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Zhang Weiyan, Yu Xiaoguo, Liu Yanguang, Jin Lu, Ye Liming, Xu Dong, Bian Yeping, Zhang Deyu, Yao Xuying, Zhang Fuyuan. Paleoenvironmental record of core M04 in the Chukchi Sea Basin during Late Pleistocene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(7): 85-96.
Citation: Zhang Weiyan, Yu Xiaoguo, Liu Yanguang, Jin Lu, Ye Liming, Xu Dong, Bian Yeping, Zhang Deyu, Yao Xuying, Zhang Fuyuan. Paleoenvironmental record of core M04 in the Chukchi Sea Basin during Late Pleistocene[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(7): 85-96.

Paleoenvironmental record of core M04 in the Chukchi Sea Basin during Late Pleistocene

  • Received Date: 2014-08-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-04-15
  • A gravity core M04 was taken from the Chukchi Sea Basin during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2012. All samples were analyzed for grain size,ice-raft detritus,clay mineral,XRF scanning and sediment color features. The stratigraphic framework of core M04 since Marine Isotope Stage 4 was established by synthesizing results of IRD,color cycles,clay proxies (kaolinite to illite and kaolinite to chlorite ratios),AMS14C ages,as done previously for other cores. It is clearly distinguished between sediments deposited during glacial and interglacial with the grain size and clay mineral composition of sediments. During glacial,the grain size distribution is bimodal components of the sediment through the current transport and sea ice transport process,with high content of illite and low content of kaolinite. In contrast,during interglacial,the grain size distribution is trimodal components of the sediment through the current transport and sea ice and iceberg transport process,with content of illite reducsing and content of kaolinite increasing. Clay-mineral association in core M04 and the adjacent marginal continental shelf areas are compared to identify source areas and transport pathways of terrigenous material in the Chukchi Sea Basin during the Late Pleistocene. Based on the above study,it is indicated that sedimentary environment has been significantly changed from the late Pleistocene.During the interglacial stage,terrestrial sources input into the study area from the Beaufort Sea driven by Beaufort Gyre,but during the glacial stage,fine particulate terrigenous input from the East Siberian Sea driven by the opposite direction circulation.
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