections in the whole ice sample (a), granular ice (b), and columnar ice (c)

    图  9  气体与卤水孔隙的圆度(a)和等效圆直径(b)沿冰厚的变化。误差线为标准差

    Fig.  9  Profiles of roundness (a) and equivalent diameter (b) of air and brie inclusions along ice thickness. The error bar represents the standard deviation

    图  10  气体孔隙等效圆直径随面积分数(a)和圆度(b)的变化;卤水孔隙等效圆直径随面积分数(c)和圆度(d)的变化

    Fig.  10  Variations of equivalent diameters of air inclusions with area fraction (a) and roundness (b), and of brine inclusions with area fraction (c) and roundness (d)

    图  11  冰样三维孔隙结构(a)、典型气体孔隙(b−e)和典型卤水孔隙(f−g)

    Fig.  11  Three-dimensional pore structure of ice sample (a), typical gas inclusion structure (b−e) and typical gas inclusion structure (f−g).

    图  12  球形气泡等效球直径频率密度分布

    Fig.  12  The probability density distribution of equivalent diameter of spherical gas bubbles

    图  13  球形气泡(a)和卤水胞(b)等效球直径与球度的关系(红色虚线为包络线)

    Fig.  13  The relationships between equivalent diameters and sphericities of spherical gas bubbles (a) and brine cells (b), where the red dashed lines are envelopes

    表  1  粒状冰和柱状冰层二维孔隙特征平均值

    Tab.  1  Mean two-dimensional characteristics of pores in the granular ice and columnar ice

    粒状冰层7.43 ± 4.240.02 ± 0.020.81 ± 0.050.82 ± 0.091.9 ± 0.41.0 ± 0.5
    柱状冰层6.59 ± 8.590.02 ± 0.010.83 ± 0.050.72 ± 0.181.8 ± 0.41.2 ± 0.6
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    表  2  冰样孔隙分类和特征

    Tab.  2  Classification and characteristics of pores in ice

    冠状孔隙结构复杂,单体体积最大卤水通道呈细长形,长度为6.1~30.0 mm
    条状孔隙呈细长形,长度为0.7~41.6 mm,数量较多卤水胞近似球体,直径为0.4~4.1 mm
    球形气泡近似球体,直径为0.4~9.3 mm,数量最多
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    表  3  粒状冰层与柱状冰层孔隙参数比较

    Tab.  3  Comparison of pore characteristics between granular ice and columnar ice

    参数 粒状冰层 柱状冰层
    体积占比/% 平均体积/mm3 平均长度/mm 平均直径/mm 体积占比/% 平均体积/mm3 平均长度/mm 平均直径/mm
    卤水通道 23.3 7.0 10.6 2.3 76.7 46.4 30.0 4.5
    卤水胞 100 3.8 2.6 1.5 / / / /
    冠状孔隙 / / / / 16.5 11420.8 74.8 27.9
    不规则孔隙 39.5 553.5 34.9 9.7 27.0 521.0 41.9 8.8
    条状孔隙 52.2 71.4 13.5 4.0 42.7 62.6 13.3 3.7
    球形气泡 52.4 8.9 3.3 2.0 43.3 9.0 3.5 1.9
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