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Lu Wuyang, Ma Zengling, Xu Zhaoli, Gao Qian. Variation of zooplankton communities in Chinese estuaries along latitudes in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2016, 38(10): 83-93.
Citation: Lu Wuyang, Ma Zengling, Xu Zhaoli, Gao Qian. Variation of zooplankton communities in Chinese estuaries along latitudes in spring[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2016, 38(10): 83-93.

Variation of zooplankton communities in Chinese estuaries along latitudes in spring

  • Received Date: 2016-03-16
  • Based on the zooplankton samples from stations in Beilun Estuary, Jiulongjiang Estuary, Oujiang Estuary, Changjiang Estuary (Yangtze River) and Guanhe Estuary(covering 14 latitudes) in April or May of 2010 to 2012, the community features of Diversity index(H'), replacement rate(R) and similarity coefficient(S) were compared. This paper also analyzed the variation and reasons of zooplankton community in different estuaries. The results indicated that the zooplankton community of the five estuaries were divided into three different zooplankton fauna, which were the southern subtropical, central transitional and northern temperate from the south to the north. The southern subtropical zooplankton fauna included Beilun Estuary and Jiulong Estuary. In this fauna, the subtropical species was the mainly and a different diversity index (H') (1.01 and 2.18) were recorded, located in the subtropical sea. There placement rate(R) and similarity coefficient(S) were respectively 65.52% and 51.28% between Beilun Estuary and Jiulong Estuary. In central transitional zooplankton fauna, constituted by Oujiang Estuary and Changjiang Estuary, it was exclusively of the subtropical species and warm temperate species, which had an alike diversity index (H') (1.31 and 1.86, respectively), situated in the transition waters between subtropical and temperate. Between the two estuaries, the replacement rate(R) were lowest (58.33%) and the similarity coefficient(S) were highest (58.82%). At high latitude, only the Guanhe Estuary belongs to the northern temperate, the warm temperate species was dominated, which had a lower diversity index (H') (1.19) and located in the temperate sea. The replacement rate(R) and similarity coefficient(S) of Guanhe Estuary were significantly different from the other estuaries. From south to north, along with the increase of latitude, the structure of estuarine zooplankton community has changed significantly. Linear regression figured that replacement rate(R) was positively correlated with the difference of longitude between the two estuaries in Chinese (ΔN), R=0.026ΔN+0.608(p=0.002). Similarity coefficient(S) was negatively correlated with the difference of longitude (ΔN), S=-0.034ΔN+0.578(p=0.001). In spring, the main reasons which caused the variation of zooplankton community between different estuaries was due to the difference of the influence of temperature and water masses.
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