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张炫 郑金海 张弛

张炫,郑金海,张弛. 波浪运动在底边界层的湍流结构数值研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(12):13–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023161
引用本文: 张炫,郑金海,张弛. 波浪运动在底边界层的湍流结构数值研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(12):13–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023161
Zhang Xuan,Zheng Jinhai,Zhang Chi. Numerical investigation on the turbulent structures in the bottom boundary layers under the effects of waves[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):13–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023161
Citation: Zhang Xuan,Zheng Jinhai,Zhang Chi. Numerical investigation on the turbulent structures in the bottom boundary layers under the effects of waves[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(12):13–24 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023161


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023161
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51909074);大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目(LP2105);中国博士后科学基金项目(2019M661713);中央高校自由探索项目(B210202024)。


  • 中图分类号: P731.21;P731.22

Numerical investigation on the turbulent structures in the bottom boundary layers under the effects of waves

  • 摘要: 本文基于$ k $-$ \varepsilon $ 模型研究了波流边界层内湍流结构特征。研究结果表明,时均流速分布数值解与实验结果高度吻合。一个波周期内湍流结构特征(如:涡量、湍动能、湍动能耗散率等)呈周期性变化规律,波浪作用引起涡量、湍动能及湍动能耗散率均在减速阶段减小,在波谷处达到最低值,而后在加速阶段增大,并在波峰处达到最大值。近壁面处湍流结构变化幅值较大(湍动能耗散率变化可达53%),远离壁面处变化幅值较平均值较小(仅3%)。波流边界层厚度在减速阶段增加,在加速阶段减小。本文所建立的数值模型克服了现有模型因采用“高雷诺数方法”引起的近壁区精度不高问题,可较好地描述波浪作用下湍流结构演变过程的物理机制,为河口海岸地区泥沙运动、岸滩演变及海洋可再生能源的开发利用提供一些指导意义。
  • 图  1  波流数值模型网格划分

    Fig.  1  Meshing of the numerical wave-current model

    图  2  波浪底摩擦系数与粗糙系数变化关系

    Fig.  2  Friction factors versus the roughness in wave bottom boundary layers

    图  3  波流同向作用下时均流速剖面图,WCA1,时均流速0.185 m/s

    a. 线性坐标;b. 半对数坐标

    Fig.  3  Time-averaged mean velocity profiles in combined wave-current flows, WCA1,mean velocity of 0.185 m/s

    a. Linear axis;b. semi-log scale

    图  4  WCA1工况下底部边界层内波致流速


    Fig.  4  Wave-induced velocity profiles in the bottom boundary layers of WCA1

    Lines for the numerical results; dots for the experimental results

    图  5  WCA1工况下全水深范围内相位平均流速分布(18°时间间隔)

    Fig.  5  Phase-averaged mean velocity profiles in the whole water column (18° time intervals) of WCA1

    图  6  自由液面(a)及底部剪应力时间序列(b),$ {d} $ = 200 mm, $ {T} $ = 1 s, $ {H} $ = 0.02 m, $ {U} $ = 0.185 m/s

    Fig.  6  Free surface elevations (a) and the time series of the bed shear stress (b), $ {d} $ = 200 mm, $ {T} $ = 1 s, $ {H} $ = 0.02 m, $ {U} $ = 0.185 m/s

    图  7  时间、空间分辨率对时均流速剖面计算结果影响,WCA1测试

    a. 网格敏感性测试,时间步长为0.001 s,网格分别为50 000和200 000;b. 时间步长敏感性测试,网格为50 000,时间步长分别为0.005 s和0.001 s

    Fig.  7  Sensitivity tests of the temporal and spatial resolution for the mean velocity profiles, WCA1

    a. Meshing tests, time step of 0.001 s, meshing of 50 000和200 000;b. time step tests,meshing of 50 000,time steps of 0.005 s and 0.001 s

    图  8  WCA1工况下不同相位时期涡度大小分布

    a. 减速阶段全水深范围内涡度分布;b. 减速阶段近壁处涡度分布;c. 加速阶段全水深范围内涡度分布;d. 加速阶段近壁处涡度分布

    Fig.  8  Vorticity distributions at different phases of WCA1

    a. Vorticity distributions during deceleration phases in the whole water column; b. vorticity distributions during deceleration phases near the wall; c. vorticity distributions during acceleration phases in the whole water column; d. vorticity distributions during acceleration phases near the wall

    图  9  WCA1工况下涡度在一个波周期内历时分布

    Fig.  9  Vorticity distributions within one wave cycle of WCA1

    图  10  WCA1工况下湍动能在一个波周期内历时分布

    Fig.  10  TKE distributions within one wave cycle of WCA1

    图  11  WCA1工况下湍动能耗散在一个波周期内历时分布

    Fig.  11  TKE distributions within one wave cycle of WCA1

    表  1  波流边界层参数,WCA1 [34]

    Tab.  1  Experimental conditions of the wave-current boundary layers, WCA1 [34]

    纯流工况CA 波流工况WCA1
    摩阻流速 $ {u}_{*} $ /(mm·s−1 8.66 8.89
    底摩擦力 $ {\tau }_{{\mathrm{b}}} $ /($ {{10}^{-3}} $ Pa) 75.0 79.1
    边界层动量厚度 $ \theta $/mm 11.6 8.1
    外层流速 $ \overline{u}_{{\infty }} $ /(mm·s−1 205 196
    黏度系数${\nu } $ /(mm·s−2 1.16 1.02
    雷诺数$ {Re}_{\theta }=\;\overline{u}_{{\infty }}\theta /{\nu } $ 2 060 1 550
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