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高微 马本俊

高微,马本俊. 北赤道逆流影响的热带西太平洋秋冬转换期海表叶绿素浓度与ENSO循环[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(3):12–21 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024008
引用本文: 高微,马本俊. 北赤道逆流影响的热带西太平洋秋冬转换期海表叶绿素浓度与ENSO循环[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(3):12–21 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024008
Gao Wei,Ma Benjun. Response mechanism of the surface chlorophyll concentration to ENSO cycle influenced by North Equatorial Countercurrent during autumn and winter transition period in the tropical western Pacific[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(3):12–21 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024008
Citation: Gao Wei,Ma Benjun. Response mechanism of the surface chlorophyll concentration to ENSO cycle influenced by North Equatorial Countercurrent during autumn and winter transition period in the tropical western Pacific[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(3):12–21 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024008


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024008
基金项目: 青岛黄海学院2022年度博士科研启动基金项目(2022boshi03)。



    马本俊,博士,副教授,研究方向为海洋科学技术。E-mail: mabenjun@hrbeu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P731.26

Response mechanism of the surface chlorophyll concentration to ENSO cycle influenced by North Equatorial Countercurrent during autumn and winter transition period in the tropical western Pacific

  • 摘要: 在厄尔尼诺−南方涛动(El Niño-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)的发生、发展中,北赤道逆流也有明显的年际变化,但北赤道逆流的变化如何影响海洋水文生态条件的变化过程尚不清楚。本文以位于热带西太平洋的北赤道逆流影响区为研究海区,分析了2006−2022年ENSO循环期间研究区不同阶段秋冬转换期水文生态气候条件的变化特征。结果表明,北赤道逆流源区及其路径上存在海表叶绿素浓度高值条带,这是由北赤道逆流从其源区携带的和新几内亚海岸潜流携带的营养物质共同影响下形成的,棉兰老冷穹上升流也会对其营养盐供给产生较大影响。厄尔尼诺事件发生时,热带西太平洋西风事件增多,北赤道逆流增强,大量表层水东移,研究区海平面降低,深水向浅层补给增加,深层冷水上抬,共同增强的北赤道逆流、新几内亚海岸流、新几内亚海岸潜流和棉兰老冷穹上升流将更多的养分从水平和垂直层面输送到海面,导致海面叶绿素浓度和原位有机碳总量显著增加。拉尼娜事件发生时,北赤道逆流影响区生态水文气候条件变化与厄尔尼诺事件发生时的变化特征几乎相反,但其变化程度弱于厄尔尼诺时期,共同减弱的北赤道逆流、新几内亚海岸潜流和棉兰老冷穹上升流使从水平和垂直层面输送到海面的养分显著减少,导致海面叶绿素浓度和原位有机碳总量显著降低。本文提出了北赤道逆流影响区水文生态气候条件演化对厄尔尼诺事件和拉尼娜事件的响应机制模型,这有利于进一步分析ENSO循环在局地生态效应和水文气候演化中的作用,对认识全球气候变化对物质循环的影响具有重要意义。
  • 图  1  研究区地理位置概况和洋流格局

    NEC. 北赤道流;MC. 棉兰老流;KC. 黑潮;NECC. 北赤道逆流;SEC. 南赤道流;NGCC. 新几内亚沿岸流;MD. 棉兰老冷穹;ME. 棉兰老冷涡;HE. 哈马黑拉暖涡;MUC. 棉兰老潜流;NEUCs. 北赤道潜流;NGCUC. 新几内亚沿岸潜流;图中红色矩形框所示为北赤道逆流影响区(2°~8°N,127°~150°E)

    Fig.  1  Geographical location and ocean current pattern of the study area

    NEC. North Equatorial Current; MC. Mindanao Current; KC. Kuroshio Current; NECC. North Equatorial Counter Current; SEC. South Equatorial Current; NGCC. New Guinea Coastal Current; MD. Mindanao Dome; ME. Mindanao Eddy; HE. Halmahera Eddy; MUC. Mindanao Undercurrent; NEUCs. North Equatorial Undercurrents; NGCUC. New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent; the red rectangle represents the NECC affected area (2°−8°N, 127°−150°E)

    图  2  2006−2022年海洋Niño指数(ONI)曲线分布


    Fig.  2  The variations of the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) during 2006−2022

    Red and blue shades represent different ENSO stages, respectively

    图  3  2006−2022年秋冬转换期北赤道逆流影响区海表面高度异常(SLA,a)、海表面温度异常(SSTA,b)、海表盐度异常(SSSA,c)、海表面水平流速异常(ZVA,d)、降水量(PA,e)、原位有机碳总量异常(INTPA,f)和海表叶绿素a浓度异常(SChl aA,g)变化曲线和柱形图


    Fig.  3  The variations curve and column chart of the sea level anomaly (SLA, a), sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA, b), sea surface salinity anomaly (SSSA, c), zonal velocity anomaly (ZVA, d), precipitation anomaly (PA, e), primary organic carbon production by all types of Phytoplankton anomaly (INTPPA, f) and surface Chl a anomaly (SChl aA) during autumn and winter transition period during 2006−2022 in the NECC affected area

    Red and blue shades represent different ENSO stages in Fig. 2, respectively

    图  4  2006−2022年秋冬转换期北赤道逆流影响区海表面流速和海表叶绿素a浓度平面分布


    Fig.  4  Horizontal distribution of surface velocity and surface Chl a concentration during autumn and winter transition period in 2006−2022 in the NECC affected area

    The arrow length represents the size of surface velocity

    图  5  2006−2022年秋冬转换期北赤道逆流影响区海表面流速异常和海表叶绿素a浓度异常平面分布


    Fig.  5  Horizontal distribution of surface velocity anomaly and surface Chl a concentration anomaly during autumn and winter transition period during 2006−2022 in the NECC affected area

    The east velocity represents the positive surface velocity anomaly, and the west velocity represents the negative surface velocity anomaly, the arrow length represents the size of surface velocity

    图  6  2006−2022年ENSO循环不同阶段研究区海洋特征变化机制示意图

    Fig.  6  Schematic diagram of oceanic variations in different phases of ENSO cycle from 2006 to 2022

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