Seasonal distribution of suspended matter in the northern East China Sea and barrier effect of current circulation on its transport
摘要: 依据1987年6月、1996年12月、1997年2月和1998年7月在东海北部所取得的悬浮体、温度和盐度资料就该区冬季和夏季的悬浮体分布、影响因素和输运进行了研究,结果表明该区悬浮体分布具有明显的季节性变化,在中、外陆架区悬浮体含量冬季明显高于夏季.悬浮体的分布及输运受到东海环流、风暴和潮流等的影响,其中东海环流的季节性变化是主要影响因素.受台湾暖流的阻隔,冬季和夏季长江入海泥沙在东海基本不能越过124°00'E以东海域.黄海沿岸流携带着老黄河口水下三角洲的再悬浮沉积物向陆架东南扩散,其搬运的量和在中、外陆架区的扩散范围冬季显著大于夏季.在黄海暖流的阻隔下,陆架悬浮体冬季和夏季在32°N断面很少能扩散至126°30'E以东海域.台湾暖流和黑潮爬升水的阻隔作用使得冬季和夏季陆架悬浮体在P-N断面也基本不能扩散至陆架边缘.冬季在东海北部可有部分陆架悬浮体输送到冲绳海槽,但有区域性,其输送的可能位置是在P-N断面以北、32°N断面以南之黄海沿岸流向东南延伸的陆架边缘;夏季陆架悬浮体基本滞留在陆架区.Abstract: The data of concentrations of suspended matter, temper ature and salinity in the northern East China Sea (ECS) were collected in June 1986, December 1996, February 1997 and July 1998 respectively.The distribution, its influential factors and transport of suspended matter in the northern ECS in winter and summer are studied.The results indicate that the distribution of suspended matter in the study area shows a seasonal variation, that is, the concentrations of suspended matter in this area in winter are much higher than those in summer.The influential factors for the distribution and transport of suspended matter in the study area are the ECS current circulation, storm and tidal current, and the controlling factor is the ECS current circulation.The suspended sediments from the Changjiang discharging into the sea can not almost be crossed to the east of 124°00'E both in winter and summer due to the obstr uction of Taiwan Warm Current (TWC).The diffusive area of the Huanghai Coastal Current (HCC) carrying a massive suspended matter resuspended in the old Huanghe subaqueous delta in the northern Jiangsu Province southeastwards in the winter is evidently larger than that in summer.The most shelf suspended matter in Section 32°N is limited in the west of 126°30'E due to the obstruction of the Huanghai Warm Current (HWC) both in winter and summer.The most shelf suspended matter in Section P-N also can not almost be transported to the shelf margin in winter and summer because of the obstruction of the TWC and climbing water of the Kuroshio Current.It is suggested that the possible area for the transport of suspended matter from the shelf to the Okinawa Trough in the northern ECS is in the shelf margin corresponding to the southeastern edge of the HCC with high concentration of suspended matter, and this main season is the w inter not the summer.
Key words:
- East China Sea /
- suspended matter /
- distribution /
- transport /
- seasonal variation
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