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军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)性腺分化及首周年发育的组织学观察

邝杰华 陈刚 马骞 毛非凡 周启苓 黄建盛 施钢 张健东

邝杰华,陈刚,马骞,等. 军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)性腺分化及首周年发育的组织学观察[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(8):128–138 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021126
引用本文: 邝杰华,陈刚,马骞,等. 军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)性腺分化及首周年发育的组织学观察[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(8):128–138 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021126
Kuang Jiehua,Chen Gang,Ma Qian, et al. Histological observation on gonadal differentiation and first annual gonadal development of cobia (Rachycentron canadum)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(8):128–138 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021126
Citation: Kuang Jiehua,Chen Gang,Ma Qian, et al. Histological observation on gonadal differentiation and first annual gonadal development of cobia (Rachycentron canadum)[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(8):128–138 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021126

军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)性腺分化及首周年发育的组织学观察

doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021126
基金项目: 现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-47);南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江)资助项目(ZJW-2019-06);广东海洋大学科研启动经费资助项目(R19022)



    陈刚,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为鱼类种子工程与健康养殖。E-mail: cheng@gdou.edu.cn

    马骞,副教授,研究方向为海水鱼类发育学、生理学与遗传育种。E-mail: maq@gdou.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: Q954.4

Histological observation on gonadal differentiation and first annual gonadal development of cobia (Rachycentron canadum)

  • 摘要: 本研究采用石蜡组织切片和H.E.染色法对军曹鱼原始性腺的形成、分化及精巢和卵巢首周年发育的组织结构变化进行观察。结果显示,军曹鱼原始生殖细胞在7孵化日龄(days post hatching,dph)时迁移到达生殖嵴,随后体细胞出现聚集和分裂,并于15 dph将原始生殖细胞完全包绕形成原始性腺。军曹鱼卵巢分化的时间要早于精巢,34 dph的稚鱼性腺组织尚未分化,但可观察到两种存在明显组织学差异的性腺类型,其中一种类型的性腺出现卵原细胞群,而另一种类型的性腺横切面较狭长,生殖细胞数量明显较少,因此推定为未分化精巢;卵巢的解剖学分化开始于44 dph,其标志为卵巢腔的形成;50 dph时精巢开始细胞学上的分化,此时精原细胞由基底膜包被形成囊泡状的细胞团。在首周年发育期间 (60~360 dph),军曹鱼的精巢发育包含I、II、III、IV、V 5个时期,而卵巢发育只包含I、II、III 3个时期。60 dph时,精巢和卵巢均处于I期;90 dph时,精巢发育至II期,卵巢仍处于I期;120 dph时,超过半数的精巢已发育至 III期,仅少部分卵巢发育至II期;150 dph时,精巢已发育至III期,而大部分卵巢发育至II期;185 dph时,精巢仍为III期,卵巢均已发育至II期;210 dph时,大部分精巢发育至IV期,卵巢仍处于II期;360 dph时,精巢已发育至V期,大部分卵巢发育至III期。上述研究结果可丰富军曹鱼的繁殖生物学研究基础,阐明其早期性腺发育规律,还可为其人工繁殖提供理论依据。
  • 图  1  军曹鱼原始生殖细胞的胚后迁移

    a. 原始生殖细胞分布位置示意图(红点表示原始生殖细胞);b, c. 3 dph和5 dph单个游离存在的原始生殖细胞;d, e. 7 dph和9 dph原始生殖细胞迁移至生殖嵴;f. 11 dph原始生殖细胞周围开始出现体细胞聚集;g. 15 dph原始生殖细胞被体细胞包围形成原始性腺雏形;PGC. 原始生殖细胞;GC. 生殖细胞;SC. 体细胞;PG. 原始性腺;MD. 中肾管;G. 肠

    Fig.  1  Migration of primordial germ cells of Rachycentron canadum during early development

    a. Schematic diagram of PGCs distribution (red dots indicated primordial germ cells); b, c. individual PGC at 3 dph and 5 dph; d, e. PGCs arrive at the genital ridge at 7 dph and 9 dph; f. somatic cells began to aggregate around PGCs at 11 dph; g. somatic cells encompassed PGCs and the prototype primary gonad was formed at 15 dph; PGC. primordial germ cells; GC. germ cell; SC. somatic cell; PG. primary gonad; MD. mesonephric duct; G. gut

    图  2  军曹鱼原始性腺的分化

    a−e. 18 dph、21 dph、24 dph、27 dph和30 dph尚未出现分化特征的原始性腺;f. 34 dph早期卵巢,形成卵原细胞群;g. 34 dph推定的精巢组织;h. 40 dph早期精巢,精原细胞出现;i. 50 dph早期精巢,形成精原细胞囊;j. 44 dph早期卵巢,出现卵巢腔;k. 48 dph早期卵巢,卵巢腔扩大;l. 52 dph早期卵巢,卵原细胞开始向初级卵母细胞过渡;BC. 血细胞;BV. 血管;GC. 生殖细胞;PG. 原始性腺;O. 卵巢;OG. 卵原细胞;PT. 推定的精巢组织;T. 精巢;SG. 精原细胞

    Fig.  2  Differentiation of primary gonad of Rachycentron canadum

    a−e. Undifferentiated primary gonad at 18 dph, 21 dph, 24 dph, 27 dph and 30 dph; f. early differentiated ovary at 34 dph, clusters of oogonia formed; g. presumptive testis at 34 dph; h. early differentiated testis at 40 dph, clusters of spermatogonia formed; i. early differentiated testis at 50 dph, cysts of spermatogonia formed; j. early differentiated ovary at 44 dph, ovarian cavity formed; k. early differentiated ovary at 48 dph, ovarian cavity increased in size; l. early differentiated ovary at 52 dph, oogonia began to transform into primary oocytes; BC. blood cell; BV. blood vessel; GC. germ cell; PG. primary gonad; O. ovary; OG. oogonia; PT. presumptive testis; T. testis; SG: spermatogonia

    图  3  军曹鱼精巢首周年发育的组织学变化

    A, a. 60 dph精巢切片;B, b. 90 dph 精巢切片;C, c. 120 dph精巢切片;D, d. 150 dph精巢切片;E, e. 185 dph 精巢切片;F, f. 210 dph精巢切片;G, g. 360 dph精巢切片;SG. 精原细胞;PSC. 初级精母细胞;SSC. 次级精母细胞;ST. 精细胞;SP. 精子;BC. 血细胞

    Fig.  3  The histologic changes of first annual testicular development of Rachycentron canadum

    A, a. Section of testis at 60 dph; B, b. section of testis at 90 dph; C, c. section of testis at 120 dph; D, d. section of testis at 150 dph; E, e. section of testis at 185 dph; F, f. section of testis at 210 dph; G, g. section of testis at 360 dph; SG.spermatogonia; PSC. primary spermatocytes; SSC. secondary spermatocytes; ST. spermatids; SP. sperms; BC. blood cells

    图  4  军曹鱼卵巢首周年发育的组织学变化

    A, a. 60 dph卵巢切片;B, b. 90 dph卵巢切片;C, c. 120 dph卵巢切片;D, d. 150 dph卵巢切片;E, e. 185 dph卵巢切片;F, f. 210 dph卵巢切片;G, g. 360 dph卵巢切片;OG. 卵原细胞;I. 第I时相卵母细胞;II. 第II时相卵母细胞;III. 第III时相卵母细胞;NU. 核仁;OD. 油滴;YN. 卵黄核

    Fig.  4  The histologic changes of first annual ovarian development of Rachycentron canadum

    A, a. Section of ovary at 60 dph; B, b. section of ovary at 90 dph; C, c. section of ovary at 120 dph; D, d. section of ovary at 150 dph; E, e. section of ovary at 185 dph; F, f. section of ovary at 210 dph; G, g. section of ovary at 360 dph; OG. oogonium; I. oocyte at Stage I; II. oocyte at Stage II; III. oocyte at Stage III; NU. nucleolus; OD. oil droplet; YN. yolk nucleus

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