Study of sediment flocculation in tidal flat of Huanghe River Estuary
摘要: 本文基于现场观测的絮团粒径、悬沙浓度及水动力数据,研究了黄河口南部潮滩泥沙絮凝特征。研究发现,黄河口潮滩絮团粒径在25.42~264.44 μm之间,平均为95.20 μm。水体紊动对黄河口潮滩絮凝的影响存在差异,紊动对絮凝促进作用的上限约为Gl=3.76 s−1。紊动强度低于Gl时,紊动促进泥沙絮凝,絮团粒径随紊动加强而增大;反之水体紊动对絮凝主要起抑制作用,絮团粒径随紊动强度增大而减小。悬沙浓度对黄河口潮滩泥沙絮凝起抑制作用,同等紊动条件下高悬沙浓度对应的絮团粒径更小。黄河口潮滩絮团有效密度与粒径呈现负相关关系,沉速主要受粒径影响。本研究补充了对弱潮河口潮滩泥沙絮凝特性的认识。Abstract: Based on the field data of floc size, suspended sediment concentration and hydrodynamic data, the flocculation characteristics of tidal flat in the south of the Huanghe River Estuary are studied. The results show that the floc size of Huanghe River Estuary tidal flat range is 25.42–264.44 μm, and the average diameter is 95.20 μm. The effect of water turbulence on the flocculation of tidal flat at the Huanghe River Estuary is different, and the upper limit of turbulence on flocculation promotion is about Gl=3.76 s–1. While the turbulence intensity of water is lower than Gl, turbulence promotes sediment flocculation, and the particle size of floc increases with the strengthen of turbulence intensity, whereas the turbulence mainly inhibits flocculation, the particle size of floc decreases with the attenuate of turbulence intensity. The suspended sediment concentration inhibits the flocculation, particle size of floc corresponding to high sediment content under the same turbulent conditions is smaller. There is a negative correlation between the effective density and the particle size of the floc, and the settling speed of the floc is mainly affected by the particle size. This study complements the understanding of sediment flocculation characteristics in tidal flat of weak tidal estuary.
Key words:
- sediment /
- flocculation /
- tidal flat /
- Huanghe River Estuary
表 1 各个潮周期絮团粒径与紊动剪切率、悬沙浓度及流速的Spearman系数
Tab. 1 Spearman correlation coefficient of floc particle size and bottom turbulent shear rate, suspended sediment concentration and flow velocity
时期 底部紊动剪切率 悬沙浓度 流速 T1 0.51/显著相关 0.11/不相关 –0.27/不相关 T2 –0.20/不相关 –0.48/微相关 0.18/不相关 T3 –0.41/微相关 –0.48/微相关 –0.11/不相关 T4 –0.65/显著相关 –0.76/显著相关 0.34/微相关 表 2 不同Gl对应拟合结果对比
Tab. 2 Fitting results of different Gl
Gl/s−1 R²(紊动促进絮凝阶段) R²(紊动抑制絮凝阶段) 3.31 0.17 0.34 3.76 0.53 0.32 3.98 0.42 0.28 4.30 0.43 0.26 4.59 0.09 0.02 -
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