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张泳聪 胡良明 孙曦 韩喜彬 龙飞江 武文栋 向波 王逸卓 葛倩 边叶萍

张泳聪,胡良明,孙曦,等. 中全新世晚期以来南极宇航员海沉积物的稀土元素和Sr-Nd同位素特征及物源意义[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(5):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023076
引用本文: 张泳聪,胡良明,孙曦,等. 中全新世晚期以来南极宇航员海沉积物的稀土元素和Sr-Nd同位素特征及物源意义[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(5):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023076
Zhang Yongcong,Hu Liangming,Sun Xi, et al. Rare earth element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the sediments in Antarctic Cosmonaut Sea and their provenance significances since the late Middle-Holocene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(5):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023076
Citation: Zhang Yongcong,Hu Liangming,Sun Xi, et al. Rare earth element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the sediments in Antarctic Cosmonaut Sea and their provenance significances since the late Middle-Holocene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(5):14–26 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023076


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023076
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2022YFC2905500);自然资源部专项(IRASCC2020−2022);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(SZ2102);上海交通大学“深蓝计划”基金(SL2002)。

    张泳聪(1997-),男,广东省佛山市人,主要从事海洋沉积研究工作。E-mail: 734694351@qq.com


    韩喜彬,男,博士,副研究员,主要从事海洋地质研究工作。E-mail: hanxibin@sio.org.cn

  • 中图分类号: P736.4

Rare earth element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the sediments in Antarctic Cosmonaut Sea and their provenance significances since the late Middle-Holocene

  • 摘要: 开展海洋沉积物物源研究,可以更好地认识其搬运机理与区域及全球物质循环的过程。通过对南极宇航员海ANT36-C4-05岩芯沉积物的稀土元素及Sr-Nd同位素的测试分析开展了沉积物物源研究,结果显示ANT36-C4-05岩芯沉积物的稀土元素平均含量相对较高,轻、重稀土分馏明显,87Sr/86Sr平均值相对偏高,εNd(0)平均值明显偏负。沉积物的稀土元素及Sr-Nd同位素特征指示中全新世晚期以来,宇航员海沉积物主要来自于东南极普里兹湾周边陆地及恩德比地一带的高级变质岩,这些碎屑物质一方面在冰−海作用下进入宇航员海,其中南极沿岸流与南极陆坡流在其运输过程中发挥了重要作用;同时,其还可能依靠发源于南极内陆高原的下降风完成从源区到研究区的输送过程。物源端元混合模型的结果表明,岩芯沉积物绝大部分(大于70%)来自于普里兹湾地区的变质岩,来自恩德比地物质的贡献相对较少。两个源区对宇航员海沉积物的贡献存在明显差异,这与地区之间冰川、洋流及风力的差异有关:与恩德比地相比,中山站一带的冰川规模较大,运动速度较快,其对基岩的侵蚀与搬运能力更强;发源于普里兹湾底层的南极底层水可能在普里兹湾−宇航员海的物质输送过程中发挥了一定的作用;普里兹湾地区是南极下降风较为强盛的地区之一,它可以将更多的风化碎屑吹向下风向的宇航员海。这些因素综合导致了宇航员海ANT36-C4-05岩芯沉积物主要来自于普里兹湾的特征。
  • 图  1  ANT36-C4-05站位(a)、区域环流(b)及下降风(c)[26]示意图

    恩德比地样品区引自文献[27-31];普里兹湾样品区引自文献[32];中山站引自文献[32-33];罗斯海样品区引自文献[33-35];南极半岛东北部海域样品区引自文献[36];Vostok冰芯引自文献[37-38];Dome C冰芯引自文献[38-39];Taylor冰川引自文献[40];西南极火成岩引自文献[41- 42];横贯南极山脉(Transantarctic Mountain, TAM)粉尘样品引自文献[43]

    Fig.  1  Sketch map of Station ANT36-C4-05 (a), the regional current system (b) and the katabatic winds (c) [26]

    Enderby Land sample area cited from references [27-31]; Prydz Bay sample area cited from reference [32]; Zhongshan Station cited from references [32-33]; Ross Sea sample area cited from references [33-35]; Antarctic Peninsula northeasten sea sample area cited from reference [36];Vostok Ice Core cited from references [37-38];Dome C Ice Core cited from references [38-39];Taylor Glacial cited from reference [40]; West Antarctic volcanoes cited from references [41-42]; Transantarctic Mountain (TAM) dust samples cited from reference [43]

    图  2  沉积物与UCC[54]、南极地区海洋沉积物[32, 34, 36]及岩石[27, 32-33, 35-36]稀土元素(REE)标准化配分模式对比

    Fig.  2  The comparison of the rare earth element (REE) standardized distribution model between the sediment and the UCC[54], marine sediments[32, 34, 36], and rocks[27, 32-33, 35-36] in the Antarctic

    图  3  沉积物与南极地区海洋沉积物[32, 34, 36]及岩石[27, 32-33, 35-36] 稀土元素(REE)特征对比

    Fig.  3  The comparison of the rare earth element (REE) characteristics between the sediment and marine sediments[32, 34, 36], rocks[27, 32-33, 35-36] in the Antarctic

    图  4  沉积物与南极地区粉尘物质[28-31, 33, 37-43]εNd(0)-87Sr/86Sr特征对比

    Fig.  4  The comparison of the εNd(0) - 87Sr/86Sr between the sediment and dust materials in the Antarctic[28-31, 33, 37-43]

    图  5  物源端元模拟结果的稀土元素(REE)标准化配分模式对比

    Fig.  5  The comparison of the rare earth element (REE) standardized distribution models between the simulation results for the provenance end member mixing model and the original results of the sample

    表  1  沉积物稀土元素(REE)指标统计学特征

    Tab.  1  Statistical characteristics of rare earth element (REE) proxies in the sediment

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    表  2  沉积物Sr-Nd同位素指标统计学特征

    Tab.  2  Statistical characteristics of Sr-Nd isotopic proxies in the sediment

    ANT36-C4-05最小值0.737 60.511 5−21.76
    最大值0.739 90.511 6−20.67
    平均值0.738 40.511 55−21.26
    标准差0.000 6<0.000 10.27
    变异系数0.000 8<0.000 1−0.01
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    表  3  沉积物稀土元素的富集因子(EF)值统计

    Tab.  3  Enrichment factors (EF) of the rare earth element in the sediment

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    表  4  沉积物物源端元计算结果

    Tab.  4  Results of the provenance end member mixing model of the sediment

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