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Chan Zhuhua, Liu Yang, Wang Zhaokai, Zhong Tianhua, Zeng Runying. Isolation, screening and enzyme diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria in Chinese coastal waters[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 115-122.
Citation: Chan Zhuhua, Liu Yang, Wang Zhaokai, Zhong Tianhua, Zeng Runying. Isolation, screening and enzyme diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria in Chinese coastal waters[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 115-122.

Isolation, screening and enzyme diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria in Chinese coastal waters

  • Received Date: 2013-01-27
  • To investigate phylogenetic and enzyme production diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria, we got the samples from China's offshore of Tianjing, Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian and Hainan. 108 moderately halophilic strains were isolated, 26 of which could produce at least one type of enzymes. According to physiological and biochemical characteristics, 16S rRNA sequences and phylogenetic analysis, the 26 moderately halophilic strains belonged to genera Halomonas, Idiomarina, Virgibacillus, Pontibacillus, Oceanobacillus, Halobacillus or Marinilactibacillus separately. The sequences had the similarity(97%-100%) to the type strains of each genera. Some moderately halophilic bacteria might be a novel species. The substrates specific experiment indicated that there were 13 moderately halophilic strains producing protease, 19 strains producing amylase, 13 strains producing esterase, 4 strains producing cellulose. And there were 6 strains producing three enzymes and 11 strains producing two enzymes simultaneously. The research indicated that there was not only abundant phylogenetic and enzyme diversity of moderately halophilic bacteria, but also some unknown bacteria groups existed in China's offshore, which provided references for reasonable development and utilization of halophilic microbial resources.
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