Numerical simulation of wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater under focused wave
摘要: 基于非静压数值计算模型,本文系统研究了聚焦波作用下透水潜堤的消波特性,通过设置合理的计算工况,详细分析了波高、堤顶水深、谱峰周期、孔隙率以及堤顶宽度5种因素对透水潜堤消波特性的影响。与此同时,本文将透水潜堤的计算结果同不透水潜堤的计算结果进行了对比分析。计算结果表明:透水潜堤对聚焦波的消减作用要强于不透水潜堤,从而说明,透水潜堤能更有效地降低畸形波对海岸基础设施的影响;波高和堤顶水深是影响潜堤消波特性的重要因素,随入射波高增加、堤顶水深减小,透水潜堤对波浪的消减作用逐渐增强。透水潜堤对长周期波浪的消波效果较差。在本文考虑的孔隙率范围内,孔隙率越大,透水潜堤消波效果越好;当孔隙率为0.4,堤顶宽度为0.612 5 m时,透水潜堤可消减54%的入射波能,比不透水潜堤对入射波能的消减增加36.1%。本文研究结果可为进一步认识透水潜堤的消波特性和海岸防护工程设计提供相应的参考。Abstract: Based on the non-hydrostatic numerical calculation model, this paper systematically studies the wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater under the impact of focused wave. By setting reasonable calculation conditions, the effects of wave height, water depth above the submerged breakwater, spectral peak period, porosity and the crest width of submerged breakwater on the wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater are analyzed in detail. At the same time, the calculation results of permeable submerged breakwater are compared with those of impermeable submerged breakwater. The calculation results show that the attenuation effect of permeable submerged breakwater on focused wave is stronger than that of impermeable submerged breakwater, which shows that permeable submerged breakwater can more effectively reduce the impact of freak wave on coastal infrastructure; wave height and the water depth above the submerged breakwater are important factors affecting the wave dissipation characteristics of submerged breakwater. With the increase of incident wave height and the decrease of the water depth above the submerged breakwater, the wave dissipation effect of permeable submerged breakwater increases gradually. The permeable submerged breakwater has poor wave dissipation effect on large-spectrum peak period waves. Within the range of porosity considered in this paper, as the porosity increases, the wave dissipation effect of permeable submerged breakwater is better; when the porosity is 0.4 and the crest width is 0.6125 m, the permeable submerged breakwater can reduce 54% of the incident wave energy, which is 36.1% higher than that of the impermeable submerged breakwater. The research results of this paper can provide corresponding reference for further understanding the wave dissipation characteristics of permeable submerged breakwater and the design of coastal protection engineering.
表 1 验证工况参数
Tab. 1 Parameter setup of verification conditions
工况 频率范
围$f{\text{/} }{ {\rm{H} }{\rm{z} } }$中值频
率${f_c}{\text{/} }{ {\rm{H} }{\rm{z} } }$聚焦波
$ {k_c}A $色散系
数$kh$1 0.53, 1.13 0.83 0.03 0.092 0.83, 2.60 2 0.53, 1.13 0.83 0.06 0.184 0.83, 2.60 -
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