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邓筱凡 张宏瑜 吴忠迅 李文涛 张沛东

邓筱凡,张宏瑜,吴忠迅,等. 荣成马山里海域海草床分布现状及其生态特征[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(8):97–109 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022160
引用本文: 邓筱凡,张宏瑜,吴忠迅,等. 荣成马山里海域海草床分布现状及其生态特征[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(8):97–109 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022160
Deng Xiaofan,Zhang Hongyu,Wu Zhongxun, et al. Distribution and ecological characteristics of seagrass bed of Mashanli sea area in Rongcheng[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(8):97–109 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022160
Citation: Deng Xiaofan,Zhang Hongyu,Wu Zhongxun, et al. Distribution and ecological characteristics of seagrass bed of Mashanli sea area in Rongcheng[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(8):97–109 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022160


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022160
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901302);国家自然科学基金(42076100)。




  • 中图分类号: Q948.8

Distribution and ecological characteristics of seagrass bed of Mashanli sea area in Rongcheng

  • 摘要: 海草床是滨海三大典型生态系统之一,具有极其重要的环境改善、资源养护和减灾防灾等生态功能,亦是全球重要的碳库。2016年8月,通过对荣成马山里海域的现场调查,发现了面积为58.26 hm2的海草床,其海草的种类为红纤维虾形草(Phyllospadix iwatensis)和丛生鳗草(Zostera caespitosa)。红纤维虾形草分布面积为54.50 hm2,占该海域海草床总面积的93.5%,分为北部和南部2个带状区域,平均茎枝密度为(368.0±18.2)shoots/m2,平均生物量(干重,下同)为(297.0±41.5)g/m2。丛生鳗草分布面积为3.76 hm2,占海草床总面积的6.5%,呈现斑块状分布,与红纤维虾形草交错而生,平均茎枝密度为(691.2±17.1)shoots/m2,平均生物量为(534.0±70.7)g/m2。马山里海域海草床主要分布在平均水深为(2.8±0.3) m的以岩礁为主的底质上。海草的生长状况存在显著的空间差异,与水温呈现显著的正相关,与水深和陆源污染物存在显著的负相关。结合历史资料,发现该海域海草床退化现象较严重,其主要威胁因素是人为干扰,主要包括渔业生产、养殖活动和陆源污染输入。建议合理规划周边海域的养殖规模和密度、加强陆源污染物管控和开展海草床生态修复工程,以期为温带海草床的有效保护和科学管理提供参考。
  • 图  1  马山里海域海草床调查区域

    Fig.  1  Investigation area of seagrass beds in the Mashanli sea area

    图  2  红纤维虾形草水下状态(a)、外部形态特征(b)及其叶片组织切片(c)

    Fig.  2  Underwater state (a), external morphological characteristics (b) and leaf transection (c) of Phyllospadix iwatensis

    图  3  丛生鳗草水下状态(a)、外部形态特征(b)及其叶片组织切片(c)

    Fig.  3  Underwater state (a), external morphological characteristics (b) and leaf transection (c) of Zostera caespitosa

    图  4  马山里海域海草分布

    Fig.  4  Distribution of seagrasses in the Mashanli sea area

    图  5  海草形态学特征指标谱系


    Fig.  5  Morphologic indexes intergroup pedigree of seagrasses

    PW1−PW5 indicate the stations of Phyllospadix iwatensis; ZC1−ZC5 indicate the stations of Zostera caespitosa

    图  6  马山里海域海草调查站位及生长状况评估结果


    Fig.  6  Seagrass survey stations and evaluation results of growth status in the Mashanli sea area

    PW1−PW5 indicate the stations of Phyllospadix iwatensis; ZC1−ZC5 indicate the stations of Zostera caespitosa

    图  7  海草形态学指标与环境因子间的相关性分析

    SH. 株高;LSL. 叶鞘长;AB. 单株地上生物量;UB. 单株地下生物量;WD. 水深;WT. 水温;DO. 溶解氧含量;SWT. 透明度;OM. 有机质含量;A. 海草形态学指标之间的相关性;B. 环境因子指标之间的相关性;C. 海草形态学指标与环境因子指标之间的相关性;*代表p<0.05, **代表p<0.01

    Fig.  7  Correlation analysis among morphological indexes of seagrass and environmental factors

    SH. Shoot height; LSL. leaf sheath length; AB. aboveground bio mass per plant; UB. underground bio mass per plant; WD. water depth; WT. water temperature; DO. dissolved oxygen content; SWT. transparency; OM. organic matter content; the data on the left and right sides are the normalized canonical correlation coefficient of the variables; A. correlation between morphological indexes of seagrasses; B. correlation between environmental factors; C. correlation between morphological indexes of seagrasses and environmental factors; * indicates p<0.05, ** indicates p<0.01

    图  8  U1V1典型结构示意图

    U1. 生态学指标第一典型变量;V1. 海区环境指标第一典型变量;SH. 株高;LSL. 叶鞘长;SD. 茎枝密度;BI. 单株干重;WD. 水深;WT. 水温;SWT. 透明度;OM. 有机质含量

    Fig.  8  Canonical correlation structure diagram of U1 and V1

    U1. The first canonical variable of morphological indexes; V1. the first canonical variable of marine environmental factors; SH. shoot height; LSL. leaf sheath length; SD. shoot density; BI. dry weight per plant; WD. water depth; WT. water temperature; SWT. transparency; OM. organic matter content

    图  9  变量典型载荷分析(a)和变量交叉载荷分析(b)

    SH. 株高;LSL. 叶鞘长;SD. 茎枝密度;BI. 单株干重;WD. 水深;WT. 水温;SWT. 透明度;OM. 有机质含量

    Fig.  9  Variable typical load analysis (a) and variable cross load analysis (b)

    SH. Shoot height; LSL. leaf sheath length; SD. shoot density; BI. dry weight per plant; WD. water depth; WT. water temperature; SWT. transparency; OM. organic matter content

    图  10  典型冗余分析组内、组间解释度

    Fig.  10  Interpretation of typical redundancy analysis within and between groups

    图  11  环境类型赋分结果示意图

    Fig.  11  Schematic diagram of environment type assignment results

    表  1  马山里海域海草形态学指标统计

    Tab.  1  Statistics of morphological indexes of seagrasses in the Mashanli sea area

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    表  2  马山里海域海草床主要环境因子

    Tab.  2  The main environmental factors of the seagrass beds in the Mashanli sea area

    海草种类站位水深/m水温/℃盐度 溶解氧含量/(mg·L−1)pH透明度/m底质类型沉积物有机质含量/%
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  环境类型及赋分标准

    Tab.  3  Environment type and assignment standard

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    表  4  荣成近岸红纤维虾形草资源量

    Tab.  4  Resources of Phyllospadix iwatensis in the Rongcheng coastal

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    桑沟湾37.32 649.0±29.82 381.3±27.3文献[11]
    下载: 导出CSV
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