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Liu Bo, Zhou Tianjun, Zou Liwei, Dong Lu. Simulation of northwestern Pacific circulation and its variability in a regional ocean-atmosphere model——FROALS[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(9): 17-28.
Citation: Liu Bo, Zhou Tianjun, Zou Liwei, Dong Lu. Simulation of northwestern Pacific circulation and its variability in a regional ocean-atmosphere model——FROALS[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(9): 17-28.

Simulation of northwestern Pacific circulation and its variability in a regional ocean-atmosphere model——FROALS

  • Received Date: 2014-10-22
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-03-22
  • The authors evaluated the performance of a regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model (FROALS) in the simulation of the surface circulation and its interannual variability during 1984-2007 over the northwestern Pacific. FROALS well reproduced the mean state of sea surface temperature but with an obvious cold bias. The climatology of surface currents and its inter-annual variability are reproduced reasonably for both summer and winter. The bias of simulated surface circulation is mainly associated with the sea surface height bias. Due to stronger heat transport by Kuroshio in FROALS,the warm bias of simulated sea surface temperature was found along Kuroshio path. For inter-annual variability of surface currents,the ENSO-related inter-annual signal was well reproduced in FROALS. During El Niño years,North Equatorial Current (NEC) and Mindanao Current (MC) were stronger,while sea surface height of low-latitude western Pacific were lower than normal years; during La Niña years it showed opposite pattern. The discrepancy was that the inter-annual signal in FROALS is stronger than observation.
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