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Tian Yongsheng, Qi Wenshan, Jiang Jing, Wang Lei, Zhang Yingping, Liu Wanjun, Chen Honglin, Chen Songlin. Analysis of phenotype and genetic variation of on “Flounder No.1” Paralichthys Olivaceus and their parental populations[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(6): 75-86.
Citation: Tian Yongsheng, Qi Wenshan, Jiang Jing, Wang Lei, Zhang Yingping, Liu Wanjun, Chen Honglin, Chen Songlin. Analysis of phenotype and genetic variation of on “Flounder No.1” Paralichthys Olivaceus and their parental populations[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(6): 75-86.

Analysis of phenotype and genetic variation of on “Flounder No.1” Paralichthys Olivaceus and their parental populations

  • Received Date: 2013-04-18
  • Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is one of the most popularspecies for fishing and breeding in China and the Atlantic coast,so it is of great importance for the protection of genetic resources and the development of new species. In present study,18 phenotypic traits of "Flounder No.1" (ZJ),a newly breeding species of Japanese flounder,as well as its male (the Korean Japanese flounder stock,KS) and female parents (F0750 family,JX),were measured. The data were compared by ANOVA and SPSS software. The results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) between "flounder No.1" and its parents regarding 6 traits,e.g. body length/body width,head length/eye diameter,head length/eye spacing,eye diameter/eye spacing,lateral line scales and caudal fin ray which can be used as typical characters for identification of "Flounder No.1". In "Flounder No.1",50% of the traits showed no significant differences (p>0.05) bcompared to its female parent,while the value decreased to 33.3% between "flounder No.1" and its male parent. A total of 24 microsatellite primers were designed to screen the genetic diversity of KS,JX,ZJ and FJ (reciprocal cross offspring),and 143 alleles were identified. For four populations,KS,JX,ZJ and FJ,their mean allelic number (Na) was higher than the effective mean number of alleles (Nae),the mean heterozygosity was higher than the predicted value. The polymorphism information content (PICa) showed that KS>JX>FJ>ZJ,indicating that the artificial breeding caused the reduction of the genetic heterozygosity. Among the four populations,the genetic deviation index (D) of 24 above mentioned microsatellite loci ranged from-0.759 7 to 0.188 4. And in KS,JX,ZJ and FJ,10,16,11 and 17 loci were significantly (p<0.05) or extremely (p<0.01) deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,respectively. The genetic-differentiation-index (Fst) of 24 loci ranged from 0.076 7 to 0.258 6,with the mean value 0.1468,which suggests that 14.68% of the variations result from the interspecies,while 85.32% are intraspecific variations. Furthermore,there was significant difference for Neis genetic distance among four populations. The nearest genetic distance occured between KS and FJ (0.282 5),togehter with the highest genetic similarity coefficient (0.753 9). While the furthest (0.420 5) one was found between ZJ and JX with the lowest (0.656 7) genetic similarity coefficient. In this study,the observation indicated: "flounder No.1" has the obvious phenotypic and genetic characteristics,shows a certain degree of genetic differentiation in intraspecies and interspecies in comparison to its parents and reciprocal cross offspring,which provides the theoretical basis for the germplasm identification of "Flounder No.1".
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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