Quantifying sediment fluxes from continental shelf islands
摘要: 大陆岛入海沉积物通量(Qs)信息对于精确解译大陆架沉积记录的研究是个重要补充。针对如何估算大陆岛Qs的科学问题,本文以中国东南部海域的8 227个大陆岛为例,提出了一种基于邻近大陆中小型河流Qs的经验公式计算大陆岛Qs的解决方案。该方案在实施时需设置两个假定,即大陆岛的Qs法则遵循邻近大陆中小河流的Qs法则和可将1个大陆岛当作1个河流流域计算其Qs。结果表明:(1)经验公式计算的大陆岛Qs为其最小估计值;如考虑大陆岛流域的具体情况,实际的Qs值会稍微增加,但其增幅不超过n0.13(n为流域数量);(2)经验公式能获取大陆岛Qs的大致数量级信息;大陆岛的总面积为4 418.49 km2,对应Qs的数量级为106 t/a,与邻近大陆中型河流入海通量的数量级相当;(3)在大河河口湾充填阶段完成以前,大陆岛沉积物是内陆架泥质沉积体的主要物源之一。因此,大陆岛入海沉积物会对大陆架沉积体系的形成和演化造成一定程度的影响,需引起研究人员的高度重视。Abstract: The information on sediment flux (Qs) from continental shelf islands is an important supplement to the study of accurate records interpretation of continental shelf sedimentary systems. Aiming at the scientific problem of how to estimate the Qs of continental islands, this paper proposes a solution to calculate their Qs based upon the empirical formula of small and medium-sized rivers in adjacent continent, taking the 8227 continental islands in Southeast China as examples. Two preconditions are set up to perform the calculation. That is, the Qs rule of the continental islands follows the rule of the small and medium-sized rivers in adjacent continent, and a continental island can be treated as a river basin to calculate its Qs. The results show that: (1) the Qs calculated by empirical formula is the minimum estimated value; if the actual basins of the continental island are taking into considered, the Qs value will slightly increase, but the increase will not exceed n0.13 (n is the number of basins); (2) the empirical formula give the approximate magnitude information of Qs for continent islands; the total area of the continental islands is 4418.49 km2, and the corresponding order of magnitude of Qs is 106 t/a; (3) during the completion of the estuarine filling stage, the continental island sediment is one of the main source for the inner continental shelf areas. Therefore, more attentions and researches are expected to the role play by the continental shelf islands to the formation and evolution of continental shelf depositional systems.
表 1 研究区26条河流特征参数特征值统计表
Tab. 1 Statistic of characteristics values of the 26 coastal rivers
编号 河流名称 流域面积/km2 最大高程/m 平均气温/℃ 水文站 集水面积/km2 Qs/ (104 t·a−1) Q/108 m3 时间段 主要参考文献 1 钱塘江 55 558 1 865 17.0 兰溪 18 233 155.95 314.4 1960–1979 [35] 2 椒江–永安溪 2 704 1 382 17.2 柏枝岙 2 475 42.32 22.10 1960–1979 [35] 3 椒江–始丰溪 1 610 1 144 16.8 沙段 1 482 33.31 10.40 1960–1979 [35] 4 瓯江 18 100 1 929 19.0 鹤城 13 400 195.15 133.75 1960–1979 [35] 5 飞云江 3 719 1 690 16.3 峃口 1 930 33.43 22.20 1960–1979 [35] 6 鳌江 1 530 1 232 18.5 埭头 343 6.38 4.91 1960–1979 [35] 7 水北溪 425 1 141 18.4 高滩 341 6.51 4.12 1970–1979 [37] 8 赛江 5 638 1 649 16.9 白塔 3 270 58.35 40.55 1960–1979 [37] 9 霍童溪 2 244 1 627 15.5 洋中坂 2 082 31.49 24.78 1960–1979 [37] 10 闽江 60 992 2 158 18.0 竹岐 54 500 748.00 539.00 1950–1978 [38] 11 木兰溪 1 732 1 451 20.0 濑溪 1 070 29.30 9.85 1959–1979 [39] 12 晋江 5 629 1 600 20.5 石砻 5 460 217.28 50.04 1950–1979 [40] 13 九龙江–北溪 9 640 1 823 20.5 浦南 8 490 166.72 82.41 1952–1979 [40] 14 九龙江–西溪 3 940 1 666 21.1 郑店 3 419 73.90 36.37 1952–1979 [40] 15 黄冈河 1 621 784 21.4 红霞 1 270 30.60 13.00 1956–1961 [34] 16 韩江 30 112 1 823 20.8 潮安 29 077 703.44 237.10 1955–1979 [41] 17 榕江 4 650 1 285 21.4 东桥园 2 016 65.40 28.10 1949–1979 [34] 18 东江 27 040 1 529 20.4 博罗 25 325 296.00 224.67 1954–1979 [42] 19 北江 46 710 1 929 20.0 石角 38 363 532.67 406.57 1954–1979 [42] 20 漠阳河 6 091 1 337 22.2 双捷 4 345 80.00 59.10 1954–1979 [34] 21 鉴江 6 948 1 703 22.0 化州 6 157 197.00 49.60 1953–1979 [43] 22 九洲江 3 337 596 22.3 缸瓦窑 3 086 34.00 18.40 1953–1979 [44] 23 南流河 9 232 1 257 22.0 长乐 6 592 115.00 52.79 1956–1979 [45] 24 南渡江 7 033 1 811 24.0 龙塘 6 841 44.99 59.98 1957–1979 [36] 25 昌化江 5 150 1 867 23.9 宝桥 4 634 83.88 37.99 1957–1979 [36] 26 万泉河 3 693 1 867 23.5 加积 3 236 52.97 49.89 1957–1979 [36] 表 2 沉积物入海通量(Qs,单位:Mt/a)经验公式
Tab. 2 Prediction equations of sediment flux (Qs, unit: Mt/a)
方程 全球公式 修正公式 备注 Model 1 Qs=65A0.56 Qs=112.88A0.91 A为流域面积(106 km2) Model 2 Qs=α10(0.41lg(A)+1.28lg(R)−3.68) Qs=α10(0.87lg(A)+0.31lg(R)−2.73) α为经验常数0.0315,A为流域面积(km2),R为最大高程(m) Model 3 Qs=2αA0.45R0.57e−0.09T Qs=2αA0.96R−0.72e−0.01T α为经验常数0.0315,A为流域面积(km2),R为最大高程(m),T为平均气温(℃) 表 3 “海南岛”Qs观测值、预测值和相对误差统计表
Tab. 3 Relative errors between the sediment flux predicted by the modified equations and observations of rivers in the Hainan Island
河流 观测值/(Mt·a−1) Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 预测值/(Mt·a−1) RE 预测值/(Mt·a−1) RE 预测值/(Mt·a−1) RE 南渡江 0.45 1.23 1.72 1.29 1.87 1.02 1.27 昌化江 0.84 0.86 0.03 0.93 0.11 0.69 −0.18 万泉河 0.53 0.62 0.17 0.68 0.28 0.49 −0.07 3条河流均值 0.61 0.90 0.64 0.97 0.75 0.73 0.34 “海南岛” 1.82 2.46 0.35 2.53 0.39 2.09 0.15 表 4 东海和南海内陆架泥质沉积体系陆源供给特征(表中数值均指数量级)
Tab. 4 Sediment sources characteristics of the mud sedimentary systems in inner continental shelf of East China Sea and South China Sea (the values in the table refer to order of magnitude)
物源 数量/(条·个−1) A/km2 R/m Qs/(t·a−1) 空间特征 时间特征 大型河流 100 106~107 103 107~108 沿大陆岸线有限点源、长距离 近2 000 a 中小河流 101 102~104 102~103 104~106 沿大陆岸线多点源、中距离 持续供给 大陆岛 103 ≤102 ≤102 100~105 沿海岛岸线密集点源、短距离 持续供给 -
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