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Wang Xiao, Jiang Meijie, Liu Ping, Zhang Xuelei, Wang Yan, Wang Zongling. Distribution pattern of zooplankton and its influencing factors in the South Yellow Sea in autumn[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2016, 38(10): 125-134.
Citation: Wang Xiao, Jiang Meijie, Liu Ping, Zhang Xuelei, Wang Yan, Wang Zongling. Distribution pattern of zooplankton and its influencing factors in the South Yellow Sea in autumn[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2016, 38(10): 125-134.

Distribution pattern of zooplankton and its influencing factors in the South Yellow Sea in autumn

  • Received Date: 2015-07-29
  • Based on the data of zooplankton and relative environmental factors investigated in the South Yellow Sea (32°20'-37°00'N, west of 124°E) during October to December, 2007, species composition, distribution pattern of zooplankton and their influencing factors were analysed. Results are as follows:113 species of zooplankton were identified (not including 25 planktonic larvae), Calanus sinicus, Aidanosagitta crassa, Euphausia larvae and Doliolum denticulatum were the dominant species; the abundance and biomass of zooplankton in our cruise was (156.37±12.04) ind/m3 and (172.57±10.41) mg/m3, respectively, which remained at a high level compared with historical data; distribution pattern of Euphausia larvae was in accordance with that of Pseudeuphausia sinica, therefore, autumn is a critical period for the population recruitment of P. sinica; the mass occurance of D. denticulatum was the result of population recruitment; the distribution area of Euchaeta concinna and Flaccisagitta enflata was located in the deeper water and the two species rarely occurred in coastal waters; high abundance of C. sinicus and A. crassa tended to occur near the oceanic front, which further testified the accumulation effect of oceanic front on zooplankton species.
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