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张景思 吴伦宇 葛建忠 丁平兴

张景思,吴伦宇,葛建忠,等. 基于高频地波雷达的多时间尺度海流研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(6):128–139 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022039
引用本文: 张景思,吴伦宇,葛建忠,等. 基于高频地波雷达的多时间尺度海流研究[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(6):128–139 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022039
Zhang Jingsi,Wu Lunyu,Ge Jianzhong, et al. Study of ocean current at multiple time scales based on the high frequency surface wave radar[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(6):128–139 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022039
Citation: Zhang Jingsi,Wu Lunyu,Ge Jianzhong, et al. Study of ocean current at multiple time scales based on the high frequency surface wave radar[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(6):128–139 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022039


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022039
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1407402);国家自然科学基金(41776104)。




  • 中图分类号: P731.21

Study of ocean current at multiple time scales based on the high frequency surface wave radar

  • 摘要: 近海海流受多种动力过程及岸线岛屿的作用呈现空间和时间尺度上的复杂变化,而地波雷达由于其探测面积广、时间分辨率高的特点成为研究这些变化的有效手段。本文利用舟山海域多年高频地波雷达资料,通过潮流调和分析、低通滤波和相关性分析对该海域海流潮周期、极端事件、季节、年际尺度的动力过程进行了解译。研究表明,舟山海域属于正规半日潮,潮流运动形式以顺时针旋转流为主,流速大小在空间上为东北方向较大,往西南方向逐渐减小,并在近岸处得到增强。余流的年际变化并不显著,但存在着明显的季节变化,例如冬季为南向流,流速减小,空间分布上近岸较外海大,而夏季与之反向,为北向流,流速较大,空间分布较为均匀。进一步分析了风与余流之间的相关性,在大风期间,风与余流的速度相关系数在0.48~0.90之间,方向相关系数在0.55~0.68之间。极端事件发生时,速度、方向的相关系数分别高达0.92与0.91。总体而言,通过分析高频地波雷达数据能够较好地反映舟山海域海流的时空特征,为海洋灾害监测和污染物、藻华的输运研究提供依据。
  • 图  1  研究区域及舟山海域水深分布(a)和两个雷达观测站位置(b)


    Fig.  1  The study area and the water depth in the Zhoushan sea area (a) and two radar stations (b)

    The selected position of the red rectangle in a is the main coverage area of the ground wave radar; in b, Zhujiajian and Shengshan are two radar stations, the gray blocks are the actual observation point of radar, station A is a point in the core area of radar observation

    图  2  2017–2019年各月份数据丰度百分比

    Fig.  2  Percentage of data available for each month of 2017, 2018 and 2019

    图  3  质量控制前后数据丰度对比


    Fig.  3  Percentage of data available before and after quality control

    a and b are the percentage of data available in space before and after quality control, the blocks are the radar observation point, the color represents the percentage of the data available, the black rectangular positions are the point where the data percentage are greater than 60%; c is percentage of data available per day before and after quality control

    图  4  M2、S2潮流椭圆(a)和 K1、O1潮流椭圆(b)

    Fig.  4  M2, S2 (a), K1, O1 (b) tidal current ellipses

    图  5  F值(a)、K值(b)和Vmax值(c)分布

    Fig.  5  Distribution of F-value (a), K-value (b), and Vmax-value (b)

    图  6  2017年1月流速矢量时间序列(a)、流速时间序列(b)和流向时间序列(c)

    Fig.  6  Time series of tidal current vector (a), time series of tidal current velocity (b), and time series of tidal current direction (c) in January, 2017

    图  7  各月平均余流与风场


    Fig.  7  Average residual currents and wind fields for each month

    The blue arrows are the wind vector and the black arrows are the residual current; the first to third columns in the figure are 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively; winter: a–c; spring: d–f; summer: g–i; autumn: j–l

    图  8  2017年与2019年秋季余流与风的时间序列对比和相关系数


    Fig.  8  Time series comparison and correlation between the residual current and the wind in the autumn of 2017 and 2019

    T1T4 are September 13−18, 2017 and September 21−25, 2017, respectively; T5T8 are September 6−10, 2019 and September 14−24, 2019, respectively

    图  9  台风靠近与离开时刻余流场与风场


    Fig.  9  The residual current and wind fields of the moment when the typhoon approach and leave

    The black line in the upper left corner is the typhoon track, the red dot is the typhoon position at the current moment, the green rectangle is the study area; a is at 0:00 on July 15, 2017 and b is at 0:00 on July 16, 2017

    图  10  2017年9月风速、余流流速、实际流速对比(a)和风向、余流流向、实际流向对比(b)


    Fig.  10  Comparison of wind speed, residual current velocity, actual current velocity (a), and comparison of wind direction, residual current direction, actual direction (b) in September 2017

    The green background part is the period during the typhoon is most powerful

    表  1  大风时期风与余流相关性统计

    Tab.  1  Correlation statistics between wind and residual currents during strong wind

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