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王宇泽 徐腾飞 王岩峰 魏泽勋

王宇泽,徐腾飞,王岩峰,等. 热带东南印度洋和南海北部中尺度涡统计特征的异同分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024101
引用本文: 王宇泽,徐腾飞,王岩峰,等. 热带东南印度洋和南海北部中尺度涡统计特征的异同分析[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(10):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024101
Wang Yuze,Xu Tengfei,Wang Yanfeng, et al. Similarities and differences in statistical characteristics of mesoscale eddies between southeastern tropical Indian Ocean and northern South China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024101
Citation: Wang Yuze,Xu Tengfei,Wang Yanfeng, et al. Similarities and differences in statistical characteristics of mesoscale eddies between southeastern tropical Indian Ocean and northern South China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(10):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024101


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024101




Similarities and differences in statistical characteristics of mesoscale eddies between southeastern tropical Indian Ocean and northern South China Sea

  • 摘要: 热带东南印度洋和南海北部均在地形和背景环流特征方面具有相似性,且均存在较为活跃的中尺度涡运动。本文基于卫星高度计观测,对这两个海域中尺度涡的统计特征、季节和年际变化进行了对比分析。结果表明,生成于热带东南印度洋和南海的中尺度涡数量均随其生命周期增长近似指数衰减,平均以0.2 m/s的速度向西或西南移动,但前者的平均半径更大,后者的平均振幅更强。在季节变化方面,涡动能均在北半球春季最小,在秋季最大,但热带东南印度洋涡旋生成数在夏−秋季最多,而南海北部在冬−春季最多。在年际变化方面,热带东南印度洋和南海北部涡旋活动均受到厄尔尼诺−南方涛动(ENSO)的影响,在厄尔尼诺年涡动能更强,而拉尼娜年涡动能更弱,但ENSO影响这两个海域中尺度涡的机制略有不同,前者主要通过调制印尼贯穿流,从而抑制或增强该海域斜压不稳定能量实现,而后者主要通过改变南海局地风场,从而产生风应力旋度异常实现。此外,热带东南印度洋中尺度涡还受到印度洋偶极子的影响,而南海北部中尺度涡则与印度洋偶极子之间相关较弱。
  • 图  1  1993–2020年热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)平均涡动能分布


    Fig.  1  Mean eddy kinetic energy distribution in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO sea area; b.NSCS sea area

    图  2  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋生成数量分布


    Fig.  2  Distribution of eddy numbers in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO anticyclonic eddies; b.SETIO cyclonic eddies; c. NSCS anticyclonic eddies; d.NSCS cyclonic eddies

    图  3  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)(a)和南海北部(NSCS)(b)涡旋生命周期分布特征

    Fig.  3  Distribution characteristics of eddy life time in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) (a) and northern South China Sea (NSCS) (b)

    图  4  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋振幅分布特征

    a. SETIO反气旋涡;b. SETIO气旋涡;c. NSCS反气旋涡;d. NSCS气旋涡

    Fig.  4  Distribution characteristics of eddy numbers in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO anticyclonic eddies; b. SETIO cyclonic eddies; c. NSCS anticyclonic eddies; d.NSCS cyclonic eddies

    图  5  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋半径分布特征

    a. SETIO反气旋涡;b.SETIO气旋涡;c.NSCS反气旋涡;d.NSCS气旋涡

    Fig.  5  Distribution characteristics of eddy numbers in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO anticyclonic eddies; b. SETIO cyclonic eddies; c. NSCS anticyclonic eddies; d.NSCS cyclonic eddies

    图  6  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋轨迹分布

    a. SETIO反气旋涡;b. SETIO气旋涡;c. NSCS反气旋涡;d. NSCS气旋涡

    Fig.  6  Distribution of eddy trajectory in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO anticyclonic eddies; b. SETIO cyclonic eddies; c. NSCS anticyclonic eddies; d.NSCS cyclonic eddies

    图  7  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋移动速度分布

    a. SETIO反气旋涡 b. SETIO气旋涡 c. NSCS反气旋涡 d. NSCS气旋涡

    Fig.  7  Distribution of eddy velocity in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. SETIO anticyclonic eddies; b. SETIO cyclonic eddies; c. NSCS anticyclonic eddies; d.NSCS cyclonic eddies

    图  8  热带东南印度洋(SETIO)和南海北部(NSCS)涡旋生成数量和EKE的季节分布

    a. 涡动能;b. 涡旋生成数;c. SETIO海域反气旋与气旋涡;d. NSCS海域反气旋与气旋涡。MAM:3−5月,JJA:6−8月,SON:9−11月,DJF:12−2月

    Fig.  8  Distribution of eddy velocity in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) and northern South China Sea (NSCS)

    a. Eddy kinetic energy; b. eddy number; c. anticyclonic eddies and cyclonic eddies in SETIO sea area; d. anticyclonic eddies and cyclonic eddies in NSCS sea area. MAM: March−May, JJA: June−August, SON: September−November, DJF: December−February

    图  9  热带东南印度洋(SETIO,a–d)和南海北部(NSCS,e–h)气旋涡(CE)和反气旋涡(AE)生命周期的季节变化

    a、e. 春季;b、f. 夏季;c、g. 秋季;d、h. 冬季

    Fig.  9  Seasonal variation of life time of cyclonic eddy (CE) and anticyclonic eddy (AE) in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO, a–d) and northern South China Sea (NSCS, e–h)

    a, e. spring; b, f. summer; c, g. fall; d, h. winter

    图  10  热带东南印度洋(SETIO,a−d)和南海北部(NSCS,e−h)气旋涡(CE)和反气旋涡(AE)振幅的季节变化

    a、e. 春季;b、f. 夏季;c、g. 秋季;d、h. 冬季

    Fig.  10  Seasonal variation of amplitude of cyclonic eddy (CE) and anticyclonic eddy (AE) in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO, a−d) and northern South China Sea (NSCS, e−h)

    a, e. spring; b, f. summer; c, g. fall; d, h. winter

    图  11  热带东南印度洋(SETIO,a–d)和南海北部(NSCS,e–h)气旋涡(CE)和反气旋涡(AE)半径的季节变化

    a、e. 春季;b、f. 夏季;c、g. 秋季;d、h. 冬季

    Fig.  11  Seasonal variation of radiusof cyclonic eddy (CE) and anticyclonic eddy (AE) in southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO, a–d) and northern South China Sea (NSCS, e–h)

    a, e. spring; b, f. summer; c, g. fall; d, h. winter

    图  12  涡动能异常值年际信号与Niño3.4指数超前滞后相关关系(a),涡动能异常值年际信号与DMI指数超前滞后相关关系(b)


    Fig.  12  Lead-lag correlation between interannual anomaly signals of eddy kinetic energy and Niño3.4 index (a), Lead-lag correlation between interannual anomaly signals of eddy kinetic energy and DMI (b)


    表  1  不同文献对热带东南印度洋中尺度涡活动及动力参数的统计结果

    Tab.  1  Statistics of activities and dynamic parameters of mesoscale eddies in Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean from previous studies

    研究时间 研究区域 判定方法 平均涡旋生成数量/(个·a−1 平均半径/km 平均周期/d 平均传播速度/(m·s−1 参考文献
    1993–2014年 7°~17°S,95°~115°E 风向角法 57 150 48 0.16 [14]
    1993–2012年 17°~5°S,90°~120°E 闭合等值线法 44 150 51 [15]
    1993–2018年 6°~20°S,105°~125°E O-W参数法 107 73~106 0.15 [16]
    1993–2020年 5°~20°S,98°~128°E 闭合等值线法 113 85.64/86.87 67.2 0.2 本文
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-05-17
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