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Yang Qiuyan, Miao Junfeng, Wang Yuhui. A numerical study of impact of topography on sea breeze circulation over the Hainan Island[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 24-43.
Citation: Yang Qiuyan, Miao Junfeng, Wang Yuhui. A numerical study of impact of topography on sea breeze circulation over the Hainan Island[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2017, 39(3): 24-43.

A numerical study of impact of topography on sea breeze circulation over the Hainan Island

  • Received Date: 2016-05-22
  • One sea breeze circulation process over the Hainan Island is simulated by the WRF model on 25 May, 2014. The impact of topography on the sea breeze circulation is studied by changing the terrain height. The results show that the land-sea thermal difference, which is the trigger mechanism of sea breeze, reaches its top at 15:00 LST in CNTL experiment. In FLAT experiment, the main variations are embodied in two aspects, one is in the horizontal direction:the duration of the sea breeze becomes shorter, and the propagation distance of sea breeze reduces about 1~5 km. At the same time, the intensity of sea breeze weakens more than 1 m/s. Meanwhile, the kinetic energy of sea breeze exists great attenuation area in the coastal and southwest region, and the corresponding range of sea breeze convergence zone narrows down and the sea breeze convergence line also moves to the coastal regions. The other is in the vertical direction:the impacted location of different directions of sea breeze moves to the west and north, the backflow in high altitude and sea breeze thickness become lower. The intensity of the vertical circulation around sea breeze front reduces more than 10 cm/s. Moreover, the effect which the valley wind strengthens the sea breeze disappears. Its Influence mechanism can be summarized as the following two parts:in the dynamical aspect, the updraft and flow caused by mountains disappeared. In the thermal aspect, net radiation absorbed by the earth's surface decreases, which causes the releasing of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux decline about 9%, respectively. Ultimately, land-sea thermal difference and the corresponding air pressure difference all get smaller than CNTL, which weakens the basic characteristics of the sea breeze circulation. In addition, the results of the two experiments which only part of the mountains is removed show that the kinetic energy and convergence zone of sea breeze become weaker in the corresponding regions, and the structure of the vertical circulation also changes, the influence of Limu Mountain (RMLM) on sea breeze is greater than Wuzhi Mountain (RMWZ).
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