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董凡 张晓影 陈广泉 戴振学 王延诚

董凡,张晓影,陈广泉,等. 莱州湾南岸海水入侵特征及基于WA-NARX混合模型的动态预测[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(3):81–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022015
引用本文: 董凡,张晓影,陈广泉,等. 莱州湾南岸海水入侵特征及基于WA-NARX混合模型的动态预测[J]. 海洋学报,2022,44(3):81–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022015
Dong Fan,Zhang Xiaoying,Chen Guangquan, et al. Seawater intrusion characterization and dynamics prediction based on WA-NARX hybrid model in the south of Laizhou Bay[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(3):81–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022015
Citation: Dong Fan,Zhang Xiaoying,Chen Guangquan, et al. Seawater intrusion characterization and dynamics prediction based on WA-NARX hybrid model in the south of Laizhou Bay[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2022, 44(3):81–97 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022015


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2022015
基金项目: 山东省重大科技创新工程专项(2018SDKJ0503-2);国家自然科学基金面上项目(41702244);国家自然科学基金青年项目(41972249,41706067)。





  • 中图分类号: P731.2

Seawater intrusion characterization and dynamics prediction based on WA-NARX hybrid model in the south of Laizhou Bay

  • 摘要: 随着我国海岸带经济的快速发展与人类活动的加剧,地下水超采现象十分严峻,由此引发的海水入侵已成为滨海地区普遍存在的地质问题。本研究以莱州湾南岸海水入侵区为研究对象,根据地下水连续监测数据分析了地下水位和电导率的动态变化特征。在此基础上,基于降雨、蒸发、潮汐及农业排灌用电量等影响地下水动态变化的因素,建立了小波分析(WA)与具有外部输入的非线性自回归神经网络(NARX)的混合模型,对地下水水位和电导率进行动态预测,并采用均方根误差和拟合度对预测结果进行评价。研究结果表明,莱州湾南岸地下水年内动态变化特征为降雨入渗–开采型,地下水位和潮汐之间在0.5 d频率上呈现较高相关性,潮汐对地下水电导率的影响要弱于对地下水位的影响;WA-NARX混合模型在训练和测试阶段的均方根误差均小于0.03且拟合度大于0.98,可有效预测研究区海水入侵的变化程度。同时,为验证模型适用性,对比了不同影响因素作为模型输入参数对预测结果的影响。结果表明,降雨和潮汐参数是影响海岸带地下水位和电导率的主要变量,蒸发以及农业排灌用电量反映的部分抽水信息对地下水位和电导率也有影响,其影响程度与观测频率相关。本文研究结果可为海岸带海水入侵的实时监测、预测、预警提供理论与技术支撑。
  • 图  1  研究区位置图及监测井分布

    Fig.  1  Location of the study area and monitoring wells

    图  2  各影响因素时间序列

    a. 降雨量;b. 潮汐;c. 蒸发量;d. 农业排灌用电量

    Fig.  2  Time series of influencing factors

    a. Precipitation; b. tide; c. evaporation; d. electricity consumption of agricultural irrigation and drainage

    图  3  研究区剖面图(修改自文献[26])

    1. 粉质黏土;2. 中砂及砾石;3. 黏土;4. 砂质黏土;5. 基岩;6 、1992年(虚线)和2013年(实线)地下水等势面

    Fig.  3  Hydrogeology of the cross section from south to north in the study area (modified from reference [26])

    1. Clay sand; 2. medium sand and gravel; 3. clay; 4. sandy clay; 5. bedrock; 6. groundwater level surface in 1992 (dash line) and 2013 (solid line)

    图  4  WA-NARX模型建模流程


    Fig.  4  Flow chart of WA-NARX neural network hybrid model

    g(n) is low-pass filters; h(n) is high-pass filters; Ci is low-frequency approximations; Wi is high-frequency details

    图  5  输入到输出的NARX神经网络结构

    Fig.  5  Nonlinear auto-regression with exogenous input NARX

    图  6  监测井2011–2012年间地下水位变化曲线

    Fig.  6  Groundwater level variation in monitoring wells from 2011 to 2012

    图  7  监测井BH4水位与电导率变化

    Fig.  7  Groundwater level and electrical conductivity variation in BH4 monitoring well

    图  8  小波相干性分析

    a, b. 地下水位与潮汐的相干性;c, d. 地下水电导率与潮汐的相干性

    Fig.  8  Wavelet coherence analysis

    a, b. Wavelet coherence between groundwater levels and tidal; c, d. wavelet coherence between electrical conductivity values and tidal

    图  9  WA-NARX模型地下水位预测与观测对比

    Fig.  9  Comparison of groundwater level prediction based on WA-NARX and observation

    图  10  WA-NARX模型电导率预测的性能图

    Fig.  10  Performance of WA-NARX model for electrical conductivity prediction

    图  11  新增蒸发参数的预测和实测地下水位散点图

    Fig.  11  Scatter diagrams of predicted and observed groundwater level with newly added evaporation parameters

    图  12  新增用电量参数的预测和实测地下水位散点图

    Fig.  12  Scatter diagrams of predicted and observed groundwater level with newly added power consumption parameters

    图  13  新增蒸发参数的预测和实测电导率曲线图

    Fig.  13  Curve diagrams of predicted and observed electrical conductivity with newly added evaporation parameters

    图  14  新增用电量参数的预测和实测电导率曲线图

    Fig.  14  Curve diagrams of predicted and observed electrical conductivity with newly added power consumption parameters

    表  1  监测井地下水位统计特征分析(单位:m)

    Tab.  1  Analysis on statistical characteristics of groundwater level in monitoring wells (unit: m)

    BH1 1.451 –0.854 0.270 0.422
    BH2 2.681 –0.230 1.504 0.633
    BH3 4.092 –0.266 2.865 0.516
    BH4 6.378 3.230 5.033 0.689
    BH5 4.014 2.124 3.259 0.403
    BH6 4.371 3.196 3.750 0.246
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    表  2  监测井电导率统计特征分析(单位:mS/cm)

    Tab.  2  Analysis on statistical characteristics of electrical conductivity in monitoring wells (unit: mS/cm)

    BH1 2.08 0.63 1.22 0.505 41.39%
    BH2 1.69 1.53 1.65 0.021 1.27%
    BH3 1.62 1.01 1.20 0.121 10.08%
    BH4 13.17 2.39 4.70 2.252 47.91%
    BH5 16.95 3.68 8.95 3.196 35.71%
    BH6 15.32 4.12 6.61 3.143 47.55%
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    表  3  地下水位预测时WA-NARX模型的均方根误差(RMSE)和拟合度(R2)统计表

    Tab.  3  The WA-NARX model performance metrics of RMSE and R2 for groundwater level prediction

    BH1 0.004 1 0.999 9 0.003 9 0.999 8
    BH2 0.004 2 1.000 0 0.004 3 0.999 9
    BH3 0.028 1 0.997 1 0.014 7 0.998 3
    BH4 0.004 9 0.999 9 0.005 4 0.999 9
    BH5 0.003 0 0.999 9 0.006 0 0.999 6
    BH6 0.003 4 0.999 8 0.003 9 0.998 7
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    表  4  电导率预测时WA-NARX模型的均方根误差(RMSE)和拟合度($ {{R}}^{2} $)统计

    Tab.  4  The WA-NARX model performance metrics of RMSE and R2 for electrical conductivity prediction

    BH1 0.001 3 1.000 0 0.001 5 0.999 4
    BH2 0.000 78 0.998 5 0.000 89 0.989 7
    BH3 0.005 1 0.998 4 0.005 0 0.993 6
    BH4 0.007 4 1.000 0 0.005 3 0.999 5
    BH5 0.003 9 1.000 0 0.002 6 0.990 5
    BH6 0.008 5 1.000 0 0.004 4 0.997 8
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    表  5  新增蒸发参数的地下水位预测误差及网络性能统计表

    Tab.  5  The prediction error of groundwater level and network performance with newly added evaporation parameters

    BH1 1.619 3×10–5 0.004 0 0.957 1 1.526 1×10–5 0.004 4 0.948 4
    BH2 2.569 7×10–5 0.005 1 0.961 9 3.006 6×10–5 0.005 5 0.955 4
    BH3 8.991 8×10–5 0.009 5 0.935 7 7.640 4×10–5 0.008 7 0.945 4
    BH4 2.476 8×10–5 0.009 8 0.880 7 9.752 6×10–5 0.009 9 0.878 5
    BH5 2.381 2×10–4 0.015 4 0.643 7 5.149 2×10–4 0.022 7 0.229 5
    BH6 1.392 0×10–5 0.003 7 0.983 9 1.249 7×10–5 0.003 5 0.985 5
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    表  6  新增用电量参数的地下水位预测误差及网络性能统计

    Tab.  6  The prediction error of groundwater level and network performance with newly added power consumption parameters

    BH1 1.619 3×10–5 0.004 0 0.957 1 2.216 3×10–5 0.004 7 0.941 3
    BH2 2.569 7×10–5 0.005 1 0.961 9 7.072 1×10–5 0.008 4 0.895 0
    BH3 8.991 8×10–5 0.009 5 0.935 7 2.027 0×10–4 0.014 2 0.855 1
    BH4 2.476 8×10–5 0.009 8 0.880 7 2.743 9×10–4 0.016 6 0.658 0
    BH5 2.381 2×10–4 0.015 4 0.643 7 1.064 5×10–4 0.010 3 0.840 7
    BH6 1.392 0×10–5 0.003 7 0.983 9 1.236 6×10–5 0.003 5 0.985 7
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    表  7  不同输入参数电导率预测误差及网络性能评价统计

    Tab.  7  The prediction error of electrical conductivity and network performance with different input parameters

    BH1 2.005 4×10–5 0.004 5 7.984 9×10–6 0.002 8 1.383 1×10–5 0.003 7
    BH2 1.086 4×10–7 0.000 33 1.086 0×10–7 0.000 30 4.927 2×10–8 0.000 31
    BH3 1.409 1×10–6 0.001 2 4.998 2×10–7 0.000 71 1.637 8×10–6 0.001 3
    BH4 1.072 6×10–5 0.003 3 1.946 0×10–5 0.004 4 1.368 7×10–5 0.003 7
    BH5 1.100 0×10–3 0.033 9 3.371 9×10–4 0.005 8 5.466 2×10–4 0.023 4
    BH6 1.136 3×10–5 0.003 4 1.161 5×10–5 0.003 4 1.007 5×10–5 0.003 2
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-02-08
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