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楼鸿程 张永垂 姜德良 张胜军 夏星月 王雨星

楼鸿程,张永垂,姜德良,等. 海洋中尺度涡旋边缘次中尺度锋面调查方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(6):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024063
引用本文: 楼鸿程,张永垂,姜德良,等. 海洋中尺度涡旋边缘次中尺度锋面调查方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(6):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024063
Lou Hongcheng,Zhang Yongchui,Jiang Deliang, et al. Investigation methods of submesoscale fronts at the edge of mesoscale eddies in the ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(6):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024063
Citation: Lou Hongcheng,Zhang Yongchui,Jiang Deliang, et al. Investigation methods of submesoscale fronts at the edge of mesoscale eddies in the ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(6):1–13 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024063


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024063




  • 中图分类号: P731.21

Investigation methods of submesoscale fronts at the edge of mesoscale eddies in the ocean

  • 摘要: 海洋中尺度涡旋与其边缘的次中尺度锋面之间存在强烈的物质和能量交换以及复杂的动力过程。目前,对中尺度涡旋的调查研究已经日趋成熟,但由于次中尺度锋面的空间尺度小、时间变化快,对其三维结构的调查存在较大挑战。本文提出一种海洋中尺度涡旋边缘次中尺度锋面的调查方法。首先利用多源卫星遥感数据对中尺度涡旋及其边缘的次中尺度锋面进行识别,然后使用多型船载调查设备进行多学科综合调查。利用该方法对2023年8月21日至8月25日黑潮延伸体海域一个典型涡旋边缘次中尺度锋面进行调查方案设计。本文提出的调查方法可以有效地实现对中尺度涡旋边缘次中尺度锋面的识别、追踪与调查。
  • 图  1  海洋中尺度涡旋边缘的次中尺度锋面识别及调查方法流程图

    Fig.  1  Flowchart of submesoscale front identification and investigation methods at the edge of ocean mesoscale eddies

    图  2  SLA最外层闭合等值线法识别中尺度涡流程图

    Fig.  2  Flowchart of mesoscale eddies identified by SLA’s outermost closed isoline

    图  3  CMEMS卫星高度计2023年8月21日海表面高度异常及涡旋识别结果


    Fig.  3  Results of sea level anomaly and eddies identified on August 21, 2023 by CMEMS satellite altimeter

    The red closed isoline represents the anticyclonic eddy, the blue closed isoline represents the cyclonic eddy, the black arrow represents the geostrophic current, the red asterisk represents the intensity center of the anticyclonic eddy, and the blue asterisk represents the intensity center of the cyclonic eddy. The green box area is the sea area near a typical submesoscale front at the edge of the eddies

    图  4  MURSST/CoralTemp/OSTIA/OISST 4种SST卫星遥感数据对2023年8月21日黑潮延伸体海域温度梯度值的分布情况


    Fig.  4  The distribution of temperature gradient in Kuroshio Extension sea area on August 21, 2023 based on SST satellite remote sensing data of MURSST/CoralTemp/OSTIA/OISST

    The black box area in Fig.4a is the sea area near a typical submesoscale front at the edge of the eddies

    图  5  MURSST数据2023年8月21日黑潮延伸体海域海表面温度分布情况

    Fig.  5  Sea surface temperature distribution in the Kuroshio Extension Sea area on August 21, 2023 based on MURSST data

    图  6  2023年8月21日调查海域周边SLA、地转流及中尺度涡分布(a),2023年8月21日调查锋面周边SST、SLA及地转流分布(b)


    Fig.  6  Distribution of SLA, geostrophic currents and mesoscale eddies around the surveyed sea area on August 21, 2023 (a); distribution of SST, SLA and geostrophic currents around the surveyed front on August 21, 2023 (b)

    In Fig.6a, the green box in the middle is the area where the submesoscale front at the edge of typical mesoscale eddies resides. In Fig.6b, the magenta line is the SST contour line (℃), the colored part represents SLA, and the black arrow represents geostrophic currents

    图  7  2023年8月21日涡旋边缘的典型次中尺度锋面附近海域SST梯度分布

    黑线为0.18℃/km SST梯度等值线,蓝线为锋面主轴

    Fig.  7  Sea surface temperature gradient distribution near a typical submesoscale front at the edge of the eddies on August 21, 2023

    The black line is the isoline of sea surface temperature gradient of 0.18℃/km, and the blue line is the main axis of the front

    图  8  2023年8月21日典型次中尺度锋面附近海域温度梯度值分布


    Fig.  8  Distribution of temperature gradient in the sea area near a typical submesoscale front on August 21, 2023

    The yellow dot shows the location of the neutrally buoyant float, the blue line shows the main axis of the front, the black line shows the survey course, and the green line shows the planned survey course on August 21

    图  9  a、c、e、g为2023年8月22日至8月25日调查海域周边SLA、地转流及中尺度涡分布,b、d、f、h为2023年8月22日至8月25日调查锋面周边SST、SLA、地转流及主轴分布


    Fig.  9  a, c, e, g are the distributions of SLA, geostrophic currents and mesoscale eddies around the surveyed sea area from August 22 to August 25, 2023; b, d, f, h are the distributions of SST, SLA, geostrophic currents and main axis around the surveyed front from August 22 to August 25, 2023

    The cyan line segment in Fig.9 b, d, f, h is the main axis of the front

    图  10  MURSST数据2023年8月22日至8月25日典型次中尺度锋面附近海域温度梯度分布


    Fig.  10  MURSST data temperature gradient distributions of the sea area near a typical submesoscale front from August 22 to August 25, 2023

    Superposed by the main axis of the front and the navigational survey route, in which the green part is the planned survey route on that day

    表  1  不同航行速度下对应的MVP最大投放深度、最大投放深度对应的周期时间、平均速度、200 m投放深度周期时间、满足1 km观测分辨率最大周期时间

    Tab.  1  Under different sailing speeds, the corresponding MVP maximum depth, cycle time corresponding to the maximum depth, average speed, cycle time of 200 m depth, and the maximum cycle time meeting the observation resolution of 1 km

    航行速度/kn 最大投放
    平均速度/(m·s−1) 200 m投放深度单个
    1 km观测分辨率最大
    1 520 9.9 1.75 3.81 64.79
    2 457 8.4 1.81 3.68 32.40
    3 406 7.4 1.83 3.65 21.60
    4 368 6.9 1.78 3.75 16.20
    5 335 6.5 1.72 3.88 12.96
    6 310 6.4 1.61 4.13 10.80
    7 285 6.0 1.58 4.21 9.26
    8 265 5.9 1.50 4.45 8.10
    9 250 5.8 1.44 4.64 7.20
    10 235 5.8 1.35 4.94 6.48
    11 223 5.7 1.30 5.11 5.89
    12 200 5.6 1.19 5.60 5.40
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