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闫圣 邹志利 徐杰 常承书 尤再进 王东

闫圣,邹志利,徐杰,等. 丁坝附近交叉波浪场引起的裂流系统实验研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(10):135–146 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023149
引用本文: 闫圣,邹志利,徐杰,等. 丁坝附近交叉波浪场引起的裂流系统实验研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(10):135–146 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023149
Yan Sheng,Zou Zhili,Xu Jie, et al. Experimental studies of rip current systems induced by the intersecting waves near a groin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(10):135–146 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023149
Citation: Yan Sheng,Zou Zhili,Xu Jie, et al. Experimental studies of rip current systems induced by the intersecting waves near a groin[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(10):135–146 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023149


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023149
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB2601100);国家自然科学基金项目(52201308,51879033);中国博士后科学基金项目(2022M720632);中国辐射防护研究院平台开放基金项目;中央高校基本科研业务费项目(3132023360,3132023167)。




  • 中图分类号: P751

Experimental studies of rip current systems induced by the intersecting waves near a groin

  • 摘要: 裂流是狭窄而集中的离岸方向水流,对海岸水底变形、物质输移和游泳者安全有重要影响。波浪在垂直海岸建筑物(如丁坝、航道挡沙堤等)上产生的反射会导致沿岸驻波,在驻波节点区域由于波高很小会产生裂流,这是海岸出现裂流原因之一。本研究通过物理模型实验给出了沙坝海岸上建筑物附近裂流系统不同于开敞水域交叉波裂流系统的特征,讨论了波高沿岸变化对裂流系统的各裂流单元流量平衡的影响。结果表明:建筑物的存在引起了沙坝和海岸之间背离建筑物方向的沿岸流动,这导致了裂流系统中各裂流单元之间存在着流量的交换,对各单元裂流流量大小和分布产生了直接影响;各单元侧向流流量对裂流的贡献依赖于单元距建筑物的距离。
  • 图  1  沙坝海岸平面图(a)、剖面图(b)和丁坝附近交叉波浪场照片(c)

    Fig.  1  Plan view of the barred beach (a), bottom profile the barred beach (b) and the photo of intersecting waves near the groin (c)

    图  2  浪高仪测点位置

    Fig.  2  Wave gauge sampling locations

    图  3  流速仪测点(×)位置

    Fig.  3  ADV sampling locations (×)

    图  4  开敞水域交叉波浪场的波高(a)、平均波面升高(b)和裂流系统流场(箭头矢量)(规则波,T = 1.5 s,Hi = 4 cm)

    Fig.  4  The wave height (a) and mean wave surface elevation (b) of the intersecting waves and the velocity field (arrow vector) of rip current systems on an open coast (regular waves with T = 1.5 s and Hi = 4 cm)

    图  5  节腹点处波高(a)和增减水(b)(波况RH2)

    Fig.  5  Wave heights (a) and wave set-up (b) at nodes and antinodes for Case RH2

    图  6  测量波高分布(a)和时均流场(b)(波况RH2)

    Fig.  6  The measured wave height (a) contours and mean flow fields (b) for Case RH2

    图  7  平均波面升高测量结果(a)和x = 2.5 m处平均水面沿岸方向的变化(b)(波况RH2)

    ○:测量值; —:插值后的曲线

    Fig.  7  The measured mean wave surface elevation (a) and the alongshore variations of mean water level (b) at x = 2.5 m for Case RH2

    ○: Measured data; —: interpolated curves

    图  8  垂直岸测量断面测量(圆点)和计算(实线)沿岸方向流速V剖面(波况RH2)

    Fig.  8  The measured (circles) and calculated (lines) profiles of alongshore current V along the cross-shore sections (Case RH2)

    图  9  坝顶波高Hbar(a)和破碎点处波高Hb(b)沿岸变化(波况RH2)

    ○:测量值; —:插值后的曲线。b中也标出了各节、腹点测量的破碎点位置xb

    Fig.  9  The alongshore variation of wave height at bar crest (a) and maximum wave height at breaking point (b) (Case RH2)

    ○: Measured data; —: interpolated curves. The locations of breaking point xb at the node and anti-node lines are also given in b

    图  10  Stokes质量输移流单宽流量qs (a)和水滚单宽流量qr(b)沿岸变化(波况RH2)


    Fig.  10  The alongshore variations of Stokes drift flux qs (a) and surface roller volume flux qr (b) (Case RH2)

    —: The expressions from the experiment;---: the usually used expressions[26]

    图  11  各裂流单元上流量成分直方图(波况RH2)


    Fig.  11  The histogram of flow transport for each rip current unit (Case RH2)

    Qrip: rip current transport; Qon: onshore Eulerian transport; Ql: lateral current transport; Qr: surface roller transport; Qs: Stokes mass transport

    图  12  各单元上坝顶处流入单元流量和裂流流量之比(波况RH2)

    Fig.  12  The ratio of the onshore transport on the bar crest to that of rip current (Case RH2)

    图  13  各单元坝顶流入单元的流量(a)、侧向流流量(b)与裂流流量之比随波高的变化

    Fig.  13  The ratio of the transports into the units (a) on the bar crest and lateral transport (b) to rip current transport for each unit vs. incident wave height

    表  1  实验波况

    Tab.  1  Wave parameters of experiment

    波况周期T /s入射波高Hi /cm
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