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蒋超 陈杰 蒋昌波 姚震 梁海 伍志元

蒋超,陈杰,蒋昌波,等. 柱状珊瑚砂静水沉降试验研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(4):57–67 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023043
引用本文: 蒋超,陈杰,蒋昌波,等. 柱状珊瑚砂静水沉降试验研究[J]. 海洋学报,2023,45(4):57–67 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023043
Jiang Chao,Chen Jie,Jiang Changbo, et al. Experimental study on settlement of rod coral sand in stagnant water[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(4):57–67 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023043
Citation: Jiang Chao,Chen Jie,Jiang Changbo, et al. Experimental study on settlement of rod coral sand in stagnant water[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2023, 45(4):57–67 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023043


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2023043
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFB2601100);国家自然科学基金重点项目(51839002);国家自然科学基金面上项目(51979014,52271257);湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目(2022JJ10047)

    蒋超(1999-),男,湖南省邵阳市人,主要从事珊瑚砂运动特性研究。E-mail: 841072313@qq.com


    陈杰(1982-),男,广西壮族自治区桂林市人,博士,教授,主要从事河口海岸动力学及泥沙运动研究。E-mail: chenjie166@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P736.21+3

Experimental study on settlement of rod coral sand in stagnant water

  • 摘要: 沉降速度是珊瑚砂的一个重要物理参数。由于柱状珊瑚砂与其他形状的珊瑚砂有着明显的差异,套用现有珊瑚砂的沉速公式进行计算并不合适。本文选取柱状珊瑚砂进行单颗粒沉降试验,研究静水中柱状珊瑚砂沉降速度及其影响因素,通过讨论分析不同的等效粒径和形状系数对柱状珊瑚砂沉降速度的影响,发现柱状珊瑚砂的沉降速度与等容粒径和Corey形状系数密切相关,基于本文试验数据推求了适用于计算柱状珊瑚砂沉降速度的经验公式,丰富了海岸泥沙理论。
  • 图  1  沉降试验布置图

    Fig.  1  Schematic graph of settlement experiment

    图  2  获取形状参数流程图

    Fig.  2  Flow chart of getting the shape factors

    图  3  颗粒形状分类图

    Fig.  3  Graph of particle shape classification

    图  4  不同的等效粒径大小与形状系数分布

    Fig.  4  Distribution graph of different equivalent particle sizes and shape coefficients

    图  5  沉降速度与形状系数分布

    Fig.  5  Distribution graph of settling velocitys and shape coefficients

    图  6  本文沉降速度与前人研究沉速降速度对比

    Fig.  6  Comparison of particle settling velocitys of the present study with those of previous studies

    图  7  不同雷诺数与阻力系数的关系

    Fig.  7  Relationships between different Reynolds numbers and drag coefficients

    图  8  沉降速度预测值和实测值对比

    Fig.  8  Comparison of calculated and tested settling velocity

    图  9  沉降速度预测值和实测值拟合

    Fig.  9  The fitting relationship between the predicted value and the measured value of the settling velocity

    表  1  不同等效粒径和形状系数方案设计

    Tab.  1  Programmes of different equivalent particle sizes and shape coefficients

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    表  2  Corey形状系数离散程度

    Tab.  2  Dispersions of Corey shape coefficient

    粒径大小Dn<0.20Dn <0.25Dn <0.30Dn <0.35
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    表  3  不同形状系数与沉降速度相关系数

    Tab.  3  Correlation coefficients of shape coefficients and settling velocitys

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    表  4  柱状珊瑚砂不同等效粒径和形状参数拟合公式对照

    Tab.  4  Comparison of fitting formulas for rod coral sand with different equivalent particle sizes and shape coefficients

    1${\dfrac{V}{ { {A_p} } } = 0.381S_{ f}^{0.434}{D_n} }$0.735${ {\omega ^2} = 0.762\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.434}{D_n} }$
    2$ {\dfrac{V}{{{A_p}}} = 0.366{\psi ^{0.243}}{D_n}} $0.726$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.732\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.243}}{D_n}} $
    3${\dfrac{V}{ { {A_p} } } = 0.473S_{ f}^{0.428}{D_v} }$0.897${ {\omega ^2} = 0.946\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.428}{D_v} }$
    4$ {\dfrac{V}{{{A_p}}} = 0.452{\psi ^{0.234}}{D_v}} $0.886$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.904\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.234}}{D_v}} $
    5${\dfrac{V}{ { {A_p} } } = 0.380S_{ f}^{0.765}{D_p} }$0.735${ {\omega ^2} = 0.760\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.765}{D_p} }$
    6$ {\dfrac{V}{{{A_p}}} = 0.355{\psi ^{0.435}}{D_p}} $0.708$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.710\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.435}}{D_p}} $
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    表  5  不同等效粒径和形状参数拟合公式对照

    Tab.  5  Comparison of fitting formulas for rod coral sand with different equivalent particle sizes and shape coefficients

    1$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 403 \nu }}{{D_n^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 3.34} \right)^{ - 4.58}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 205 \nu }}{{D_n^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.13} \right)^{0.405}}} $${ {\omega ^2} = 0.762\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.434}{D_n} }$
    2$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 725 \nu }}{{D_n^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 4.82} \right)^{ - 2.77}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 226 \nu }}{{D_n^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.14} \right)^{0.416}}} $$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.732\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.243}}{D_n}} $
    3$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 108 \nu }}{{D_v^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 2.39} \right)^{ - 11.60}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 74.5 \nu }}{{D_v^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.03} \right)^{0.601}}} $${ {\omega ^2} = 0.946\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.428}{D_v} }$
    4$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 172 \nu }}{{D_v^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 2.95} \right)^{ - 13.50}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 95.3 \nu }}{{D_v^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.05} \right)^{0.486}}} $$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.904\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.234}}{D_v}} $
    5$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 210 \nu }}{{D_p^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 2.00} \right)^{ - 15.70}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 182 \nu }}{{D_p^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.09} \right)^{0.533}}} $${ {\omega ^2} = 0.760\dfrac{ {\left( { {\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g} }{ {\rho {C_d} } }S_{ f}^{0.765}{D_p} }$
    6$ {{C_d} = {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 778 \nu }}{{D_p^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 4.57} \right)^{ - 14.12}} + {\left( {\dfrac{{ - 249 \nu }}{{D_p^{1.5} \times {g^{0.5}}}} + 1.14} \right)^{0.436}}} $$ {{\omega ^2} = 0.710\dfrac{{\left( {{\rho _s} - \rho } \right)g}}{{\rho {C_d}}}{\psi ^{0.435}}{D_p}} $
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    表  6  沉降速度计算误差表

    Tab.  6  Calculation error of the settling velocity

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