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高丽萍 范德江 宋德海 仲毅 毕乃双 迟万清

高丽萍,范德江,宋德海,等. 苏北浒苔生长期运移路径及温盐环境的数值模拟[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(8):1–16 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021056
引用本文: 高丽萍,范德江,宋德海,等. 苏北浒苔生长期运移路径及温盐环境的数值模拟[J]. 海洋学报,2021,43(8):1–16 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021056
Gao Liping,Fan Dejiang,Song Dehai, et al. Numerical simulation of the migration path during the growth period of Ulva prolifera in the sea near northern Jiangsu and the thermohaline environment[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(8):1–16 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021056
Citation: Gao Liping,Fan Dejiang,Song Dehai, et al. Numerical simulation of the migration path during the growth period of Ulva prolifera in the sea near northern Jiangsu and the thermohaline environment[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2021, 43(8):1–16 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021056


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2021056
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(16YFA0600904);国家自然科学基金(41530966);NSFC−山东省联合基金(U1606401)




  • 中图分类号: P731;P733

Numerical simulation of the migration path during the growth period of Ulva prolifera in the sea near northern Jiangsu and the thermohaline environment

  • 摘要: 基于已验证的有限体积海岸海洋模型(FVCOM)和拉格朗日粒子离线追踪模块,模拟了潮、风、环流、温盐、波等外界强迫不同组合下苏北海域水面粒子的5种运移路径,通过实际漂流瓶轨迹验证,并进行路径间的差异与对应单强迫流场对比研究,探讨发端于苏北的浒苔运移路径及其影响因素。结果表明:浒苔运移路径先沿着苏北沿岸向北运移至废黄河口附近海域,之后向东北方向偏转继续运移,一直到山东半岛南部海域;影响苏北浒苔运移路径的外界强迫主要是风,其次是温盐、波浪、环流,潮流可以引起浒苔在局地的旋转往复运动,不能使其向北远距离漂移。漂流期间,苏北沿岸海域表层温度为18~24℃、盐度为28~31,温盐条件在浒苔最宜生长条件范围,是浒苔能边漂移边大面积暴发的原因之一。
  • 图  1  中国东部海域夏季主要表层环流[15](a)及南黄海7月表层环流[16](b)

    Fig.  1  The surface circulation of the eastern China seas in summer[15] (a) and the South Yellow Sea in July[16] (b)

    图  2  研究区网格布设及验证站位


    Fig.  2  Research area with grid layout and verification stations

    The blue triangles stand for grids; the red dots are the verification sites; the red fonts are the station names

    图  3  实验室水槽中漂流瓶(a)及其投放位置(b)

    Fig.  3  Drifting bottles in the lab tank (a) and their the origin sites (b)

    图  4  漂流瓶漂移轨迹、分区及对应时间(a)及2010年浒苔影响区域的MODIS卫星图片[8](b1−b4)

    Fig.  4  Drift tracks and drifting areas during the drift periods (a), MODIS satellite images of the Ulva prolifera influence area in 2010[8](b1−b4)

    图  5  研究区2018年5月25日至7月9日每日平均风速风向

    Fig.  5  The chart of daily mean wind speed and direction in the study areas during May 25 to July 9, 2018

    6  S1站流速、水位、温度、盐度(a−d),B3、S2站波高、波周期(e−f),大丰站、斗龙站水位(i−j),V3、V6站位流速、流向验证(k−l)模拟值与实测值对比


    6  Comparison graphes of simulated results and the in situ measured values of flow velocity, water level, temperature and salinity of S1 Station (a−d), wave heights and wave periods of B3 and S2 stations (e−f), water level of Dafeng and Doulong stations (i−j), flow velocity and direction of V3 and V6 stations (k−l)

    The absolute values of u and v represent the velocity of flow; the positive and negative values of u and v represent the flow direction; positive u (red) stands for the direction to the east; minus u (blue) represents the direction to the west; positive v (red) is the direction to the north; minus v (blue) is the direction to the south

    图  7  黄、渤海2月、8月表层和底层平均流场(a1、a2)、温度场(b1、b2)、盐度场(c1、c2)

    Fig.  7  The average flow fields (a1, a2), temperature fields (b1, b2)and salinity fields (c1, c2)of the bottom and surface of the study area in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea during February and August

    图  8  实验5的模拟表层流场(a)、盐度(b)、温度(c)和路径图(d−f)

    Fig.  8  The sea surface flow (a), salinity (b), temperature (c) and water particles paths (d−f) from the simulation map of the fifth experiment

    图  9  各流场(a1−a5)及其对应的水面粒子模拟路径(b1−b5)

    Fig.  9  Flow fields (a1−a5) under various external forces and its corresponding simulated particle paths (b1−b5)

    图  10  潮(a)、风(b)、温盐(c)、环流(d)、波(e)等单一外强迫影响的流场图

    Fig.  10  Single external force induced flow fields of tidal (a), wind (b), temperreture and salinity (c), circulation (d), and wave (e)

    图  11  漂流区(b)及其对应的漂流期表层平均温盐分布(a, c)

    Fig.  11  The drifting zones (b) and their corresponding mean surface salinity, temperature (a, c) during drift period

    表  1  实验外界强迫配置

    Tab.  1  The outside forces configuration of experiments

    实验1 (潮)61 300初始场+河流径流真实///
    实验2 (潮+风)61 300初始场+河流径流真实真实//
    实验3 (潮+风+温盐)61 300初始场+计算温盐+河流径流真实真实//
    实验4 (潮+风+环流+温盐)61 300初始场+计算温盐+河流径流真实真实/真实
    实验5 (潮+风+环流+温盐+波流耦合)61 300初始场+计算温盐+河流径流真实真实波流耦合真实
    实验6 (纯潮)61 300无初始场真实///
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    表  2  单一外界强迫下的流场、余流及其对应的模拟实验对应表

    Tab.  2  Table showing single external force induced flow fields, residual flow fields and their corresponding experiments

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    表  3  浒苔漂移时段经过的不同海域对应的海表温度、盐度时段表层及浒苔最宜生长温盐表

    Tab.  3  Temperature and salinity of the drift region surface average and Ulva prolirera grow most suitable

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