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Li Jianghai, Zhang Huatian, Li Honglin. The tectonic setting and evolution of Indian Ocean ——Research progress of tectonic map of Indian Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(7): 1-14.
Citation: Li Jianghai, Zhang Huatian, Li Honglin. The tectonic setting and evolution of Indian Ocean ——Research progress of tectonic map of Indian Ocean[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2015, 37(7): 1-14.

The tectonic setting and evolution of Indian Ocean ——Research progress of tectonic map of Indian Ocean

  • Received Date: 2014-10-31
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-01-15
  • The Tectonic Map of Indian Ocean(1:15 000 000) is compiled to reflect the integrated geology,geomorphology,geophysics,and resource character of Indian Ocean. It is based on newly updated geophysical data,and combines materials obtained through COMRA cruises. The map aims to provide theory support for promoting the research of Indian Ocean tectonic evolution and resource distribution. The compiling methods,data,map content,and tectonic division is introduced in this paper. This paper further analyzed the tectonic pattern of Indian Ocean,which is recognized as various micro-continents,multiple spreading episodes,enriched oceanic plateaus and aseismic ridges,and λ-pattern mid-ocean ridges. Based on previous studies,three stages of tectonic evolution of Indian Ocean is revealed: (1)Breakup of Gondwana Continent and initial seafloor spreading (Jurassic-Mid Cretaceous),(2) seafloor spreading accompanied with spreading center jump (Mid Cretaceous-early Paleogene),and (3) closing of Neo-Tethys Ocean and rifting of East African Rift (Cenozoic). The modern pattern of various micro-continents,multiple spreading episodes,and λ-pattern mid-ocean ridges took shape in early Paleogene.
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