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倪旭彬 杜凌 史荒原

倪旭彬,杜凌,史荒原. 大尺度环流异常对南极印度洋扇区海表面高盐异常的影响[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(7):23–34 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021111
引用本文: 倪旭彬,杜凌,史荒原. 大尺度环流异常对南极印度洋扇区海表面高盐异常的影响[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(7):23–34 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021111
Ni Xubin,Du Ling,Shi Huangyuan. The role of large-scale circulation on the consistent positive salinity anomaly in the Indian sector of the Antarctic[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(7):23–34 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021111
Citation: Ni Xubin,Du Ling,Shi Huangyuan. The role of large-scale circulation on the consistent positive salinity anomaly in the Indian sector of the Antarctic[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(7):23–34 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021111


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021111
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题(2018YFA0605701);全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划(2015CB953902);国家自然科学基金(41576020,41976217)




  • 中图分类号: P731.12

The role of large-scale circulation on the consistent positive salinity anomaly in the Indian sector of the Antarctic

  • 摘要: 南极印度洋扇区分布了许多南极底层水的生成区,此海域海水盐度变化对全球的气候变化有着深远影响。本文采用EN4再分析数据、实测海豹资料和WOD18数据,结合大气再分析和海冰密集度数据,对南极印度洋扇区表面盐度长期变化及其对大尺度环流异常的响应进行探究。2008年以来,南极沿岸出现显著的海表面持续性高盐异常,其中印度洋扇区变化最为显著,表层高盐水主要集中在达恩利冰间湖附近与沙克尔顿冰架以北的海域。沿岸海域的高盐陆架水向北扩张且影响深度不断加深,高盐的绕极深层水上涌也更加明显。此高盐异常与南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,AAO)、印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean Dipole,IOD)两种大尺度环流密切相关。AAO与IOD正位相下,西风显著增强,促进海冰大量生成,为海表面提供了大量的盐通量。同时,海表面出现更显著的风场旋度负异常与低压异常,促进高盐深层水上涌,对高盐异常有重要维持作用。此外,纬向风剪切与蒸发增强也是影响该高盐异常的重要局地过程。
  • 图  1  1950−2018年60°S以南的EN4海表面盐度EOF分析结果


    Fig.  1  The first two EOFs of EN4 sea surface salinity in the south of 60°S from 1950 to 2018

    The time series of the first two EOFs are shown in a. b and c are the first and second mode with each contribution

    图  2  南极印度洋扇区表层盐度变化(a)及其小波分析(b)

    Fig.  2  The low frequency change of sea surface salinity derived from the observed and reanalysis data (a) and the wavelet analysis (b) in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (ISO)

    图  3  MEOP、WOD与EN4数据给出的1979–2002年(a)、2008–2018年(b)的南极印度洋扇区表层盐度分布

    Fig.  3  Surface salinity distribution derived from MEOP, WOD and EN4 in the Indian sector of the Antarctic during 1979–2002 (a) and 2008–2018 (b) respectively

    图  4  南极印度洋扇区两个时段的实测年均盐度(a)、各年7月(b)和2月(c)盐度的垂直廓线

    Fig.  4  The mean salinity profile observations in ISO during two time periods (a), and mean salinity profile in July (b), February (c) of each year

    图  5  1979–2002年(a)和2008–2018年(b)南极印度洋扇区EN4经向温(等值线,单位:°C)盐断面

    Fig.  5  Meridional mean salinity and temperature (isoline, unit: °C) sections in ISO (30°–120°E) during 1979–2002 (a) and 2008–2018 (b)

    图  6  1979−2018年间AAO、IOD指数序列与环流异常期间的南极海表面盐度异常合成分析结果

    Fig.  6  The AAO and IOD indices and the corresponding composite analysis of sea surface salinity anomaly in the Antarctic from 1979 to 2018

    图  7  南极冬季海表面气压异常与风场旋度异常的合成分析


    Fig.  7  The composite analysis of sea surface pressure anomaly and wind curl anomaly in the Antarctic in winter

    The solid line and the dashed line are corresponding to the positive and negative anomaly respectively

    图  8  南极冬季风场异常与秋季海冰密集度异常的合成分析

    Fig.  8  The composite analysis of winter wind anomaly and autumn sea ice concentration anomaly in the Antarctic

    图  9  高盐异常区(图3)的SSSa与局地风场的滑动相关

    Fig.  9  The running-mean correlation coefficients of zonal wind anomaly and wind curl anomaly with SSSa in the positive salinity anomaly (Figure 3)

    图  10  蒸发异常与降水异常在1979–2002年、2008–2018年两个时间段的平均态与AAO、IOD正位相下的合成分析


    Fig.  10  The climatological evaporation and precipitation anomaly during the 1979–2002, 2008–2018, and the composite analysis of AAO, IOD positive phases

    The shading color represents evaporation anomaly. The solid line and the dashed line are the positive and negative precipitation anomaly, respectively. a and b are the climatology of evaporation/precipitation anomaly in two period, c and d are their composite analysis corresponding to positive AAO and IOD phase

    表  1  1979−2018年间AAO、IOD指数的环流异常年份

    Tab.  1  The anomaly years of AAO and IOD indices from 1979 to 2018

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