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Shi Yunrong, Chao Min, Shen Xinqiang. Characteristic and monthly variations of set net fish community structure in the Changjinag River estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 81-92.
Citation: Shi Yunrong, Chao Min, Shen Xinqiang. Characteristic and monthly variations of set net fish community structure in the Changjinag River estuary[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2014, 36(2): 81-92.

Characteristic and monthly variations of set net fish community structure in the Changjinag River estuary

  • Received Date: 2012-12-29
  • In order to analysis the current characteristics and temporal variations of fish community structure of the Changjiang River estuary, fishes were collected every month from May 2010 to April 2011, using set nets. During the study time, 56 fish species were sampled, Perciformes (27 taxa) and Clupeiformes (10 species) were the two most abundant orders. Among the total 56 species, 26 demersal species, 21 pelagic species and 9 benthic species were caught. Fish faunas showed typical subtropical features, thus 25 tropical species and 31 warm-water taxa were found respectively. Both abundances and biomass were dominated by a few species. In terms of fish ecological guild, numbers of species were mainly represented by marine migrants and estuarine species, while marine migrants were the most important guild whether in abundance or biomass. Mean fish species richness was lowest and highest recorded in January 2011 (7.2 species) and July (18.3 taxa), respectively. Total abundance had a minimum in January 2011 (71 individuals per net) and a maximum during November 2010 (2 272 individuals per net). Fish biomass, got reached minimum values in September (11 892 g per net), and maximum during January 2011 (351 g per net). Temporal variations in abundances of the most abundant species varied may be related to reduce the competition behaviour. Average Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indexes, using abundance data, reached maximum in July 2010 (2.69) and August (0.77), respectively, and both minimum June (1.44 and 0.44, respectively). Non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS showed that community structures in two continued months were similar, however, that in December 2010 differs from that in January 2011, the method also illustrated a clear division into four distinct groups of samples (GroupⅠ: samples capturing from January 2011 to April 2011; GroupⅡ: samples capturing from May 2010 to the first half month of August 2010; Group Ⅲ: samples capturing from the second half month of November 2010 to December 2010; Group Ⅳ: samples sampling between the second half month of August 2010 and the first half month of November 2010). Additionally, multi regression model demonstrated that among the three variables (temperature, salinity and inflow) examined, temperature was the most important variable influencing the abundance across the study period. Due to the increasing fishing pressure on fish community of the Yangtze River estuary, one measure for management is to reduce the high fishing effort.
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