Study on cell classificatioin, immune-related enzymatic characteristics and preliminary transcriptome of coelomocytes in Onchidium struma
摘要: 瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)广泛分布于潮间带和潮下带,是海洋生物向陆地生物辐射进化的重要代表,也是环境监测的指示生物。为丰富瘤背石磺的基础免疫学资料,本文研究了瘤背石磺体腔细胞的类别、细胞密度和体腔液免疫相关酶活性,并通过RNA-Seq测序获得体腔细胞转录本,进行生物信息学分析。结果表明,瘤背石磺主要有变形细胞、球形细胞和色素细胞3种不同类型的体腔细胞,其中,球形细胞数量最多,色素细胞数量最少;在无任何外源刺激下,体腔液内酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、超氧化物歧化酶和酚氧化酶等抗氧化酶和免疫相关酶均具有活性,且超氧化物歧化酶和酚氧化酶活性最高;转录组学分析显示,体腔细胞中共组装出63 097个Unigenes,KEGG将这些Unigenes主要注释到“信号转导” “运输和分解代谢” “内分泌系统” “翻译” “折叠、分选和降解”等信号通路。研究结果将利于进一步揭示瘤背石磺的体腔液及其体腔细胞在机体免疫防御过程中的作用,丰富瘤背石磺的基础免疫学资料。Abstract: Onchidium struma is widely distributed in intertidal zone and subtidal zone, and considered as a representative species of evolution from ocean to land and an indicator organism for evaluation of environment quality. To enrich the basic immunological data of O. struma, the classification of coelomocytes, cell density and immune-related enzyme activity of the coelomic fluid are studied, and also transcriptome analysis is performed by RNA-Seq sequencing. The results show that there are three different types of coelomocytes, including amoebocytes, spherulocytes and chromatocytes. The number of coelomocytes from more to less are spherulocytes, amoebocytes, chromatocytes. The higher enzyme activities including acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and polyphenol oxidase (PO), are detected in coelomic fluids. The activities of SOD and PO are highest. Based on De novo transcriptome analysis, a total of 63 097 unigenes are assembled. KEGG annotations of these unigenes are mostly enriched in “signal transduction” “transport and catabolism” “endocrine system” “translation” “folding, sorting and degradation”, and signalling pathways. The present results will be helpful to further reveal the important role of the body cavity fluid and body coelomocytes in the host immune defense, and enrich the basic immunological data of O. struma.
Key words:
- Onchidium struma /
- coelomic fluid /
- coelomocytes /
- immune-related enzymes /
- transcriptome analysis
图 4 瘤背石磺体腔细胞转录本序列与数据库中已知序列比对结果
a. 基于Nr分析每个Unigenes的相似性分布;b. E值分布;c. 物种相似率分布
Fig. 4 Comparison of transcriptomic sequences from coelomocytes in Onchidium struma with the known sequences from different species in database
a. Analyze the similarity distribution of each unigenes based on Nr database; b. E-value distribution; c. species similarity rate distribution for each Unigene
表 1 瘤背石磺体腔细胞6个文库的序列统计
Tab. 1 Statistics of transcriptomic sequences from six libraries formed from coelomocytes of Onchidium struma
样本 原始测序数据 过滤后数据 过滤后
%C_1 56 905 466 55 196 240 8.28G 0.03 97.45 92.82 39.69 C_2 53 789 348 52 602 114 7.89G 0.03 97.54 92.96 40.95 C_3 52 255 816 49 929 942 7.49G 0.03 97.54 92.97 39.96 C_4 55 152 332 53 717 116 8.06G 0.03 97.61 93.13 40.92 C_5 55 111 052 53 356 160 8.00G 0.03 97.27 92.39 41.54 C_6 55 545 304 53 926 240 8.09G 0.03 97.66 93.24 40.93 均值 54 793 220 53 121 302 7.97G 0.03 97.51 92.91 40.66 -
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